Cathy Kelley is with the new tag team champions, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn.
She asks them what this means.
Alba says this means so much. Isla says the other two teams had no chance to win with all of Scotland behind them. Alba says they were not going to let Scotland down.
Match Number Four: Women’s Championship Match: Bayley versus Piper Niven
They go face to face and have words until Piper connects with forearms. Bayley with a side head lock and Piper with a shoulder tackle. Bayley goes for the legs for a take down and Piper with a slam. Bayley goes to the floor and Chelsea slaps Bayley. Bayley starts to go after Piper but Piper goes to the floor. They exchange forearms and Piper with a head butt. Bayley with a waist lock and Piper holds on to the ropes and Bayley goes to the mat. Piper misses a cross body when Bayley moves. Bayley with a forearm. Bayley with clotheslines and Chelsea tries to interfere. Chelsea grabs the referee and that leads to her removal from the ring.
Chelsea throws a fit as she goes to the back.
Bayley with a rollup for a near fall. Piper goes for a slam but Bayley gets to the apron. Bayley goes for a cutter in the ropes but Piper pulls Bayley into the ropes. Piper goes to the apron and hits a cannonball onto Bayley. Piper with a kick to the midsection and a back senton to Bayley for a near fall. Piper with a head butt and an Irish whip. Piper with a splash into the corner. Piper with another Irish whip and elbow into the corner. Piper with an Irish whip and Bayley gets to the apron to avoid a splash. Bayley with forearms but Piper sends Bayley into the turnbuckles. Piper with a suplex back into the ring and Bayley lands awkwardly as Piper gets a near fall.
Piper kicks Bayley. Piper sets for a suplex and Bayley counters into a DDT. Piper falls to the floor. Bayley with a suicide dive and then Piper sends Bayley into the apron. Piper sends Bayley into the turnbuckles when they return tot he ring. Bayley kicks Piper in the ropes and Bayley goes to the ropes for a springboard cutter and she goes back to the turnbuckles for a leg drop. Bayley goes up top one more time and she hits a cannonball to the back. Bayley goes up top again and hits the elbow drop for a near fall. Bayley charges at Piper and Piper with a uranage and a back senton for a near fall. Piper goes to the turnbuckles and Bayley stops her. Piper sends Bayley to the mat and Bayley gets back up and hits a belly-to-belly suplex off the turnbuckles but both women are down.
The Masked Chelsador makes her way to the ring and Bayley has covered Piper by that time and Bayley gets a near fall. Bayley sends the mysterious masked woman into the ringside barrier. Piper counters Rose Plant with a Piper Driver for a near fall. Piper pulls Bayley into the corner and Piper goes to the turnbuckles. Piper goes for a Vader Bomb but Bayley gets her knees up. Bayley goes to the floor and Piper with a Bossman Slam on the floor. Piper sends Bayley into the ring and she returns but misses a back senton. Bayley goes for Rose Plant but Piper blocks it and hits a head butt. Bayley goes for a crucifix bomb and hits it for the three count.
Winner: Bayley (retains championship)
Match Number Five: World Championship Match: Damian Priest versus Drew McIntyre
They lock up and Drew backs Priest into the corner and he sends Priest to the mat and poses. Drew with clotheslines and a clothesline that sends Priest over the top rope to the floor. Drew with a flip dive onto Priest. Priest rakes the eyes and sends Drew into the ring post when Drew goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the floor. Priest sends Drew into the ringside barrier. Priest sends Drew back into the ring and hits a forearm off the ropes. Priest goes for an elbow into the corner but Drew catches him. Drew with a forearm and Priest with a punch. Drew with a spinebuster for a near fall. Drew with a chop and Priest with a leaping flatliner. Priest with an elbow into the corner and he sets for a Broken Arrow and hits it for a near fall. Drew with a punch and chop but Priest with a punch. Drew goes to the apron and he goes up top and leaps over Priest and rolls through. Drew with a MIchinoku Driver for a near fall.
Drew goes for After Shock but Priest goes to the floor. Drew sends Priest into the announce table and into the beverage stand. Drew with a chop and he sends Priest back into the ring. Drew with punches and he goes for a head butt but Priest moves and he kicks Drew to the floor. Priest goes for a springboard flip dive but he gets caught in the ropes and Drew takes advantage and e kicks Priest. Drew pulls Priest off the ropes and he chops Priest. Drew sets for a suplex back into the ring and he hits it. Drew gets a near fall. Drew with a chop. Priest with a kick and clothesline but Priest shows the damage done to his ankle. The straps come down and he sets for South of Heaven. Drew blocks it and he misses a clothesline. Drew sends Priest into the ring post shoulder first and hits Future Shock for a near fall.
Drew with a running chop into the corner followed by an Irish whip but he runs into a boot from Priest. Priest goes to the turnbuckles and Drew gets back ot his feet and he stops Priest. Drew with a chop and he punches Priest. Drew sets for a Super Air Raid Crash but Priest lands on his feet and Priest with a Razor's Edge for a near fall but Priest couldn't get the full leverage due to his ankle. Drew and Priest exchange forearms from their knees. They get back to their feet and they continue the exchange. They don't do the exchange any more and just throw many punches. Priest with a punch and Drew fires back with a forearm. Priest with a forearm and Drew falls into the ropes but stays on his feet. Priest with kicks to Drew and he goes for a rolling elbow but Drew with a head butt. Priest with a super kick and cyclone kick but Drew stays on his feet. Priest misses a cyclone kick and Drew hits a neck breaker.
Drew gets to his feet first but Priest goes to the floor and he pulls Drew to the floor. Drew with a head butt and a Claymore through the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Drew sets for a Claymore and Priest catches Drew and hits South of Heaven for a near fall. Priest gets Drew and puts him on the turnbuckles. Priest with forearms and chops to Drew to keep him on the turnbuckles. Drew chops Priest and sends him to the mat with forearms. Priest with a kick to Drew but Priest's leg gives out on the kick. Priest sets for a Frankensteiner and hits it. Drew with a Claymore for a near fall. Drew gets up and he stands over Priest. Drew with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Drew with a chop and he sets for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex but Priest tries to back Drew into the corner and the referee goes ot the floor.
Priest boxes Drew's ears and then the referee gets knocked off the apron into the ringside barrier. Priest with a power bomb and Drew with a Claymore but there is no referee at ringside so he can cover Priest forever and there is no referee. A second referee comes to the ring and he makes the two count but he stops and it is CM Punk. Drew grabs Punk and Punk kicks Drew in the groin and leaves the ring. The referee recovers and Priest with South of Heaven for the three count.
Winner: Damian Priest (retains Championship)
We go to credits.
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