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By Dave Scherer on 2024-05-25 13:07:00

They announced that SummerSlam will be two days in Minnesota.  They mentioned Cleveland will host the show in 2024.  Who will get it next year?  Good question Cole said.  Maybe it will be Saudi, with an announcement coming later?

The women's tag champs did an interview and are ready for whoever steps up.

Nia Jax vs. Lyra Valkyria to determine Queen Of The Ring is up next.

Nia is out first.  Lyra came out with wings on.  Cole explained what the wings meant. 

Early on Lyra was using her speed to keep away from Nia's power.  But eventually Nia got hold and started working her over.  But Nia tried to drop her butt on Lyra on the apron but she moved and Nia landed with a thud.  Now they are on the floor fighting.  Lyra grazed her with a dropkick and then hit a tornado DDT but Nia kicked out at two.  Lyra missed off of the top and ate a Samoan Drop.  But then Nia missed and Lyra hit her with a stomp for a two, then got another.  

Lyra tried to get her up but couldn't and Nia is back on the offense.  Nia had her on the second rope but Lyra tried to powerbomb her.  Nia sat out and hit the Annihilator and won Queen of the Ring.  She gets Bayley at SummerSlam.

It was a very good match where Lyra showed she could do a lot of good things.  Nia's work has been great since she came back.  She deserves the Title shot at SummerSlam.

After the match, HHH came in with the crown.  HHH shook her hand and she clearly got REALLY emotional and hugged HHH.  Good for her.  She has worked her way back.  I love a good redemption story.  HHH put the crown on her head and raised her hand.  She looks legitimately happy.  And then Kayla came in and she went right into heel mode.  Love it.  She got her moment and then went right back to work.  Good stuff.

UFC is going to Saudi Arabia!  A bunch of guys that I never heard of will be fighting each other!  I won't be watching.

NXT is coming to UFC's Apex Arena in my city of Las Vegas.  Now, that one I WILL be watching.  Michael Cole also needs to learn how to say "Nevada".

Becky is in the back yelling at Dom.  Becky doesn't know what happened.  I do, you paid attention to Dom when you shouldn't have and it cost you the match.  But she said she has a rematch clause in her contract so she is going to see Pearce to invoke it.

Gunther and Randy Orton will now decide the 2024 King Of The Ring.  Gunther came out first.  As soon as Orton's music hit, the crowd popped big time.  They love the legends in Saudi Arabia.

Randy took his time walking to the ring, appreciating the fans singing his song.  The crowd chanted THIS IS AWESOME at the start.  Orton's entrance was really cool and the fans are 100 percent behind him.

They started slow, in a very good way, and now it's heating up.  Randy missed an RKO and Gunther went to work on him.  

Orton came back with a suplex and then some clotheslines.  We went for the RKO but Gunther moved.  Randy is selling that he tweaked his hurt knee, which is heavily taped.  Randy's selling is so good.

Randy hit the Powerslam but Gunther rolled away.  He did the DDT from the second rope but his knee held him from covering.  Randy viped but Gunther got out of the RKO.  Gunther went up, slipped but still hit the splash.  What an athlete.  He went for another but missed.  Randy hit the RKO but Gunther rolled away.  

On the floor, Randy dropped Gunther on the table and it didn't break.  Ouch!

He did it again, and it didn't break again.  Double Ouch!

Randy went into the ring to break the count and when he came back out, Gunther drove him into the ring.  Orton responded with a back drop out of a powerbomb attempt.  The fans are loving it.  Randy dumped him on the table again.  

Gunther got in the ring first and as Randy was coming in, he did a dropkick to the bad knee.  Down went Randy.  Gunther went for the half crab but Randy kicked out.  Gunther went back to crab and had it long enough to do damage.  Gunther locked it on again.  Randy finally got the rope.  He got up and an RKO out of nowhere.  At two, Gunther got out of it when he went to the knee.  He reversed it and got the quick pin, which looked like Randy's shoulder might have been up.  Gunther is your 2024 King Of The Ring.  Gunther vs. Damian Priest?  Yes please.

After the match, Randy kept selling.  He is so good.  A lot of people in the business could learn a lot from his work.

Triple H presented the crown to Gunther.  Byron came in and asked him how it felt to be king.  The crowd chanted that he deserved it.  He then said what he does or doesn't deserve is none of their business.  BOOM!  Great heel work.  He turned them in a second.  He said he became the King Of The Ring and at SummerSlam he will become the World Champion.  The crowd booed lustily as the pyro went off.  I love when a heel can turn the crowd like that.  Great, great stuff from top to bottom.

On November 2, WWE returns to Saudi Arabia for Crown Jewel in Riyadh.  

Please click to Page 3 for more thoughts from today's show!

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