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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-10-01 22:00:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring and there is a lectern sitting in the ring with a title belt on it.

Shawn welcomes everyone to the premiere of NXT on the CW and he says what better place than Chicago.  He says we can't have a new NXT on a new network without new titles.  Shawn says the men and women will make history tonight so he has one question for you.  

Triple H asks ARE YOU READY and he makes his way to the ring.


Match Number One:  Giulia versus Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship

They lock up and Giulia with a clean break and Perez with a waist lock but Giulia with a wrist lock.  Perez with a reversal.  Giulia rolls out of the hold.  Giulia with a single leg take down and a shoulder tackle.  Giulia with a rollup for a near fall.  Perez with a rollup for a near fall.  They go back and forth with near falls.  Giulia drop kicks Perez.  Perez pushes Giulia and Giulia with a head butt.  Giulia tries for a hammer lock slam but Perez escapes.  Giulia escapes Pop Rox.  Perez goes for a cross face but Giulia avoids it.  Giulia with an STF but Perez escapes and applies a cross face.  Giulia with a rollup for a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Perez with a hammer lock.  We see footage of Perez hitting a Northern Lights suplex during the break.  Back to live action and Giulia with a flying mare.  Perez with a forearm and she pie faces Giulia.  They go back and forth with forearms and slaps.  Giulia with head butts and Perez struggles to stay on her feet against the ropes.  Giulia tosses Perez to the mat a few times by the hair.  Giulia with a forearm and a hammer lock suplex for a near fall.  Giulia goes for a slam but Perez escapes.  Giulia with another head butt.  Perez with a forearm.  Giluia with forearms.  Perez kicks Giulia away and Perez with a head scissors to send Giulia to the floor followed by a suicide dive.  Perez sends Giulia back into the ring and she goes up top but Giulia with a boot in the corner.

Giulia sets for a butterfly superplex and she hits it and gets a near fall.  Giulia with Rings of Saturn but Perez rolls through for a near fall.  Perez with a cross face.  Giulia tries to get to the ropes and Perez kicks the rope to get back into the center of the ring.  Giulia with an STF.  Perez gets to the ropes to force a break.  Giulia with a belly-to-back suplex and she misses a kick.  Perez gets a near fall.  Perez rolls through on a back slide and Giulia with a knee to the head for a near fall.  Perez escapes a slam and gets a near fall with an inside cradle.  Perez with Pop Rox and Giulia rolls to the floor.  Giulia with a Northern Lights Bomb on the floor and both women are down and the referee starts his count.

They both get back into the ring at nine and Perez rolls back to the floor.  Perez crawls around the ring and grabs the new title belt and she brings it into the ring.  

A hooded woman comes out and hits Guilia with a DDT on the floor and she rolls Giulia back into the ring.  Perez with Pop Rox for the three count.

Winner:  Roxanne Perez (retains championship)

The person in the hooded jacket removes the hood and it is Cora Jade.

We see CM Punk, Trick Williams, and Ethan Page arriving at the arena.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Axiom and Nathan Frazer are playing video games talking about their tag title match next week.  Axiom tells Frazer he has to control his temper.  Axiom tells Frazer not to be a hot head and Frazer says he isn't.  They lose to Theory and Waller on the video game.

Frazer comes back and says Axiom has a point.

Ava is with CM Punk and she wants him to call the match down the middle.

Lexis King shows up and he wants to talk to Punk.

Punk asks King if that is a Chicago star in his hair.  

King says he isn't trying to be like his father.  He says he had the chance to be the better man against Oro Mensah and he could have cheated but he didn't but he lost.

Punk says you have to win at all costs or fight against your genes.

We have a video package for Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee.

We are back and Lola Vice and Jaida Parker are in LOCKER ROOM and they both say the other needs them.  Kelani Jordan tells them to save it for each other.  Lola and Jaida continue to argue and leave.  Jordan says she is glad she has a backup plan.

Match Number Two:  Wes Lee versus Zachary Wentz in a Street Fight

Lee does a flip dive to the floor as Wentz enters the ring.  Wentz with a dive onto Lee.  Wentz sends Lee into the apron.  Wentz sends Lee into the buggy.  Wentz takes the shopping cart and runs it into Lee against the ring steps.  Wentz sends Lee back itno the ring and Wentz goes under the ring for a board.  Lee with a suicide dive when Wentz cannot see Lee in the ring because of the board.  Lee sends Wentz into the ring.  Lee throws chairs into the ring and two land right next to Wentz for him to potentially use.  Lee with a kendo stick and he hits Wentz with it.  Lee swings and misses with the kendo stick and Wentz with a super kick and he hits Lee in the back with a chair.  Wentz gets another chair and hits Lee in the back with it.  Lee sends Wentz to the apron and Wentz with a rear naked choke in the ropes.

They go to the apron and Wentz returns to the rear naked choke but Lee falls off the apron through a board put on four chairs.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wentz with a coast to coast into a trash can.  Wentz gets a near fall.  Wentz puts a chair into the turnbuckles as we see Wentz sent onto chairs during the break.  Back to live action, Lee with a punch and knee to the midsection.  Wentz stops short of the chair in the corner but Lee drop kicks Wentz into the chair.  Wentz with a modified Bang A Rang onto a chair.  Wentz gets a near fall.  Wentz tosses the trash can into the ring and e hits Lee with a kendo stick a few times.  Wentz puts the trash can over Lee and he takes some batting practice on Lee with the kendo stick and hits a double stomp onto Lee in the trash can.  Wentz goes up top and he hits a twisting senton onto Lee for a near fall.

Wentz goes for a springboard move but Lee pushes Wentz off the top rope onto a table on the floor.  Lee sends Wentz back into the ring and Lee witha springboard double stomp onto Wentz hanging on the chair for a near fall.  Lee wraps a chain around his fist and they head butt each other and they go down.  Wentz gets up first and he has a chair.  Lee begs for mercy and Wentz says he doesn't really want to do this and Lee kicks Wentz in the groin and Lee punches Wentz with the chain around his fist.  Lee goes to the turnbuckles for Meteora with the chain around his knees to Wentz on the chair and he gets the three count.

Winner:  Wes Lee

Miz walks in the back as we go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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