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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-26 21:59:00

We are back and Ford blocks a superplex by Corbin and Ford with a head butt.  Ford leaps over Corbin but runs into a boot.  Corbin with a clothesline off the turnbuckles and hits a power bomb.  Ford with an enzuigiri.  Dawkins and Crews tag in and Dawkins with a clothesline but he misses the twisting splash.  Crews with a splash into the corner and Dawkins with an enzuigiri.  Crews with an enzuigiri.  Dawkins with a suplex for a near fall.  Corbin misses a shoulder in the corner and hits the ring post.  Crews sends Dawkins to the floor.  Ford and Crews with suicide dives onto Corbin and Dawkins.  Crews goes up top and misses a frog splash but lands on his feet.  Dawkins with a punch and Ford tags in.They hit Lo Down and a neck breaker for the three count.

Segment Number Three:  Kit Wilson and Elton Prince versus Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford

Kit with a series of rollups for near falls.  Dawkins with a DDT and Ford tags in.  Ford with a shoulder tackle while Gargano and Ciampa snack in front of MONITOR.  

Ford and Dawkins send Prince onto Wilson and Ford gets a near fall.  Ford goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Prince tags in.  Ford goes for a suplex on Kit but Prince with a chop block and he kicks Ford in the hamstring and gets a near fall.  Kit tags in and they kick Ford and work on the leg.  Prince tags in and he kicks Ford in the injured leg.  Kit tags in and Ford with punches and elbows.  Prince with a knee to the hamstring and Kit chokes Ford in the ropes.  Kit with a kick and he applies a single leg crab.  Kit knocks Dawkins off the apron and Kit kicks Ford in the hamstring.  Ford kicks Kit but Kit with a single leg crab.  Ford kicks Kit away and Prince tags in but so does Dawkins.  Dawkins with clotheslines.

Dawkins with a corkscrew back elbow.  Dawkins with a twisting splash and enzuigiri for a near fall.  Prince with a kick and Kit tags in.  Dawkins punches Prince and Kit with a DDT for a near fall.  Prince tags in and Kit and Prince with uppercuts and shoulders into the corner.  Prince gets Dawkins on his shoulders and Kit with a double knee gutbuster for a near fall.  Ford sends Kit to the floor and Prince does the same to Ford but Ford lands on the apron.  Dawkins with a punch and they hit the Doomsday Blockbuster for the three count.

Segment Number Four:  Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson versus Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins

We are back and Karl with a kick and Luke with an uppercut.  Karl gets a near fall on Ford.  Karl rakes the eyes and chokes Ford in the ropes.  Karl with a snap mare and a reverse chin lock.  Karl with a kick and clothesline for a near fall.  Karl with a hard Irish whip and Luke tags in and he kicks Ford.  Luke with a clothesline for a near fall.  Luke with a slam and Karl tags in.  Karl gets a near fall.  Karl with a slam and he gets a near fall.  Karl works on the neck.  Luke tags in and he kicks Ford.  Luke with a suplex and he gets a near fall.  Luke with elbows to the clavicle and a reverse chin lock.  Ford with elbows but Luke with a forearm to the back.

Luke goes for a slam but Ford counters with a DDT and both men are down.  Karl tags in and he Irish whips Ford but Ford sends Karl over the top rope to the floor and then Luke goes over the top rope when Ford drops down.  Dawkins tags in and hits a flip dive onto Luke and Karl.   Karl with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Luke tags in and he gets Dawkins up but Ford trips Karl and Dawkins with a rollup for the three count.

Segment Number Five:  Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins versus Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga

We are back and Tama kicks Dawkins in the corner.  Fatu tags in and they head butt Dawkins.  Fatu sends Dawkins into the turnbuckle and he hits a splash into the corner.  Tama tags in and Fatu hip tosses Tama into Dawkins in the corner.  Tama chokes Dawkins in the ropes and then Solo does the same when the referee was out of position.  Tama with a clothesline and Fatu tags in.  Fatu kicks Dawkins and head butts him.  Fatu with a nerve hold in the ropes and Solo punches Dawkins when the referee pulls Fatu off Dawkins.  Fatu with a punch and head butt.  Fatu misses a splash into the corner and hits the top of the ring post.

Dawkins crawls to make the tag to Ford and Tama tags in.  Ford with clotheslines and a spinebuster.   Ford with a thrust kick to knock Fatu off the apron.  Ford lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex.  Ford with a series of kicks and an Iris whip.  Ford is sent to the apron and Ford with a punch.  Ford goes up top and he hits a cross body for a near fall.  

We go to Johnny and Ciampa and they might be out of snacks while watching MONITOR.

Ford goes up top and Tama stops Ford and goes for a superplex and hits it.  Tama gets a near fall.  Dawkins sends Fatu to the floor and Tama pulls Dawkins to the floor.  Fatu and Tama attack Dawkins at the bend of the ringside barrier and Ford with an AR Fox plancha over the ring post.  Ford misses a frog splash and he tries to roll through but his knee gives out.  Fatu takes care of Ford and hits a suicide dive onto Dawkins.  Ford counters a Samoan drop into a DDT and Fatu pops up.  Fatu with a Samoan drop and double jump moonsault for the three count.

Winners:  Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga

We go to commercial.

We are back and Grayson Waller interrupts Wade and Corey.  He says that they would have won if not for Terence Crawford.  

Austin Theory tells Crawford he is going to come out to apologize to them.

Crawford makes his way to the ring, after he gets a full introduction.

Waller tells Austin who is in the ring with them.  Waller says that Crawford disrespected them by giving Cody a chair and he needs to apologize to them.  Waller says they need to apologize for thinking they belong in the ring with them.  Waller says he might be the best boxer in the world, but this is their ring.  Waller says if Crawford takes one more step to him, his boy will knock Crawford out.

Crawford knocks out Theory with a punch and Waller gets out of the ring.

We go to Cody Rhodes in Japan.

He says he brought the WWE Championship all over the globe and he is doing what wrestlers shouldn't do, looking back.  He talks about the Royal Rumble and the chance he wasn't going to finish the story, but the fans did it.  He was able to finish the story at Wrestlemania and The Bloodline was no more, or that is what he thought.  The new Doppelganger version is a bunch of people feasting on everyone.  Without a true lion to lead, Cody says he sits here alone because his friends got taken out while he watched.  He is a man on an island and he will have to fight with all of his pride. 

Cody says he is still the champion and he needs to bring that passion into the fight to keep the title out of the Bloodline.  Solo is a dangerous man.  He stepped up to be the new Tribal Chief.  He will do what it takes to get what he wants.  He thought Solo couldn't do it, but now he isn't sure.  

Cody challenges Solo to meet him in the ring next week, face to face, one on one.  He wants to see in Solo's eyes if he is ready.  Cody says he knows that he is.

We go to commercial.

We are back and next week, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn defend the women's tag titles against Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill.  Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano will defend the tag titles against Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga.  Logan Paul will have a homecoming next week.

Byron Saxton asks Andrade about his win over Carmelo Hayes and what is next.  

Andrade says he was thinking about the US title. 

Hayes shows up and says it ain't over until he wins.  Hayes says that the people didn't miss Andrade when he was gone for two years.  Hayes says that even Lebron has an off night.  Andrade says that Hayes is not Lebron.  Maybe he is Bronny.  Andrade says he will give Hayes one more match.

Match Number Four:  Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton versus Bayley and Michin

Nia Jax attacks Michin from behind during her entrance and Tiffany stands by with her briefcase.  Nia sends Michin into the ring steps.

Bayley comes to the ring with a kendo stick.

Bayley with a Thesz Press and punches to Tiffany when the match starts.  Bayley with another Thesz Press and punches.  Tiffany sends Bayley sternum first into the turnbuckles and Tiffany with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Tiffany poses for the crowd and Bayley with a kick to the back of the leg followed by a corkscrew back elbow and she gets a near fall.  Bayley with a forearm to the back.  Tiffany runs Bayley into the turnbuckles and Tiffany with kicks in the corner.  Tiffany kicks Bayley in the back.  Tiffany with an Irish whip but Bayley with a forearm to Nia.  Tiffany with an Irish whip and Bayley goes to the apron and connects with a forearm and she kicks Nia off the apron.  Bayley with a cutter in the ropes for a near fall.  

Michin wants the tag when she gets back onto the apron.  NIa pulls Michin off the apron and hits a Samoan drop on the floor.  Tiffany with a running hip to the back and a double stomp for a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tiffany gives Bayley a stink face and she gets a near fall.  Tiffany chokes Bayley in the ropes.  Tiffany with a hard Irish whip.  Nia tags in and they Irish whip Bayley and Nia with a splash and Tiffany with a handspring back elbow.  NIa gets a near fall.  Bayley with punches and she goes for a guillotine but Nia runs Bayley into the turnbuckles.  Nia runs in place on Bayley's back.  Nia sends Bayley into the corner and Tiffany tags in.  Tiffany with a splash and forearms to the back.  Tiffany with a reverse chin lock.  Bayley with punches to Tiffany to get out of the hold and Tiffany with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Nia tags in and Tiffany Irish whips Bayley to Nia for a slam and elbow drop for a near fall.  Nia with a Cobra Clutch.  Tiffany tags in and kicks Bayley.  Tiffany with an Irish whip and Tiffany misses a handspring back elbow when Bayley catches her and hits a German suplex.  Michin finally makes her way back to the apron.  Nia tags in and she stops Bayley from making the tag.  Nia with an Irish whip and she misses a shoulder and hits the ring post.  Tiffany tags in and Bayley kicks her way and Michin tags in.  Michin with a clothesline and neck breaker followed by a flapjack.  Michin with a tornado DDT off NIa for a near fall.  Michin with a suicide dive onto Nia.  Michin goes to the turnbuckles.

Michin misses a missile drop kick and Nia tags in.  NIa misses a splash and Bayley tags in.  Michin with an enzuigiri and Bayley with a running knee and she goes up top for the elbow drop and hits it for a near fall.  Michin and Bayley send Tiffany to the floor.  Nia goes for a Samoan drop on Michin but Bayley stops her.  Nia pushes Bayley into the corner and while the referee deals with Michin, Tiffany hits Bayley with the briefcase.  Nia with aNiAlator for the three count.

Winners:  Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton

We go to BLOOD ROOM.

Solo says he will see Cody next week on the same night his men bring back the tag titles and a night before he brings back the World Title.  If Roman Reigns has a problem with that, you know where to find him.

We go to credits.



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