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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-06-01 23:12:00

Salina de la Renta comes out and she tells Cesar to shut up..

She says she has waited three years to kick his ass and it will happen tonight.  She asks what did Cesar's actions prove.

Bad Dude Tito comes up behind Cesar and he grabs him by the shoulders.  

Salina says a lot of men would pay a great amount of money to be down on your knees like he is now.  Salina says this is on her because there is nothing she likes more than a public execution.  She says Cesar is a dead man and she asks if he has any last words.

Cesar cackles and he sings Salina's mother's song.

He says all of the opportunities he gave her, you never got it.  It is because he is her papa.

Cesar tells Salina she can't handle la verdad.

Match Number Four:  Battle Riot VI

The first two entrants are Mistico and Jimmy Yang.

Mistico offers his hand and Yang refuses.  Mistico with a back heel kick and a wrist lock take down.  Yang with kicks and a jumping round kick and a drop kick.  Mistico with a handspring back elbow.

Number Three is Star Jr.  

Mistico with a kick from the apron and a cross body.  Star with a super kick to Yang and Mistico with a satellite head scissors.  Star with a pop up cutter and a leg drop for a near fall.  Star with a punch to Yang.  

Number Four is Rugido.

Star punches Rugido on the ramp and hits a cross body onto Mistico and Yang.  Rugido with a head scissors take down to Star.  Rugido with a double Japanese arm drag.  Rugido with a power slam to Star for a near fall.  Rugido with a La Magistral to Mistico for a near fall.

Number Five is Jesus Rodriguez.

Jesus with a clothesline to Mistico and a kick to Rugido.  Jesus with a kick to Rugido and a clothesline to Yang.  Jesus with a sit out gourdbuster to Star.  Jesus chops Rugido and punches him.  Jesus with an enzuigiri to Rugido in the corner and he exchange punches with Yang.

Number Six is Okumura.

Okumura with clotheslines to Yang and Jesus.  Okumura kicks Rugido and connects with a back elbow to Mistico and tilt-a-whirl back breakers to Star followed by a punch and cutter.  Jesus punches Okumura and he connects with elbows to Rugido.

Number Seven is Ikuro Kwon.

Mistico with La Mistica to Jesus and Jesus taps out.

Jesus Rodriguez eliminated

Kwon with forearms to Rugido and he kicks and punches Star.  Kwon chokes Star in the ropes.  Rugido kicks Okumura.  Rugido tries to slam Okumura.

Number Eight is Akira.

Akira goes right for Kwon and they exchange forearms.  Akira with a head butt to everyone in the ring.  Akira staggers toward the referee but does not head butt him.  Akira with punches and chops to many people.  Yang chops Akira and Star runs into an elbow.  Yang with a moonsault.

Number Nine is Tom Lawlor.

Lawlor with a discus punch and Yang is pinned.

Jimmy Yang eliminated

Lawlor holds on to the ropes and he catapults Rugido over the top rope to the floor.

Rugido eliminated

Akira wtih a cutter to Star.

Number Ten is Josh Bishop.

Josh punches Akira, Kwon, and Mistico.  Bishop with a fallaway slam to Akira and he Irish whips Lawlor into Kwon for a head butt.  Josh with a Bossman slam.

Number Eleven is Bobby Fish.

Mistico with a head scissors to Star and then he punches Fish.  Mistico kicks Star and he goes to the ropes and Star crotches him and Star kicks Mistico to the floor.

Mistico Eliminated

Josh sends Lawlor into the corner but Okumura moves.

Number Twelve is Bad Dude Tito.

Josh sends Okumura to the apron and he punches Okumura.  Okumura with punches but Lawlor with a shoulder tackle to send Okumura to the floor.

Okumura eliminated

Josh kicks Tito and connects with elbows.  Josh and Lawlor focus on Star and they chop him against the ropes.  Tito kicks Kwon while Lawlor and Josh eliminate Star.

Number Thirteen is Adam Priest.

Priest with uppercuts to Kwon and he chokes him in the corner.  Fish punches Priest and connects with an elbow to the back of the head.  Josh and Priest exchange strikes.  Akira grabs Josh by the leg.

Number Fourteen is Paul Walter Hauser.

Paul with a crane kick that is blocked by Lawlor.  Paul with a jaw breaker and a reverse atomic drop and he clotheslines Lawlor over the top rope to the floor to eliminate him.  Tito punches Josh in the corner.  Paul with a diving head butt to Priest.

Number Fifteen is Slim J.

Sliim goes up top and hits a cross body to Priest and he hits a cutter on Josh.  Priest with a German suplex to Slim.  Akira and Kwon fight onto the ramp and they are eliminated.   Akira and Kwon fight on the stage.

Number Sixteen is Mads Krugger.

Mads grabs Akira and Akira chops Mads.  Kwon hits Akira from behind and Mads choke slams Akira off the stage through a table (most likely).  Tito kicks Hauser in the corner and Josh kicks Tito.  Mads and Kwon continue to focus on Akira.  Priest chops Josh and he tries to eliminate him but that does not work.  Josh with a short arm clothesline.  Fish with knees to Slim.  Mads punches Akira while Kwon chokes him.

Number Seventeen is Mr. Thomas.  Thomas slams Josh and chops Tito.  Thomas sends Slim into Josh in the corner.  Thomas chops Hauser in the corner.  Thomas with a running hip and then he punches Priest in the back.  Fish with punches and kicks Thomas.  Fish misses a round kick.  Fish with a splash to Tito in the corner.

Number Eighteen is unveiled behind the Contra Flag and it is Minoru Suzuki.

Suzuki and Priest have words and Priest with a chop and Suzuki fires back.  They go back and forth and Suzuki with a sleeper and he eliminates Priest.  Josh chops Suzuki and Suzuki smiles at him.  Suzuki with a sleeper to Josh.and he taps out.

Number Nineteen is Brett Ryan Gosselin.

Thomas gets in Suzuki's face and they exchange chops.  Brett finally enters the ring and he pushes Suzuki.  Brett bows and he rolls to the floor.

Number Twenty is CW Anderson.

Anderson gets in Tito's face and Anderson with a kick.  They exchange forearms and Tito with the advantage.  Anderson with a spinebuster to Tito nd Fish with a waist lock but Anderson with a back elbow and super kick.  Slim punches Hauser and Anderson chokes Thomas.  Hauser with a hammer lock DDT to Slim to pin him.

Number Twenty-One is Scotty Riggs.

Scotty gives the building the clap and Suzuki chops him.  Riggs falls back into the corner and Suzuki and Riggs exchange chops.  

Number Twenty-Two is Jake Crist.

Jake goes under the ring and pulls out Brett.  Jake punches Brett on the floor and they go into the ring.  Jake kicks Brett in the corner while Riggs punches Thomas.  Fish with punches and elbows to Tito.  Riggs punches Hauser.  Tito with an atomic drop to eliminate Fish.

Number Twenty-Three is Violent J.

Violent his Jake with a trash can lid and he slams him.  Riggs is eliminated by Hauser.  Violent with a power slam to Jake for a near fall.  Anderson kicks Hauser.  

Number Twenty-Four is Chris Danger.

Thomas kicks Brett.  Suzuki works on Jake's hand.  Violent sends Tito to the apron and Danger shakes Violent's hand and he hits a cutter and gets the three count to eliminate him.  BRett is sent to the apron and he gets back into the ring.  Danger punches and kicks Anderson in the corner and chokes him.

Number Twenty-Five is Ernest Miller.

Miller and Hauser square off in the ring while everyone watches.  They high five and then Thomas has some words for Hauser and Hauser with a crane kick to send Thomas to the apron.  Tito eliminates Thomas.  Miller punches Danger.

Number Twenty-Six is 1 Called Manders.

Tito suplexes Suzuki.  Mads punches Manders and they fight to the ring.  Mads clotheslines Manders into the ring and he connects with an elbow and kick.  Mads punches Manders.  Miler with chops to Suzuki and Miller tries to eliminate him.  Suzuki with a kimura.

Number Twenty-Seven is Sami Callihan.  

Sami uses a barbed wire bat.  Crist is eliminated.  Sami hits Tito and Anderson with the bat.  Sami has some words for Hauser and Hauser with a crane kick and a kick tot he head.  Hauser with a bang but Sami eliminates the celebrating Hauser.  Suzuki with forearms.

Number Twenty-Eight is the Masked Assassin.

Mads uses the lid.  Sami holds Suzuki for Tito and Tito with kicks.  Mads and Manders exchange punches.  The Assassin continues to circle the ring.  Manders and Mads eliminate each other as they go to the floor.  Brett punches and chokes Danger. Assassin with a claw and Sami goes for the groin.

Number Twenty-Nine is Alex Kane.

Kane with Fade to Black on Assassin and the mask comes off and it is Tom Lawlor.  Kane clotheslines Lawlor over the top rope to eliminate him again.  Kane kicks Brett  and chokes him.  Suzuki puts the mask on Danger

Number Thirty is Matthew Justice.

Sami el kabongs himself with a chair.  Justice goes up top and hits a Van Terminator on Anderson.  Justice and Suzuki exchange forearms.  

Number Thirty-One is Matt Riddle.

Riddle with a forearm to Suzuki and kicks to Anderson.  Riddle with knees to Sami and Miller with forearms to Sami.  Riddle rolls up Miller for the three count.  Suzuki with a sleeper to Riddle.  Justice with a Van Terminator to Brett for the three count.  Riddle punches Tito.

Number Thirty-Two is Andrew Everett.

Everett punches Danger and he goes over the top rope but Sami clotheslines him to the apron.  Andrew with a springboard spinning heel kick to Sami.  Andrew sets for a choke slam on Sami but Sami bites the hand.  Anderson punches Kane and Kane with Fade to Black and Anderson taps out.

Number Thirty-Three is Kimchee.

Tito with a spinebuster to Riddle but Riddle with a triangle.  Kimchee goes for a cradle piledriver on Danger but Danger counters and pins Kimchee to eliminate him.  Riddle eliminates Tito.  Sami kicks Everett.  

Number Thirty-Four is Timothy Thatcher.

Thatcher with forearms to Sami, Riddle, Kane, and Suzuki.  Suzuki and Thatcher exchange forearms.  They stare each other down and they continue the forearm and uppercut exchange.  Suzuki sends Thatcher to the apron and Thatcher rolls back in.  

Number Thirty-Five is Cornwallus.

Justice and Cornwallus exchange punches and he punches Thatcher.  Cornwallus with a knee to Suzuki and Suzuki with a Fujiwara arm bar and Cornwallus taps out.  Everett chokes Riddle in the corner.

Number Thirty-Six is Suge D.

Suge with an uppercut and forearms to Danger.  Danger punches Suge and hits Panama Sunrise to Suge.  Danger gets a near fall on Suge.  Suzuki goes for the leg and Danger begs to the referee.

Number Thirty-Seven is Rickey Shane Page.

Page with punches to everyone and he connects with a forearm to Suzuki.  Suzuki kicks Page and then Suge walks away from Suzuki.  Riddle and Everett hold Suzuki and Page tosses Danger at him.

Number Thirty-Eight is Shane Mercer.

Mercer with a fallaway power slam on Everett.  Mercer blocks a double choke slam and clotheslines Suge and Everett.

Number Thirty-Nine is ArachnaMan.

Mercer clotheslines Everett off the apron and Suge is eliminated.  Sami eliminated Page while Mercer sent to the apron by a few people.  Archnaman is revealed to be Tom Lawlor and Hauser makes the reveal and takes care of him.  Suzuki with a guillotine to Kane.  Danger with a forearm to Thatcher and Thatcher eliminates him.

Number Forty is Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Smith goes after Kane and Mercer and he fist bumps Suzuki.  Mercer and Smith exchange forearms.  Kane, Sami, and others go after Smith while Suzuki deals with Mercer.  Smith kicks out from a many man cover.  Smith and Thatcher exchange forearms.  Riddle and Suzuki exchange chops and forearms.  Justice eliminates Mercer and Sami eliminates Justice.  Smith kicks Kane and Thatcher and Smith send Kane to the apron and Kane holds on to the ropes but it is not enough and he is eliminated.

We are down to Suzuki, Riddle, Callihan, Thatcher, and Smith for the final five.  

Suzuki has a chair and Sami has a weapon.  They all go after Riddle.  Suzuki with a chair and Smith with a punch and kicks.  They try to eliminate Riddle but he gets back into the ring.  Riddle punches his way to safety.  Riddle with kicks and forearms.  Riddle puts Suzuki on the apron and Riddle with a forearm.  Suzuki fires back and Riddle with a jumping knee to eliminate Suzuki.

Sami and Riddle pair off while Thatcher and Smith battle.  Riddle with running forearms to Sami.  Sami with a head butt and Thatcher is sent to the apron but he holds on .  Smith with a kimura to Thatcher and Smith with a forearm but Thatcher holds on to the rope.  Smith goes after Riddle and he kicks him in the midsection.  Smith and Sami grab a leg and Sami stomps on the groin.  Smith and Sami set for a double suplex and they put him on the apron.  Sami and Smith with punches to Riddle and Riddle fights back with forearms.  Riddle with a double guillotine and he tries to pull them over the top rope.  Thatcher pulls Smith over and Thatcher and Smith are eliminated.

Riddle sends Sami to the floor to eliminate him.

Winner:  Matt Riddle

We go to credits.

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