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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-26 21:59:00

Your announcers are Corey Graves and Wade Barrett.

We start off with a look at what happened last week on Smackdown.when Bloodline 2.0 took care of Kevin Owens.

Nick Aldis is on the phone when Bloodline shows up.

Nick says based on their actions last week, Tonga Loa is not cleared to compete due to an eye injury so they will have to forfeit their spot in the gauntlet.

Tama says they ain't forfeiting nothin'.  Solo says they are not forfeiting nothing.  Tonga Loa is part of the Bloodline and so is this man.

Jacob Fatu shows up and Solo says Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu will represent the Bloodline, if that is okay with Nick.

Nick says that is fine.

Solo tells Jacob to bring the titles home.

LA Knight walks in the back and he wants to say something.

He says Santos couldn't forget how many times he has been dropped on his head.  He is going to teach Santos a lesson tonight and then he will teach Logan next week in Cleveland.

Match Number One:  LA Knight versus Santos Escobar (with Elektra Lopez)

Knight avoids a running knee and he connects with punches.  Santos with a shoulder tackle and Knight with a hip toss.  Knight with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Knight works on the arm and connects with a back elbow.  Knight with punches in the corner and then he gets on the turnbuckles for many punches but Santos escapes before the crescendo.  Santos with kicks to Knight.  Santos with a chop.  Santos with another chop and a suplex.  Santos with a double leg take down and he sets for a Sharpshooter but Knight gets to the ropes.  Knight with punches and a clothesline.  Santos sends Knight into the ropes and Santos draws the referee away and Lopez slaps Knight.

Santos with a Tiger Feint Kick.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Santos with a running double knee strike for a near fall.  We see footage from the break when Santos sent Knight into the ring steps and ring post.  Santos with a reverse chin lock.  Knight with punches and a swinging neck breaker.  Santos with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall.  Santos punches Knight in the corner and the referee warns him.  Knight with a punch and Irish whip that sends Santos sternum first into the turnbuckles.  Knight with kicks and a running hip into the corner.  Knight avoids a clothesline and kicks Santos and follows with a DDT for a near fall.  Knight gets Santos up on his shoulders but he lets go of the hold when Lopez starts to slide into the ring.

Knight misses a BFT but he hits a pop up power slam.  Lopez gets on the apron and has some words with the referee.  Logan Paul appears on the apron and he misses a punch but Knight punches Logan.  Santos with a thrust kick and he goes for the Phantom Driver but Knight escapes and hits BFT for the three count.

Winner:  LA Knight

After the match, Logan attacks Knight and Knight runs Logan into the corner.  Knight with kicks and he sets for the running hip but Santos with a jumping knee.  Santos helps Logan up and they attack Knight.

Logan goes up top and hits a frog splash.

We take a look at Blair Davenport and her interactions with Naomi over the last few weeks.

Byron Saxton is in the back with Naomi.  He asks about Blair Davenport's actions.

Naomi says she doesn't know what Blair's issues are with her.  She will make her feel the glow and respect it.

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill show up and they say that Blair will get what is coming to her.  Bianca and Jade say they have some business to take care of.

Bianca and Jade walk into commercial.

We are back and Logan Paul is ambushed in HALLWAY by Byron.  

Logan says it is a taste of what is going to happen to Knight at SummerSlam.  Logan says that he has a special homecoming for SummerSlam.  He tells Knight he is going to not only wrestle a champion, but a social media superstar and you aren't ready.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair make their way to the ring, separately.

Bianca says they would love to be out here all day, but they want to cut to the chase.  Isla and Alba have been ghosting them and they said they would be on Smackdown with the titles, but where are they?

Jade wants to know where they are.  They are ducking and dodging so they want Alba and Isla to come out.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre attack Jade and Bianca from behind.  Alba chokes Jade in the corner and Bianca kicks Alba and elbows Isla. Bianca goes for KOD but Isla holds on to the ropes.  Jade press slams Alba over the top rope onto Isla.

We take a look at highlights from the current WWE tour of Japan.

We see B Fab with Angelo and Montez and Terence Crawford shows up to wish them luck..

We are back and Tiffany Stratton is in LOCKER ROOM with taped up BRIEFCASE.

Nia shows up and says that Tiffany can cash in but Nia reminds her that she still has her title match at SummerSlam.  

Tiffany says she only wants revenge on Bayley and Michin.

Match Number Two:  Tag Team Gauntlet for a Smackdown Tag Title Match

Segment Number One:  Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin versus Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo

Angel and Humberto attack Crews and Corbin.  Humberto sends Crews into the ring steps while Angel hits a running boot in the corner.  Angel misses a splash and Corbin with a splash and short arm clothesline.  Corbin with a slam for a near fall.  Angel with a chop and Humberto tags in.  Angel with a thrust kick and Humberto with a suicide dive onto Corbin.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Humberto gets Corbin on his shoulders but Corbin with elbows.  Humberto with a kick and he is hip tossed into the turnbuckles.  

We see Gargano and Ciampa watching MONITOR in BACK.

Crews tags in and connects with a clothesline and running boot followed by a jumping clothesline to Angel.  Crews with a German suplex and he holds on for a second one.  He holds on and hits a third one.  Crews with a splash into the corner and he goes up top and is met with a jumping knee.  Angel with a back breaker for a near fall.  Humberto sends Corbin to the floor and Corbin sends Humberto into the ring steps.  Angel wit a running knee.  Crews escapes Wing Clipper.  Corbin tags in and hits End of Days for the three count.

Segment Two:  Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews versus Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins

Ford and Crews start things off and Ford floats over and does a back flip.  Crews with a handspring over Ford.  Crews with a drop kick.  Crews sets for a delayed vertical suplex but Ford gets to his feet and he hits a belly-to-back suplex and Dawkins gets a near fall.  Dawkins with an Irish whip and Crews floats over and Dawkins and Crews both hit clotheslines at the same time.  Corbin and Ford tag in and Ford with many punches but Corbin with a punch.  Ford with a shoulder from the apron and he goes for a slingshot move but Corbin with a punch.  Crews biels Corbin over the top rope onto Ford and Dawkins.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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