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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-08 22:59:00

Sami Zayn sees Braun Strowman, Miz, and R Truth in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Damian Priest says it is time to move on.

Seth Rollins shows up and he asks to talk to Priest.  Priest says they can go and he has this.

Seth says it is better to be lucky than good.  You were very lucky, but you were also very good.  You kept your word.  Your boys didn't get involved so he will keep his word.  He will not come after Priest for the title.  No matter how good you were on Saturday, you have to be better at SummerSlam.

Priest says he kept his word and Seth will keep his word, but Priest tells him to throw it out the window because when he is done with Gunther, he will face Seth again.

Priest gets a phone call and he asks where they are.

Sami Zayn makes his way to the ring.

Sami says it is an honor to stand in this ring in the Nation's Capital representing Canada as a champion.  On Saturday, Bron brought everything to the ring.  All of his power, strength, and speed.  He made one crucial mistake thinking that Sami was the underdog.  Sami says he is not an underdog any more.  He says he is a champion.  Sami says he has been putting in top level performances in the ring night in and night out to the point that he has earned respect.  That was not what Bron brought to Toronto.  It is one thing to knock him down, but another to keep him down.  

Sami . . . 

Is interrupted by Bron Breakker and he makes his way to the ring.

Sami asks Bron what is he here for.  Is he looking for a fight?  Are you looking for a rematch?  Did you come out here to say anything or are you going to stare at him all night.

Bron takes the mic and he says he came out here to look at the only man who can say that they beat him.  Bron says he didn't think it would be Sami.   Bron says he is a smart guy and he knows how this works.  There is no reason for him to get a rematch.  Bron says he has been thinking . . .

and he spears Sami.  Officials pull Bron off Sami and they act like the Senators' defense and Bron crashes the crease that is Sami Zayn.  

Bron walks up the aisle and then he turns around for the Warp Speed Spear.

Ilja Dragunov comes out and he has to be held back. 

Bron says he is so scared and he goes to check on Sami.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Bron breaking Sami in half.

Ilja is with Sami in the trainer's room.  Ilja says he wants Bron Breakker.  Adam gives him the match.

We take a look back at John Cena's retirement announcement from Saturday night.

Match Number Three:  JD McDonagh, Finn Balor, and Carlito versus Braun Strowman, Miz, and R Truth

THE Judgment Day attack Miz and Truth as they enter the ring and Braun 'hurries' to the ring to go after THE Judgment Day.

Braun sends Carlito into the crowd.  Miz and Truth with Attitude Adjustments.  Miz iwth a pescado onto Finn.

Truth with two shoulder tackles and a Blue Thunder Bomb to Carlito when the match starts.  Truth with a Five Knuckle Shuffle and an Attitude Adjustment.  Truth gets a near fall and Finn with an elbow drop to Carlito when Truth moves.  Truth sends JD over the top rope to the floor.  Truth sends Carlito back intot he ring and he punches Carlito.  Miz tags in and he kicks Carlito.  Miz with more kicks to Carlito.  Miz sets for the Skull Crushing Finale but Carlito with a snap mare.  Miz with a knee and he sets for a DDT on Finn but Carlito with a forearm.  JD tags in and goes to the turnbuckles and punches Miz hile Carlito holds him.  JD with a shoulder in the corner and he tags in Finn for a slingshot stomp.  Miz with punches but Finn runs Miz into the corner.  JD tags in and he kicks Miz a few times.

JD with a suplex and he floats over for a near fall.  JD kicks Miz and he gives Miz a drop toe hold and elbow drop for a near fall.  JD with a reverse chin lock.  Miz with elbows and JD with a punch.  Finn tags in and punches Miz and then gives him a snap mare and applies a reverse chin lock. Miz with a kick and both men with clotheslines at the same time and both go down.  JD tags in and he stops Miz from making the tag.  JD with an elbow to the back and he knocks Truth off the apron.  Miz is able to make the tag to Braun.  JD bounces off Braun on a shoulder tackle attempt.  Braun with a slam and biel.  Braun with a punch to Carlito and splashes to Carlito and JD.  Finn tags in and Braun catches him off the turnbuckles and hits a choke slam for a near fall.

Carlito and JD punch Braun and Braun with a double shoulder tackle.  Braun tags in Truth and they both go to the floor for a Wacky Lap.  Truth and Braun see JD and Braun chases him through the crowd.  Finn drop kicks Truth into the turnbuckles and Finn with Coup de Grace for the three count.

Winners:  JD McDonagh, Finn Balor, and Carlito

Pearce and Punk are in OFFICE and Pearce says both want the match and he says it has to stop.  Pearce says he will talk to Drew and schedule a meeting for next week.  If he is willing to be professional, he will see.  Pearce tells Punk he has to be home next week.  He tells Punk if he starts another fight, the title match and match with Drew go out the window.  He tells Punk to go home and heal up.

We see Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega in LOCKER ROOM.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dom and Liv are in CLUBHOUSE to discuss double team moves and Dom is hesitant.  Liv tells Dom he wants this as bad as she does.  Liv says that Dom is a little tense and he gets Dom on the couch and she stretches his hamstring and Priest walks ina nd JD and Finn poke their head around the corner.  Carlito says that is cool.

Liv leaves and Priest wants to know what is wrong with him.  It should be over and it isn't that hard.  Someone suggests it might be hard.  Dom says he is dealing with his dad and Priest says he understands his dad.

Dom says he will take care of it.

Finn asks Priest what the big news is and Priest says he will tell them later and Dom will be interested.

We go to Tape 3 of Wyatts Home Video Archive.

Bo is with Howdy and Howdy asks Bo about his family.  Bo says he took those who weren't wanted.  The discarded and forgotten.  He gave them purpose.  They were so happy you remembered them.  Being a glutton for punishment doesn't mean you don't want to be forgotten.  There has been loss, too much.  Grief is the price we pay for love.  Now, we must set the captives free so they need no master.  Bo asks if we are sick.  

Howdy says he does.  

Sick is what they will be.

Adam Pearce walks in the back and Chad Gable says he has been looking for him.  Chad asks about the tape and he says they are talking about him and no one is doing anything about him.  

Adam says he has started an investigation and he asks Chad if he wonders why they are coming after him.

Chad says he will do this himself and after he gets things fixed, he expects an apology.  Chad asks for a vacation.

Bo Dallas is in Adam's office.

Iyo Sky says Damage CTRL controls Raw.  They must change.  Dakota says they have been treated like trash.  They shouldn't be pushed aside by people like Kayden, Katana, and Lyra.  They show what they can do tonight.  Kairi says change brings destruction.  They will clip Lyra's wings and dance all over Kayden and Katana.  Iyo says they have lost control but they take it back tonight.

Match Number Four:  Ilja Dragunov versus Bron Breakker

Bron avoids a kick and he hits a German supllex.  Bron sends Ilja into the turnbuckles and chokes him and runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose.  Ilja escapes a slam and Ilja with a German suplex.  Ilja holds on but Bron with a standing swttch.  Bron avoids Konstantin Special and hits a running clothesline.  Bron with a punch and elbows in the corner.  Ilja with chops.  Bron with a power slam for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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