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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-08-30 14:57:00

Nick Aldis is in the ring.

Nick says it feels good to be in Berlin for Smackdown.  He says in 24 hours, there are going to be matchups that can change the future of WWE forever.  Bash in Berlin is the culmination of a successful tour of Europe for the WWE.

We have a video package.

Nick says THE most important match tomorrow night is for the Undisputed Championship so he brings out the challenger, Kevin Owens.  Nick also brings out the champion, Cody Rhodes.

Nick wishes both of them luck tomorrow and he says the floor is theirs and Nick leaves the ring.

Kevin asks Cody what does he want to talk about and he points out that Cody says that all the time.

Cody speaks in German and Kevin asks what he said and Cody says he wants to talk about the title and their match tomorrow.

Kevin says there is something he would like to talk about.  He wants to talk about what happened to Cody's knee on the tour this week.  

Cody says nothing happened to his knee.  He says his knee is fine and it is good.  Cody wants to talk about last week.  They beat Waller and Theory and that was great.  Cody mentions the stuff that happened at the end gave him pause.  Cody says Kevin handed him the belt, but some think if Cody hadn't turned that Kevin was going to hit him in the back.  Cody mentions Kevin's track record and says he is just asking.

Kevin says he gets it.  That video that Waller showed, he said they all deserved it . . . EXCEPT FOR KOFI.  Everyone else had it coming.  Kevin says they never had that type of relationship.  Kevin mentions the relationship he had with Cody's dad.  Why would he do something like that.

Cody says maybe Kevin is a little angry with him.  In 2015 and 2016, they walked into the same rooms and with people Kevin knew.  He says that Kevin doesn't get enough credit while Cody says he might get too much credit for the changes.

Kevin says that is nice and he doesn't know what to say about that.  Kevin says he would never do it to Cody.  He wouldn't need to hit Cody with a cheap shot.  He knows about Cody's knee and how he is hurt.  Kevin says people have been telling him about how much pain Cody is in.  If Cody is not at 100 percent?

Cody says this is pure sabotage.  He asks if Kevin does not think he deserves the  match.

Kevin asks Cody why didn't he take a knee during his entrance if his knee is fine.  Kevin says yesterday was eight years since he won the Universal Championship.  When he won the title, he should have been on top of the world.  Instead, he was told that he didn't deserve it and he won because of Triple H.  Kevin says he is still bitter.  If you aren't 100 percent and you are on one good leg.  What happens when he beats Cody.

Cody says his knee is 100 percent and he is ready for Kevin tomorrow.  Cody says Kevin sounds like he is talking with confidence, but it is anger.  You know what it meant for him to come back and it meant that he was going to leave people behind.  Cody came back and Kevin had to share the spotlight after Kevin faced Steve Austin.  Cody says he loves Kevin and he says he doesn't have a lot of friends but he feels that Kevin is one of his friends.  When he beats Kevin, will they still be friends?

Kevin drops the mic and he gets in Cody's face and walks away without saying anything.

Baron and Apollo says they are on a roll but they lose again.

Waller and Theory show up and Waller suggests that they break up.  Waller says that Theory doesn't think they are a good team.

Baron tells Theory to say it to his face and Theory says he meant it.

Theory yells at Waller for saying stuff and how he is the one who gets hurt.  He says that they are falling apart.

Waller apologizes and he says this is what people do in Australia.  He says that Theory is his best mate and he apologizes.

Theory says they are good.

Giovanni Vinci says you rise above and win with honor.  That is what he does.  He says this is not his return.  It is his arrival.  Everyone will remember his name.

Match Number Three:  Andrade versus Carmelo Hayes

Hayes tells Andrade to come fight on in the aisle but Andrade stays in the ring.  Andrade punches Hayes and sends him to the floor.  Andrade with a double jump twisting cross body.  Andrade with kicks and Hayes with a springboard clothesline.  Hayes goes up top and Andrade clips Hayes in the ropes and Andrade with a double stomp with Hayes caught in the turnbuckles.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Hayes sets for a figure four leg lock but Andrade kicks Hayes into the turnbuckles.  Andrade with forearms and a dragon screw leg whip.  Andrade with a flying forearm and he kicks Hayes back to the mat.  Andrade goes up top and sets for a moonsault but Hayes rolls away and Andrade completes the AndradeSault for a near fall.  Hayes rolls into the corner and Andrade sets for the running double knee strike and Hayes with a Codebreaker.  Hayes mocks Andrade and he hits the running double knee strike for a near fall.   Hayes with a chop and Andrade pushes Hayes and tells him to bring it. Hayes with chops and a forearm.  Andrade with a suplex and he holds on for a second one but Hayes lands on his feet.  Andrade with a rolling power bomb for a near fall.  The turnbuckle pad in the corner is removed.

Andrade kicks Hayes in the corner.  Hayes with a super kick and he gets a near fall when Andrade has to change up his pace for the running knee because of the exposed turnbuckle.  They go to the roes and Andrade with a springboard Spanish Fly for a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and they are on the turnbuckles and Andrade with a Fallaway Power Slam from the turnbuckles for a near fall.   Andrade slaps Hayes and Hayes slaps back.  They continue the exchange and Andrade with the spinning back elbow for a near fall.  Andrade chops Hayes in the corner and puts him on the turnbuckles in the corner where the turnbuckle has been exposed.  Andrade sets for a Frankensteiner but Hayes escapes and drops Andrade on the turnbuckle.  Hayes with Nothin but Net for the three count.

Winner:  Carmelo Hayes

We take a look at how we got to our Women's Championship Street Fight tonight with a video package.

We are back with a video package for the Women's Tag Title Match.

Michin says she fought all those battles to get here.  You can like her or hate you, but when she wins tonight, you won't forget her.  Michin is not who she is, it is what she is.

Match Number Four:  Nia Jax versus Michin in a Street Fight for the Smackdown Women's Championship

Michin hits Nia a few times with a kendo stick and Nia goes to the floro.  Nia takes the kendo stick and pokes Michin with it.  NIa misses Michin with the kendo stick and Michin sends Nia into the ring post.  Michin hits Nia in the ropes with the kendo stick and Michin with a leg drop for a near fall.  Michin goes under the ring for more kendo sticks and a chair.  Michin makes the crowd happy by pulling out a table but Nia hits Michin with a kendo stick a few times.  Nia puts the table under the ring and Michin with a drop kick through the ropes.  Michin pulls the table out again ad she puts it in the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and Nia sets up the table in the ring and puts it against the turnbuckles.  Michin sprays the fire extinguisher in Nia's face.  Michin goes up top and hits a missile drop kick.  Michin gets a trash can and Michin goes for a tornado DDT onto a trash can but Nia counters and sends Michin face first onto the trash can.  Michin hits Nia with trash can lids.  MIchin hits a tornado DDT onto the trash can lids and she gets a near fall.  Michin gets the other table in the ring and sets it up.  MIchin gets another trash can and then she gets back in the ring to finish with the table.  Nia with a forearm to the back and a head butt.  Nia hits Michin in the back with a chair.  Nia puts Michin on the table.

Nia goes to the turnbuckles but Michin stops Nia.  Michin power bombs Nia through the table and both women are down.

Tiffany Stratton's music plays and she makes her way to the ring with the briefcase.  Tiffany hits Michin with the case and she thinks about cashing in but Nia wakes up and wants to know what is going on.  Tiffany hits Michin with the briefcase and puts Nia on top of Michin but Michin gets a near fall.

Tiffany sets for the Prettiest Moonsault Ever but Bayley's music plays.  Bayley clotheslines Tiffany and they fight to the floor and through the crowd.

Michin with a rollup for a near fall.  Michin with a round kick but Nia avoids a clothesline and hits a Samoan drop through the table in the corner.  Nia with aNIAlator onto a trash can over Michin for the three count.

Winner:  Nia Jax (retains championship)

After the match, Nia throws trash can lids onto Michin and then hits the trash can over Michin with the kendo stick.

We go to credits.

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