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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-08 22:59:00

We are back and Ilja with kicks to Bron and Bron catches Ilja on a jumping knee and hits a spinebuster for a near fall.  Bron with a bow and arrow but Ilja with head butts.  Bron with a punch and Ilja with a forearm.  They go back and forth with chops and punches.  Ilja with a chop and a chop to the leg.  Ilja with a waist lock and Bron with a back elbow.  Ilja with an enzuigiri.  Ilja with a running knee.  Ilja goes up top and Bron stops hiim.  Bron with a punch and he sets for a superplex but Ilja with punches.  Ilja drops under and sets for a power bomb and hits it.  Ilja goes up top for a back senton and hits it and gets a near fall.  Bron stops H Bomb with a jumping knee.  Bron with a double knee gutbuster for a near fall.  

Bron sends Ilja into the turnbuckles.  Ilja blocks a Frankensteiner with a chop.  Ilja misses a missile drop kick when Bron moves.  Bron clotheslines Ilja over the top rope to the floor.  Bron goes to the floor for the Wacky Murder Lap but Ilja with a kick to the head.  Ilja sets for Torpedo Moscow on the floor but Bron throws a chair at Ilja and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner:  Ilja Dragunov (by disqualification)

After the match, Bron brings Ilja back into the ring and Sami runs to the ring, flanked by security.  Sami punches Bron and sends him to the floor.  

Bron pulls Sami to the floor and Bron sends Sami into the ring post and over the announce table.  Ilja with forearms to Bron and Bron with a knee and he sends Ilja over the announce table.

Bron stands over his victims on the announce table.

Damian Priest says at Money in the Bank, he didn't ask for McIntyre to cash in and for Punk to get involved.  He heard about the controversy but what champion has not had controversy around their title reign.  He says he is the World Champion.  He walked into the ring as champion and walked out as champion.  He looks forward to the challenge against Gunther.  It is to prove his greatness.  Priest tells Gunther to show up next week and he will tell Gunther to his face.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened last week between Karrion Kross and Xavier Woods.

We are told that Kofi suffered an AC joint sprain.

Kross says he regrets to inform you that Kofi will not be playing the accordion tonight.  Legends of the old guard will be the death of this business if left unchecked.  They are the true enemy of us all.  One way or another, the old guard will make way for the new.  Even John Cena knows his time is almost up.  Kross tells Woods he thought he was a hell of a talent.  You beat him when Kofi could not.  You could create your own legacy if you moved on.  He says he will hospitalize Woods like Kofi.  The New Day is dead and you are the last to know it.

Match Number Five:  Dakota Kai, Kairi Sane, and Iyo Sky versus Katana Chance, Kayden Carter, and Lyra Valkyria

All six fight as the match starts.  Kair and Carter stay in the ring and Sane is sent to the apron and she connects with a shoulder.  She leaps over Carter and taunts Carter.  Carter with a hip toss and Kai tags in.  Carter with a hip toss and Chance tags in.  Chance trips Kai and Carter with a kick followed by a slingshot splash from Chance for a near fall.  Kai gets Chance up and Chance with a take down.  Carter and Lyra tag in and Carter with a splash.  Chance with a double knee strike off Carter's back and Lyra gets a near fall.  Lyra floats over and hits a drop kick to the side of the head for a near fall.  Sane and Io are sent to the floor and Carter and Chance with baseball slides while Lyra hits a drop kick through the ropes.

Carter with a front face lock and Chance tags in and gets a near fall.  Chance with a front face lock and Kai with an Iris whip and Chance floats over and kicks Kai.  Sane and Iyo distract Chance and Kai slams Chance's leg into the turnbuckles and she falls to the mat.  Sane tags in and they hit a triple drop kick for a near fall.  Sane with a chop to Chance.  Sane marches into the corner for a sliding forearm.  Sane gets a near fall.  Sane gets another near fall.  Iyo tags in and she connects with a back elbow in the corner.  Kai tags in and kicks Chance and gets a near fall.  Kai with a rear naked choke.  Kai keeps Chance from making the tag.

Chance with a Codebreaker and Iyo tags in and stomps on Chance's back.  Chance gets to her feet and she tags in Lyra.  Lyra with clotheslines and a back heel kick.  Lyra with more kicks and she gets Iyo on her shoulders.  Lyra with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.  Lyra with a front face lock and Sane tags in.  Sane with a back fist and Kai tags in.  They go for a double suplex and Carter blocks it.  She sets for a double suplex.  Iyo and Chance get in there for a back and forth triple suplex.  Chance and Carter tag in and Lyra with a fisherman's buster.  Chance with a Keg Stand onto Kai for a near fall when Iyo breaks up the cover.  Lyra with a back heel kick to Iyo.

Sane with a missile drop kick and Carter with a back heel kick.  Carter with a chop to Sane and Carter goes to the floor when Kai pulls open the ropes.  Kai sends Carter into the ring post.  Sane is sent over the top rope by Iyo onto Lyra and Chance.  Kai with a springboard boot to the back. Iyo tags in and hits the moonsault for the three count.

Winners:  Iyo Sky, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai

Afgter the match, Zoey Stark, Shayna Baszler, and Sonya Deville attack Damage CTRL.  Sonya with a knee to Sane and then they work over Iyo.  Zoey with a thrust kick to Iyo.  Zoey sends Iyo into the air for a knee from Shayna.  Sonya takes care of Iyo.

Cathy Kelley is with Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega in LOCKER ROOM.

Vega says if it wasn't for Dom, she would be the world champion.  Vega says they are a hot mess and they will be a bigger hot mess when they are done with them.  Rey says it will be a pleasure to team with Zelina.  They need to shut up Dom and Liv and they will enjoy it.

We go to commercial.

We ae back with a moments ago moment of the attack on Damage CTRL.

Jackie is with Sonya, Shayna, and Zoey and she asks what message were they trying to send.

Shayna says they sent a message to the locker room to show who runs this.  Zoey says they got screwed twice and then they gave Sonya a call.  Sonya says she tried to get them to show their true potential.  Damage CTRL saw what happens when you think you run things.  There isn't a think they can do to them.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre show up and say as long as they have the titles, it is their division.

We see Chad Gable talking to the Creeds and Ivy Nile in the background.

Gunther says power and dominance and prestige.  That is what his name brings to this sport.  He is the man who strikes fear in every ring in the world.  He says he will soon be the World Champion.  He did not watch this for entertainment and he is not a fanboy looking to live out a fantasy.  He took an opportunity in a sport without a powerful figure.  WWE had no choice but to call his name.  They needed him, he did not need them.  He embraced NXT UK as his battleground.  All he saw were children chasing their fantasies, desecrating this sport.  He restored honor and prestige to this sport and that is what is on the line at SummerSlam.

Next week, Gunther and Damian Priest will go face to face.  Sheamus faces Bronson Reed.  Drew McIntyre will be on Raw next week.

Match Number Six:  Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio versus Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega

Vega with forearms  and Liv goes for a slam but Vega escapes and connects with an elbow.  Vega with a kick for a near fall.  Liv tags in Dom.  Dom pushes Rey and Rey wants a test of strength.  Dom with punches and kicks.  Dom with an Irish whip and he misses a splash into the corner.  Rey punches Dom on the turnbuckles.  Dom escapes and drops Rey on the turnbuckles.  Rey sends Dom to the mat and Vega tags in.  Rey sends Vega into Dom for a head scissors.  Liv with punches to Vega and sends her into the turnbuckles.  Liv with forearms in the corner.  Vega with shoulders in the corner and punches on the turnbuckles.  Vega with an X Factor.  Dom gets in the ring to stop Vega.  Rey with a drop toe hold and Dom falls into a naughty place and Liv was okay with it.  Liv protects Dom from Vega but Rey hits a seated splash off the apron.

Vega with a forearm to the back and she gets a near fall.  Liv with a knee and she tags in Dom.  Rey with punches to Dom.  Rey with a kick and he kicks Dom into the ropes and he falls into place.  Liv trips Rey and Dom with a forearm to the back.  Dom with kicks and he gets a near fall.  Dom with a corkscrew back elbow for a near fall.  Dom with an Irish whip that sends Rey sternum first into the turnbuckles.  Dom with punches and Liv chokes Rey while Dom distracts the referee.  Dom goes to the apron and he hits a slingshot senton and gets a near fall.  Dom puts Rey in the tree of woe.  Dom pulls at the mask and rips it.  Dom with crossfaces.

Dom puts Rey in the tree of woe and kicks him.  Rey collapses to the mat and Dom kicks and punches him.  Dom gets a near fall.  Rey with elbows.  Dom with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.  Dom runs into an elbow and Rey goes up top but Dom gets Rey on his shoulders.  Rey sends Dom over the top rope to the floor.  Vega tags in and Vega with flying clotheslines.  Vega sends Liv into the turnbuckles and connects with a running knee.  Vega with a head scissors driver.  Vega goes to the turnbuckles for Meteora and a near fall.  Vega with a forearm to the back and Liv avoids Code Red.  Liv with a kick.  Liv with a suplex and she rolls through for a second one.

Liv with the third Amiga and she kicks Vega in the head.  Liv sets for ObLIVion but Vega holds on to the ropes.  Both women with clotheslines and both go down.  Rey and Dom tag in and Rey with a satellite head scissors and Dom sends him to the apron.  Rey with a kick and seated splash off the turnbuckles. Dom with a sunset flip and Dom should know better than to sunset flip Rey because Rey rolls through and hits a drop kick.  Rey with a quebrada for a near fall.  Dom with a super kick and suplex.  Dom rolls through for a second one but Rey blocks it.  Rey sends Dom into the ropes with a drop toe hold.  Dom blocks the 619 and Vega hits Dom in an uncomfortable place.  

Rey goes up top for a frog splash but Liv breaks up the cover.  Vega sends Liv into the ropes for a Tiger Feint kick.  Liv sends Vega into the ring post.  Rey puts Dom on the turnbuckles.  Liv pushes a chair into the ring and the referee gets distracted by the shiny object.  Liv crotches Rey on the top rope.  Dom with a frog splash for the three count.

Winners:  Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan

After the match, Dom and Liv celebrate and they are about to kiss . . . 

and Rhea Ripley is back and she isn't happy.

Liv gets out of the ring and runs through the crowd.

Rhea goes into the ring and she says something to Dom and he wants to hug her but she pushes him away.

We go to credits.

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