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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-20 23:00:00

Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring.

Becky says she will be defending the title in five days against Liv Morgan.  They have a history and they have fought on the same side and against each other.  Liv has never beaten her.  Becky says we are dealing with a different Liv Morgan.  She is bent on revenge.  Liv things this is what it will take to beat her.

Liv Morgan interrupts.

Liv says the way that Becky is gaslighting the WWE Universe is insane.  Becky punched her and she is the bad guy for trying to retaliate.  Damage CTRL come out and she bails and she isn't ready for a fight?  She doesn't care about anyone.  She is only out here to complete the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour.

Becky says after ten years you have finally figured out what you are doing.  Becky says she has known since she was fifteen and she is a best selling author.  Becky says she wanted to break through glass ceilings.  After twenty-two years, her purpose is the same.  She wants to leave this place better than she found it.   Your purpose is revenge.  If you get it, what's next?

Liv says Becky is really really delusional.  The fact that you come out and say 'I break barriers and glass ceilings' because you are the most selfish person in this entire company.  Becky doesn't care about you or this place.  All Becky has cared about is herself.  Liv says you can't hear her because your heads are so far up Becky's ass.  Liv thanks Becky for not making it all about her.  After she is done with her Revenge Tour, she will finally sit where she belongs . . . at the top of the division as your Women's Champion.

Becky says that you bring these people into this.  They know you are lying.  You can't trick the people and Becky says she does it all for them.  Becky says she will put her body on the line for all of them.  Becky says she came for a fight so why not come to the ring and fight her.

Liv makes her way to the ring and then she gets on the apron and backs off.  Liv laughs and she says she wishes Becky could see how stupid she looks.  On Saturday, they have a title match.  She will become the new Women's Champion.

Damian Priest is in CLUBHOUSE and he wants to know what happened.  He tells Carlito he needs to earn his keep.  Dom says he thought JD was going to take care of Strowman.  Priest tells JD to go to Pearce for a match.  Priest says he doesn't recognize them any more.

Finn says the wheels are falling off.  Finn tells JD to talk to Pearce NOW.

We are back and Xavier Woods is cleared to compete and Kofi is excited.

Karrion Kross and Scarlett show up and he says that Woods has been through a rough stretch, but there is always more time to turn things around.

Match Number Five:  Dakota Kai and Kairi Sane versus Katana Chance and Kayden Carter versus Ivy Nile and Maxxine Dupri versus Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark in a Number One Contender Match

Ivy and Kairi start things off and Zoey and Shayna tag in and attack Zoey.  Kai with a pop up kick to Chance.  Ivy with a delayed vertical suplex to Sane that is helped by a double super kick from Chance and Carter.  Chance goes to the turnbuckles and Carter helps her with a Keg Stand onto everyone on the floor.  Carter sends Zoey into the ring and gets a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kai gets a near fall on Ivy.  Kai with a forearm and Ivy with a German suplex.  Dupri tags in and so does Sane.  Dupri with knees and a jumping knee and kick.  Dupri with a fisherman's suplex.  Dupri with an Irish whip and Carter tags in and Dupri with a bulldog to Sane.  Carter and Chance go after Maxxine but Dupri sends Chance to the floor.  Carter with a twisting reverse DDT.  They hit After Party and Kai pulls Chance out of the ring.  Kai gets a near fall on Dupri but Shayna and Zoey break it up.  Zoey is sent to the apron by Carter.  Kai and Sane set for a double superplex on Shayna while Carter and Chance go for a double superplex on Zoey.  Ivy with a Tower of Doom.  Carter pushes Zoey onto Shayna.  Ivy with a running thrust kick.

Dupri sends Carter into the ringside barrier and she sets for the reverse caterpillar and elbow drop to Kai for a near fall.  Dupri with an ankle lock on Kai and she adds a leg lace.  Sane with an elbow drop to Dupri and she tags in.  Sane sets for the marching running knee but Zoey tags in and Dupri with a rollup for a near fall while Shayna gives Sane a Kirifuta Clutch.  Zoey gets Dupri up and passes her to Shayna for a knee.  Zoey gets the three count.

Winners:  Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler

Kayla is with Ludwig Kaiser and she asks him if Gunther is overlooking Jey.

Kaiser says he hopes Jey takes it better than Sheamus did.  Sheamus used to love to fight and let his fists do the talking.  Sheamus used his fists to punch the keyboard and he calls Sheamus a keyboard warrior.  Sheamus is going to stay home to protect his legacy or he will come back for Ludwig Kaiser to put him down.

Drew McIntyre shows up and he says he wonders why he is here.  Pearce decided not to use one of his best stars to watch Jey Uso.  Drew complains about not being given a chance to speak so he decides to talk now.

Drew says Priest thought he got one over him last week.  You only get one over him when he lets you.  Drew says he is playing chess while Priest is playing with his guyliner.  He tells Priest to focus on him because he beat a real champion at Wrestlemania and then he will beat Priest too.

We are back and Chad Gable is with The Creeds and Otis shows up and Otis says he wants to talk to Chad.

We see Sonya Deville talking to Zoey and Shayna in the background.

Otis says he went to apologize to Sami.

Chad says he sees what Otis is doing.  Trying to make Sami think you feel bad to soften him up for Saudi.  Chad asks Otis if he is ready for Saudi because they are going to win his Intercontinental Championship together.  He asks Otis RIGHT and Otis says right and Chad tells Otis he wants him to say it and Otis says what Chad wants him to say.

Cole runs through the card for King and Queen of the Ring.

Jey Uso is in the back and he says tonight is the night.  There is no tomorrow.  This is the semifinals.  Jey Uso versus . . . Gunther.  They have unfinished business.  Tonight he finishes the job.  Gunther will catch a YEETdown while Jey says he is going to catch a crown.

Match Number Six:  Jey Uso versus Gunther in a King of the Ring Semifinal Match

They lock up and Gunther backs Jey into the ropes and the corner.  Gunther with chops on the break and a third one.  Jey with forearms.  Jey goes to the turnbuckles for punches.  Jey with punches that culminate with the pop and lock punch.  Jey with a suicide dive to send Gunther into the ringside barrier.  Jey sends Gunther back into the ring and he goes up top and leaps over Gunther and rolls through.  Jey charges at Gunther and Gunther sends Jey shoulder first into the ring post.  Gunther with a hammer lock and he sends Jey into the ring steps.  Gunther with another hammer lock and he sends Jey into the ringside barrier.  Gunther sends Jey into the ring post.  Gunther breaks the count and he hot shots Jey onto the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Gunther with an arm bar.  Gunther works on the shoulder and Jey with a punch.  Jey with a punch using his bad arm.  Gunther with an uppercut to the arm and he continues to work on the arm.  Gunther with a kick to the shoulder. and more kicks to the arm.  Gunther with a hammer lock on the other arm and he pulls at the injured arm.  Gunther with kicks to the shoulder.  Gunther goes up top  and Jey with a punch to stop him.  Jey with a head butt and he sets for a superplex but Gunther with punches.  Gunther with a kimura on the turnbuckles.  Jey with a Samoan Drop off the turnbuckles and both men are down.  

Jey goes up top and he hits a cross body for a near fall.  Gunther with a chop and Jey likes it.  Gunther with another chop and Jey with punches.  Gunther with a chop and Jey pops up again.  Gunther with another chop and Jey with forearms.  Jey has a kick blocked and he hits an enzuigiri.  Jey has a super kick blocked and Gunther with a chop.  Jey with a super kick for a near fall.  Jey with a super kick and Gunther goes down again.  Jey with kicks int he corner.  Gunther with a running drop kick.  Gunther with a power bomb for a near fall.  Gunther with a Fujiwara arm bar.   Jey escapes and he runs into a kick.  Gunther with a chop to the back of the neck and Gunther with a sleeper but Jey floats back to get a near fall.  Gunther with a German suplex and he goes up top for a splash and hits it.

Gunther gets a near fall.  Gunther with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall.   Gunther with a chop and Jey crumples to the mat.  Gunther with another chop and Jey is down.  Jey slaps Gunther and Gunther with chops.  The referee warns Gunther and Gunther has some words for the referee.  Jey with a spear and the referee goes down.  Jey goes up top and hits a frog splash.  Jey rolls over to make the cover but the referee is not in position and Gunther kicks out.   Gunther wtih forearms and he applies a sleeper and adds a body scissors.  The referee checks on the arm and calls for the bell.

Winner:  Gunther (advances to the finals)

We go to credits.


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