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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-20 23:00:00

We are back and Lyra with a waist lock and Iyo goes through the ropes to clothesline Lyra.  Iyo misses a sliding knee.  Lyra grabs Iyo but Iyo drops Lyra on the top rope.  Iyo with forearms to the back.  Iyo sends Lyra into the turnbuckles and Iyo with kicks.  Iyo chokes Lyra in the corner and hits a hesitation double knee strike for a near fall.  Iyo with a waist lock and Lyra misses a back elbow.  Iyo with a knee and a butterfly back breaker for a near fall.  Iyo with a straitjacket clutch.  Iyo gets a near fall.  Iyo with a series of near falls.  Iyo with kicks to the head and Lyra grabs the leg.  Lyra blocks a kick and Lyra with a slap and a leg trapped German suplex.  Lyra with clotheslines and kicks, ending in an enzuigiri.  Lyra with a drop kick through the ropes.  Lyra goes up top and hits a cross body and rolls through.  Lyra sets for a fisherman's buster and hits it for a near fall.

Iyo with elbows to get off Lyra's shoulders and she pulls Lyra down by the hair.  Iyo with a double knee strike for a near fall.  Iyo with a waist lock.  Lyra with a standing switch.  Lyra with an O'Connor Roll for a near fall.  Lyra rolls through with a Billy Goat's Curse and she rocks Iyo.  Lyra with a rollup and bridge for a near fall.  Iyo with a crossface.  Lyra rolls over and gets a near fall.  Iyo with a Shotei.  Iyo is sent to the apron and Iyo with a forearm.  Iyo sets for a springboard drop kick and hits it.  Iyo with a running double knee strike to the back against the ropes.  Iyo goes up top and Lyra pulls Iyo off the turnbuckles.  Lyra goes for a tornado DDT but Iyo blocks it and sends Lyra to the floor.  Iyo with a kick from the apron and an Asai moonsault.

We go to commercial

We are back and Lyra with a forearm and Iyo fires back.  They continue the exchange with Lyra going windmill.  Iyo with a kick to the leg but Lyra blocks a kick  Iyo with a Victory Roll into a double stomp for a near fall.  Iyo sets for the running double knee strike but Lyra moves.  Lyra with a tornado DDT and she sets for a fisherman's buster and she gets a near fall.  Lyra gets Iyo on her shoulders but Iyo escapes and hits a German suplex.  Iyo with a running double knee strike and she goes up top for the moonsault.  Lyra grabs Iyo's ankle to stop her.  Lyra with a forearm to the back.  Lyra sets for Night Wing from the turnbuckles and Iyo escapes and hits a power bomb.  

Iyo pulls Lyra into position and sets for the moonsault and she misses it but Iyo lands on her feet.  Iyo escapes Night Wing and goes for a sunset flip but Lyra drops down for the three count.

Winner:  Lyra Valkyria (advances to Finals)

Jackie is with Lyra.  

Iyo takes the mic and she yells at Lyra in Japanese and leaves the ring.

Jackie asks Lyra if she thought she would be in the finals of Queen of the Ring.  Lyra says three weeks ago, she could not imagine beating a former WWE champion.  The trick is you don't always know how you are going to get the job done, as long as you know you can.  She says she is one Night Wing away from becoming Queen of the Ring.

R Truth is with Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate and Truth is talking about the Hokey Pokey before Miz shows up.

Miz tells Truth to be careful because THE Judgment Day use numbers.  Truth says he talked to his good buddy Andre the Giant.  Miz tells Truth that Andre is dead.

Ilja Dragunov is with Kayla Braxton and she asks him who is going to win King of the Ring.

Ilja says he is frustrated but he lost to the man called the Main Event and he sets the bar.  Ilja wants to talk about Gunther.

Ricochet shows up and he tells Ilja not to get it twisted.  They set the bar very high.  Before you say anyone else's name, because you got the best of him one time, it isn't the end of things.

Bron spears Ricochet and officials come to check on Ilja.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the medical staff checks on Ricochet while Ilja stands next to Adam Pearce.

We take a look at last week's King of the Ring matches from Raw.

Gunther is in the empty arena earlier.  He says he made fun of Jey Uso and said simple gestures for simple people, but he made himself into the biggest star.  Tonight, people will be throwing their hands in the air when he comes out.  They will fill Jey will delusion.  The bad news is that he is in the business of taking home away and dragging them to the ground of reality.  When Jey Uso faces him tonight, it is not about who is the more exciting act on the way to the ring, it is who is the better professional wrestler when you get in the ring.  Jey, you might be the greatest showman, but Gunther says he is a better wrestler.  He is already the general of the sacred ring and soon to be King of the Ring.

We are in CLUBHOUSE and Priest tells JD and Finn to go win the tag titles.  Priest says he heard about what Carlito did to Cruz and he says the word is that he will be out for a while.  LWO is going to be pissed and come after him.

Carlito says he had to strike first and now he is laying low.  

Priest says they are not his protection agency.  

Dom points out what Carlito did last week and Priest says that is why he is welcome this week.

Finn says he wishes it was them out there tonight.

We see footage of Baron Corbin at a PBA event in Kissimmee over the weekend.

Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler are in the back and they see Sonya Deville.  Sonya introduces herself to Zoey and she says she wants to talk to both of them.  Shayna tells Sonya she is not interested in what they are trying to sell.

Match Number Four:  Finn Balor and JD McDonagh (with Dominik Mysterio) versus Miz and R Truth for the Raw Tag Team Championship

Finn and Miz start things off and Finn with a wrist lock.  Miz with a reversal into a wrist lock.  Finn with a punch and he sends Miz into the turnbuckles.  JD tags in and he kicks Miz.  The referee warns JD.  Miz with a knee to the midsection.  Truth tags in and Miz with a snap mare and kick.  Truth with a dancing leg drop.  Truth with a jumping split and a splash into the corner.  Miz tags in and he kicks JD.  Miz with a kick to the chest and more kicks.  Miz with an Awesome Clothesline to JD and Miz with a boot to Finn on the apron.  Miz with a rollup on the apron and Finn pulls Miz down when the referee was distracted.  JD with a shoulder in the corner.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Finn kicks Miz.  JD tags in and he gets a near fall.  JD with a front face lock.  Miz stomps on the foot but he cannot make the tag.  JD keeps Miz from making the tag and he punches JD.  Miz with an elbow to Finn on the apron.  Both men go for clotheslines and both men are down.  Truth and Finn tag in and Truth with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb.  Truth sets for a Five Knuckle Shuffle but Finn stops him.  Truth with an STF and JD breaks it up.  JD sends Miz to the floor.  Truth sends JD over the top rope to the floor.  Finn with a rollup for a near fall.  Finn with sling blade.

JD tags in and Truth with a kick to Finn and a Blue Thunder Bomb to JD and Miz gives Finn a Blue Thunder Bomb.  Miz and Truth with Five Knuckle Shuffles to each man.  Miz stops Carlito on the apron and Miz with a pescado onto Finn.  JD with a rollup for a near fall.  Truth with a Lie Detector to JD but Carlito puts JD's foot on the rope to stop the count.  Dom gets on the apron and Carlito gets on the apron.

Braun Strowman's music plays and he sends Carlito into the ringside barrier.  Braun chases JD around the ring and JD goes into the ring and Truth with an Attiude Adjustment for the three count.

Winners:  Miz and R Truth (retain championship)

Becky congratulates Lyra on her win and she tells Lyra that she has this.

Lyra continues to walk and she sees Liv Morgan.

Liv congratulates Lyra on her win.  Liv says she is surprised that Becky didn't help her win.

Liv punches Lyra and runs away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bronson Reed stops by to tell Sami he doesn't have to worry about Chad Gable and his games.  Bronson tells Sami to look in his eyes because he is soulless.  Pain is how he makes his money.  He will use his size for his biggest payday yet.

Bronson leaves.

Otis shows up behind Sami and Sami says he expects better from Otis.  He says he expects that crap from Gable, but not Otis.  Are you proud of yourself?

Otis tells Sami he's sorry.  

Sami says he knows Otis is sorry because he is a good guy.  He says Chad is not a good guy.  He says he has been in Otis' shoes before.  The sooner you stop listening to him and start listening to THEM, you will be better.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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