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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-06-01 23:12:00

Welcome to’s coverage of MLW Battle Riot VI from Atlanta, Georgia.

Your announcers are Joe Dombrowski and Christian Cole.

We see Salina outside the buillding and she tells Dave Marquez she is here for revenge and that Cesar is a dead man.  She will not reveal any details to Marquez.

Cesar Duran makes his way to the ring.  He asks who is ready for Battle Riot.  He says it will be full of his favorite thing . . . VIOLENCE.  He mentions that Salina is here for revenge.  He says he has been trying to teach her, but she has been disobient.  He says tonight is a night for revelations, not revenge.  He says his luchadores will show that they are the best in the world.  One will win the Battle Riot, and one will win gold right now.  He has a Mexican God Queen with him.

Match Number One:  MLW Featherweight Championship Match: Janai Kai versus Delmi ExoLI

Kai pushes Exo and Exo pushes back.  Kai misses a kick and Exo with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Exo with kicks and a butterfly suplex for a near fall.  Exo with a shoulder in the corner.  Kai with an Irish whip and Kai catches Exo when she tries to float over and Kai drops Exo to the mat and hits a jumping side kick to the back of the head.  Kai with kicks.  Kai with a leg sweep and an arm wringer and another leg sweep.  Kai sends Exo throat first into the ropes and hits a running kick to Exo against the ropes and she gets a near fall.  Kai with a snap mare and kicks to the back.  Kai winds up for a more forceful kick to the back.  

Kai with a snap mare and kick to the back.  Kai with more kicks to the back.  Kai with more snap mares and kicks to the back.  Kai with forearms against the ropes.  Kai with a kick to the head and she gets a near fall.  Kai with kicks to the head and it angers Exo.  Exo blocks a kick and she chops Kai.  Exo with a clothesline and a face buster.  Exo with a round kick but Kai with an Irish whip.  Exo floats over and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Exo with a cutter for a near fall.  Exo sets for the Exo Driver but Kai escapes and she sweeps the leg and applies the Dragon sleeper.  Exo gets to her feet and she hits a jaw breaker to escape.

Exo with a kick and a Delmi Driver.  

Saliina comes out and sprays one of the masked men.  Salina sprays Exo while the referee checks on Kai.  Kai with a Yakuza kick for the three count.

Winner:  Janai Kai (retains Championship)

After the match, Kwon holds Exo while Kai taunts her.

Dave Marquez is with Paul Walter Hauser.

Paul says he loves Center Stage because of WCW Saturday NIght.  He shows an ArachnaMan costume that he purchased.  He says it is a good luck charm.

Ernest Miller shows up and Paul introduces himself to Miller.

Ernest says he heard he was a fan.

Paul tells Miller he is a legend.

Jimmy Yang shows up as well and he asks who is the master and points out that Bruce Lee would kick Daniel-san's ass.

Paul says he doesn't know who would win because that isn't pre-determined.

Violent J shows up and Paul mentions he played a Jugaloo on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Paul looks for his ArachnaMan costume and he runs out the room.

We see the throne on the stage that the winner will sit in for ten seconds.

The Elders who are to observe and judge the match emerge on the stage and they are Teddy Long and Mark Henry, 

Match Number Two:  Ritual Combat: Alex Kane versus AJ Francis

Francis attacks Kane from behind before the match and he kicks Kane in the back.  Francis misses a punch and Kane punches back.  Kane with a kick and a forearm.  Kane with a spear.  Francis goes to the floor and Kane with a suicide dive.  Francis goes into the crowd and Kane follows.  Francis hits Kane with a beverage and they both go into the stands.  Francis tries to Irish whip Kane into the wall but Kane reverses it.  Kane follows Francis back into the ring and Francis rolls back to the floor.  Kane kicks Francis away and Francis gets Kane up for a power bomb on the apron, the hardest part of the ring.  Francis grabs a chair and he hits Kane in the back with it.

Thomas checks on Kane while Francis makes his way to the throne and he sits down,  The referee starts his count and Francis gets up to kick Kane as Kane goes to the ramp.  Francis kicks Kane and hits him in the back with the chair a few times.  Francis puts Kane in the chair and Francis poses.  Kane with a punch and Francis slams Kane onto the chair and it crumples.  Francis returns to the throne.  Francis stops Kane on the stage as he gets off the throne.  Francis chokes Kane on the stage and Long and Henry advise Francis that is not Ritual Enough.  Francis gets Kane on his shoulders and he carries him back toward the ring and he sends Kane back into the ring with a Death Valley Driver.  Kane with a running knee into the corner and he flips over the top rope to the floor.

Francis gets a door from under the ring.  Francis puts Kane against the door and Francis with a head butt.  Francis goes for a splash but Kane moves and Francis stops short.  Francis gets Kane on his shoulders but Kane escapes.  Francis misses a boot and Kane goes low and Francis flies through the door.  Kane with forearms and a rolling elbow.  Kane with a splash into the corner and a flying shoulder tackle.  Francis misses a clothesline and Kane with a waist lock but Francis blocks it.  Francis gets Kane up and Kane gets to his feet and Kane with a suplex.  The straps are down and Kane goes for Fade to Black and he locks it in.  Francis backs Kane into the turnbuckles but Kane holds on.  Francis drops back to the mat to get out of the hold.

Kane with a forearm and Francis fires back.  Kane with the advantage as we see the throne watching the match.  Mark moves to sit next to Teddy and back in the ring, Kane with a German suplex.  Kane sets for a suplex and Francis with a low blow.  Francis with a choke slam and then he moves to the throne.  Kane crawls to the throne and he touches Francis which is enough to stop the count despite Francis sitting on the throne.  Francis biels Kane back into the ring.  Francis goes under the ring and he gets a table.  Francis sets up the table and then he grabs Kane and puts him on the table.  Francis goes to the turnbuckles.

Kane gets to his feet and he punches Francis.  Kane goes for a press slam but Francis pushes Kane away.  Kane with a punch and he sets for an exploder off the turnbuckles.  Francis knocks Kane to the mat so Kane gets the chair and throws it at Francis and it connects.  Kane sets for a superplex and he sends Francis through the table.  Kane makes his first trip to sit on the throne and the referee starts his count.

Francis crawls toward the throne but he cannot get there.

Winner:  Alex Kane (Francis is out of BOMAYE)

Mark says it is important that you are on the throne, but how you got there.  Pride, honor, and respect is why you are going to be a good representative.  Teddy congratulates Alex and he asks for a Holla.

MLW returns to live action with Blood and Thunder on July 12th in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Dave Marquez is with Tom Lawlor and MSL.

Tom says one more time that belt is coming back to its rightful owner.  He is going to take the title back to the US from that foreigner and he is bringing it back to WTF.  Tom says he might have gone to the hospital but Kojima is not escaping with the title.  He says the horse is going to the glue factory, and he has an insurance policy.

Mads Krugger says Contra will rise again.  He says he is a plague and a virus and he will infect MLW from within.  His defector will raise the flag and join the cause.  His new crusader will introduce himself to the world and MLW will know their demise is at hand.

Match Number Three:  MLW World Championship Match: Satoshi Kojima versus Tom Lawlor

Before the match starts, MSL gives Lawlor some weapons.  When the referee checks the wrestlers, he takes the weapons that were passed to Lawlor.  The referee tells MSL to leave ringside and he is told by the ring announcer that he has ten seconds to leave or he is banned from MLW for life.

Lawlor with forearms as the match starts.  Lawlor with an Irish whip and clothesline in the corner.  Lawlor with jabs and an Irish whip followed by a splash into the groin.  Lawlor chokes Kojima with his shirt.  Lawlor with an elbow to the top of the head.  Lawlor with chops but Kojima with a shoulder tackle.  Lawlor with an ankle pick and an elbow to Kojima.  Lawlor with a European uppercut and Kojima with a forearm.  They continue the exchange.  Lawlor with a kick to the knee.  Lawlor with a dragon screw.  Lawlor with a forearm to the back and he smothers Kojima against the turnbuckles.  Lawlor with a snap mare and kick to the back.  Lawlor teases a figure four leg lock and he applies it.  Lawlor uses the ropes for extra leverage when the referee is not looking.  Kojima gets to the ropes to force a break.

Lawlor with kicks to the knee and a drop kick in the corner.  Lawlor with a triangle and he punches Kojima in the head.  Kojima gets to the ropes to force a break.  Lawlor with forearms in the corner and he throws in a chop.  Lawlor with an Irish whip and Lawlor misses the splash to the groin and hits the middle turnbuckle with his face.  Kojima with punches to Lawlor.  Lawlor with punches to Kojima and he throws in some chops.  Kojima blocks a chop and it is time for the Kojima chops.  Kojima with an Irish whip and a running forearm into the corner.  Kojima goes to the apron and Lawlor with a jumping knee to send him to the floor.  Lawlor sends Kojima shoulder first into the ring post.  

Lawlor with a kick to the back after doing some posing over Kojima.  Kojima trips Lawlor on the apron.  Kojima and Lawlor exchange forearms of Fighting Spirit.  Kojima with the advantage.  Lawlor with a rolling elbow and Kojima is down.  Lawlor with a flatliner and he applies an Anaconda Vice.  Kojima gets to the ropes to force a break.  Lawlor with a waist lock and Kojima blocks a German suplex and he hits a DDT.  Kojima with a kick and cutter for a near fall.  Kojima sets for the lariat  and Lawlor avoids it and Lawlor with a rear naked choke.  Lawlor gets a near fall.  Lawlor with a knee to the back and Kojima collapses to the mat.  Lawlor with a straitjacket choke and a knee to the back for a near fall.

Lawlor sets for a V Trigger but Kojima with a lariat for a near fall.  Kojima with another lariat for the three count.

Winner:  Satoshi Kojima (retains championship)

The Opera Cup returns starting on June 22nd.

Cesar Duran makes his way to the ring.




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