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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-10-01 22:00:00

Miz is in the ring and the crowd loves him after what he did to Truth last night.

Miz welcomes everyone to MizTV and he brings out his guests, Oba Femi and Tony D'Angelo.

Miz asks Tony about his preparation and that he said he is afraid of facing Oba again.  How is this match different than No Mercy.  Tony says he has been known to take care of things, but Oba dominates in ever facet.  That is why he is the most dominant North American champion.  He says he has felt Oba's explosiveness and he uses his fear to do the unthinkable.  He will stand toe to toe with Oba and dethrone him to become the new North American champion.

Miz asks Oba for a response.  Oba says that Miz has been in the game for a long time and he knows when you can believe what someone is saying and Tony doesn't believe a single thing he is saying.  He says Tony has had a successful career, but he has a ceiling.  You can throw bodies over the bridge and have as many side hustles as  you want, but you won't be North American Champion because it is his title.

Tony says Oba talks about him like he knows him.  Tony says he grew up 20 minutes from this building in the streets of Chicago.  He says he has family and friends in the crowd and they motivate him to be the man he is today.

Oba says none of them can fight for him because next week will be the two of them and only the two of them in the ring.  We remember what happened the last time they were in the ring together.  He sdays he beat and broke Tony and put doubt in his mind.  We know the answer to the question and Oba says that Tony can't beat him.

They go face to face while Miz watches.

Tony tells Oba he is just a man.

Oba tells Tony he is inevitable.  He tells Tony he is still broken.

We take a look back at the return of Cora Jade to NXT.  

Cora is asked about her return.

Cora says everyone forgot about her.

Roxanne shows up and wants to know what was that.

Cora says she likes Roxanne's new attitude and she says that Cora is still the champion.

Roxanne suggests that they might reunite over a common enemy.

Kelani Jordan joins Vic and Booker for the next match.

Match Number Three:  Jaida Parker and Lola Vice versus Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne (with Jazmyn Nyx)

Jacy and Jaida start things off and they lock up and they push each other.  Jaida with a side head lock take down.  Jaida slaps Jacy and applies a side head lock and Jaida with a shoulder tackle.  Lola tags herself in and she gets a near fall.  Lola with a front face lock.  Jacy with a wrist lock and she sends Lola to the mat.  Fallon tags in and Lola with punches to Jacy and Fallon.  Jaida tags in and she punches Fallon.  Jaida with an Irish whip and she blocks a boot and puts Fallon in the ropes.  She puts Jacy on top of Fallon and Jaida with a springboard seated splash onto both women.  Lola tags in and she sets for the Shakira hip strike.  Lola with an arm bar on Fallon.  Lola kicks Fallon and she punches Fallon in the corner.

Jaida tags in and she connects with shoulders.  Lola tags in and she punches Fallon in the corner.  Jaida tags in and she hits a series of short shoulder tackles.  Jaida with an arm breaker.  Fallon with forearms to Lola and Jaida.  Jaida with a kick to Fallon and Fallon with a jaw breaker and both are down.  Lola with a super kick when Jacy tries to interfere.  Lola and Jaida argue and Fallon hits Jaida from behind.  Fallon with a front face lock.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jacy with a body scissors.  We see Jazmyn distracting Lola during the commercial break to allow Jacy and Fallon to work over Lola.  Lola leans back and gets a near fall.  Lola with a take down and Jacy punches and kicks Lola.  Jacy with a cannonball to Lola for a near fall.  Jacy with an Irish whip and she hits a running hip into the corner.  Fallon tags in and Jacy with a snap mare and kick while Fallon follows with a sllding clothesline for a near fall.  Fallon with an Irish whip and forearm in the corner.  Lola with punches and a kick.  Lola with a guillotine and body scissors.  Both with clotheslines and both go down.  

Jazmyn distracts Jaida on the apron and Fallon pushes Lola into Jaida and she falls off the apron.  Jaida walks away and Jacy tags in.  Lola with a head scissors take down on both.  Lola with spinning kicks to everyone but Lola with a rolling elbow.  Fallon tags in and they hit a double knee for the three count.

Winners:  Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley

After the match, Jacy says that is a statement made.  They say the North American championship is next.  They tell Kelani to come into the ring.

Kelani makes her way to the ring and she says she didn't come to Chicago alone.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair make their way to the ring.

Jade and Bianca with forearms and then Bianca with a slam to Jacy and Jade with a knee to Fallon.  Bianca sends Jacy into Fallon and Jade with a splash into the corner.  Jade with a fallaway slam to Fallon and then Kelani with a double drop kick.

We take a look at Je"Von Evans.  He talks about Randy Orton calling him out.  He talks about how he was an OG at a young age.  Randy says he was given opportunities when he was Je'Von's age.  Je'Von says that when he walks into Randy's home town, he can't be a fan.  Randy says he wants to test Evans to see if he could be the next Randy Orton.  This match could make Evans th top prospect.  Orton says he would like to see if he can hit an RKO that knocks everyone's socks off.  Evans says he is coming for Randy.

Next week, Axiom and Nathan Frazer defend the tag titles against Grayson Waller and Austin Theory.  Oba Femi faces Tony D'Angelo for the North American title.  Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair, and Kelani Jordan face Fatal Influence.

We have a video package for Ethan Page and Trick Williams.

We take a look at a video package for Halloween Havoc.

Match Number Four:  Ethan Page versus Trick Williams for the NXT Men's Championship with Guest Referee CM Punk

They lock up and Page backs Trick into the corner and Punk pulls Page off Trick.  Page has some words for Punk.  They lock up and Trick backs Page into the corner and Punk pulls Trick out of the corner.  Page with a rollup for a near fall.  Trick with a rollup for a near fall when Page argues with Punk.  They lock up and Page pushes Trick and Punk blocks a punch by Trick.  Page with a double leg take down and he uses the ropes and Punk sees it so he stops his count.  Trick with punches and a flying clothesline.  Trick gets a near fall.  Page sends Trick into the ropes and connects with a boot to the head for a near fall.  Trick with a drop kick that sends Page to the floor.

Trick goes to the floor and he connects with forearms to the back and he sends Page into the ringside barrier and apron.  Page sends Trick through the fragile portion of the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Page gets a near fall.  Page has some words for Punk.  Page with a kick to Trick and a second one.  Trick starts to Hulk up and Trick blocks a kick.  Trick with punches and uppercuts.  Page with a knee and DDT for a near fall.  Page puts Trick in the corner and Page misses a double knee strike when Trick moves.  Trick with a neck breaker and both men are down.  Trick and Page exchange punches but Trick with the advantage.  Trick with two jumping side kicks and a flapjack.  Trick with a cyclone kick and Page falls to the floor.  Trick goes to the floor and Page sends Trick into the ring steps.

Page sets for an Ego's Edge through the announce table and he hits it and the table collapses.  Page returns to the ring and Punk checks on Trick and Punk yells at Booker for what he is doing.  Trick gets back in the ring and Trick with a jumping knee.  Page falls onto Trick for a near fall.  Punk refuses to count them down.  Punk picks them up and Trick and Page exchange punches.  Page with a knee and Trick sets for a uranage but Page with elbows and a kick.  Page with a boot and Trick with a pop up uppercut and a running snap neck breaker.  Trick with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Page avoids a knee and Page wtih a knee and a near fall.  

Punk and Page argue the semantics of counting and Page gets Trick up for a Go 2 Sleep in front of Punk and he hits it for a near fall.  Page picks up Trick for an Ego's Edge but Trick escapes and he falls into Punk.  Page misses a boot and Trick with a jumping knee and he gets the three count.

Winner:  Trick Williams (new champion)

After the match, Trick celebrates his victory with confetti while Punk and Page push each other.  Punk with a Go 2 Sleep to Page.

We go to credits.

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