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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-08-30 14:57:00

Your announcers are Michael Cole and Wade Barrett.

We see Cody Rhodes walking in ARENA.

We see Kevin Owens walking to ARENA.

Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton walk through PARKING LOT ahead of Nia's title match against Michin.

United States Champion LA Knight makes his way to the ring 

Knight wants to talk to the people in Berlin.  He says it has been 27 years since WWE did television in Berlin.  He says what a way to kick it off than with him.  Knight says he understands that the US Title is on his shoulder and he had his first successful title defense in the US Capital.  He says he thought to himself if he is going to defend the title in the capital of the US, why not do it in Germany.  He says he can call it the Capital Championship.  He says he is holding an Open Challenge tonight.  Anyone who wants to answer the challenge, go ahead.

Ludwig Kaiser's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Kaiser addresses the crowd in German.  He tells Knight if he is the champion he says he is, he wants to face the best all over the world.  Kaiser says him and the entirety of Berlin can guarantee there is no one better on German soil than the GERMAN, Ludwig Kaiser.   Kaiser says after he beats Knight in the capital of his home country and he is going to take the title all over the pond and make it bigger than it ever was.  He will make it his own personal European Championship.

Knight says that was impressive for Gunther's stooge.  You talk about what you want to do with the title, but you have to win it and you won't because he won't let him.  Knight says Kaiser is going to lay down and take the three count.  Everyone can pledge allegiance to the champ of the US by saying his name.

Match Number One:  LA Knight versus Ludwig Kaiser for the United States Championship

Kaiser and Knight stand in the ring as the bell rings and they listen to the crowd.  They lock up and Knight backs Kaiser into the corner and gives a clean break.  They lock up and Kaiser with a wrist lock.  Knight with a reversal and arm wringers.  Kaiser gets in Knight's face and he pushes Knight.  Knight pushes back.  They lock up and Kaiser with a punch on the break.  Kaiser with a side head lock take down.  Knight with a rollup for a near fall.  Knight with a back elbow and kicks in the corner.  Kaiser with an Irish whip and Kaiser blocks a kick and hits the Nein punch.  Kaiser with kicks in the corner.  Knight with a clothesline out of the corner.

They go to the floor and Knight with a back drop driver onto the apron.  Kaiser runs Knight into the apron and ring steps.  Kaiser breaks the count and he sets for the half lap drop kick and he connects against the steps.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Knight rolls to the apron and Kaiser punches Knight.  The referee pulls Kaiser off Knight.  Kaiser with punches to Knight.  Kaiser pie faces Knight.  Knight punches Kaiser from his knees and Kaiser punches back.  They continue the exchange but Knight with a brief advantage.  Kaiser with a chop and Knight goes down.  Knight with shoulders in the corner.  Knight with a chop and he sends Kaiser to the floor.  Knight sends Kaiser's head into the announce table many times.  Knight with a neck breaker and then he goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and he connects for a near fall.  Knight kicks Kaiser in the corner and hits a running knee to the head.

Knight with a reverse atomic drop but Kaiser with a kick for a near fall.  Kaiser gets Knight on his shoulders but Knight gets to his feet.  They exchange punches.  Knight with a power slam and he sets for BFT but Kaiser escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Kaiser with a clothesline and a running knee to the head.  Kaiser avoids BFT and hits a rolling Death Valley Driver for a near fall.  Kaiser sets for the reverse DDT and Knight with a back beaker and a Side Effect.  Knight with BFT for the three count.

Winner:  LA Knight (retains championship)

We take a look at Micah Parsons failing at an RKO during practice.

Speaking of RKOs, we take a look at Gunther and Randy Orton with a video package.

We take a look at Nia Jax with a video package.

Match Number Two:  Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews versus Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo (with Elektra Lopez and Santos Escobar)

Crews and Humberto start things off and Crews with a drop kick and a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall.  Baron tags in and he punches Carrillo.  Carrillo with a forearm to the back and Garza tags in.  Baron lands on his feet on a slingshot double hip toss and hits a double clothesline.  Baron with punches in the corner.  Angel escapes and pulls Baron into the turnbuckle.  Baron with a uranage into the corner.  Angel backs Baron into the corner and Humberto punches Corbin from the apron and drops him on the top rope.  Angel with a running kick to Baron against the ropes.  Humberto gets a near fall.  Baron sends Carrillo over the top rope to the floor and Crews with a boot to Angel and a head scissors that sends Angel to the floor.

Baron biels Crews over the top rope onto Angel and Humberto.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Humberto hits a slingshot blockbuster for a near fall.  Crews is put on the turnbuckles and Angel tags in and they connect with forearms to the back.  Angel with a kick in the corner.  Angel with another Irish whip and a splash into the corner.  Crews with a kick and elbow to escape the corner ad he leap frogs Angel.  Baron tags in and he hits a back elbow.  Baron biels Humberto into the ring and hits a running knee.  Baron with a splash to Humberto followed by a short arm clothesline.  Corbin with a springboard clothesline to Carrillo followed by a TKO for a near fall.  Crews tags in and he hits a cross body onto Angel and follows with a German suplex.  Crews with a forearm to Humberto followed by German suplexes.  Carrillo with a springboard round kick to Crews.  Baron hip tosses Humberto into the turnbuckles.

Angel and Crews go for cross body blocks at the same time and they both go down.  Baron sends Angel onto the announce table and Lopez gets on the apron to distract the referee so Santos can send Corbin into the ring steps.  Humberto gets a near fall.  Humberto with an arm drag off the turnbuckles and Angel tags in for the pop up kick for the three count.

Winners:  Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo

Solo mentions that DIY and the Street Profits will face The Bloodline and he says they will acknowledge him.  He mentions that he sacrificed his brother Jimmy first.  Then he took out Paul Heyman.  Then he took out Roman Reigns.  He took the right to be called Tribal Chief.  If he did it to his own family, what will they do to the four of you?

Solo tells Cody and Kevin he doesn't give a damn which one of you wins tomorrow, he is coming for you.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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