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By Mike Johnson on 2024-04-20 19:00:00

Alexander Hammerstone vs. Josh Alexander III - Last Man Standing match.

They began brawling immediately.  Alexander gained control as the crowd chanted for him.  He nailed a missile dropkick and went for the C4 Spike but Hammerstone tossed him aside.  Hammerstone lifted and slammed Alexander.  Alexander fired back but was caught and almost slammed.  He escaped and they exchanged suplexes.  Alexander went over the top to the apron.  Hammerstone went for a running boot but was caught up in the ropes.  Alexander slammed him on the ring apron.  The referee began counting him down but Hammerstone returned to his feet by the six count.  Hammerstone slammed Alexander into the ring apron and then he's almost the one counted out.

Hammerstone returned to the floor and sent Alexander into the guard rail, then nailed a delayed vertical suplex on the floor.  He told the official to count Alexander out.    He made it to his feet but Hammerstone slammed his face into the ring apron.  He pulled Alexander up and drilled him with several big shots.  Alexander slipped behind and nailed an EVIL looking German suplex on the apron.  The official began counting out Hammerstone.  Alexander began smashing his leg into the ring post over and over.  Alexander pulled out an old Bret Hart special, the ring post figure four leglock.  

Alexander followed Hammerstone into the ring.  Hammerstone ripped his head gear off and drilled Alexander into his ear, which was now bleeding.  Hammerstone attacked the ear.  Alexander was almost counted out but made it to his feet.  Alexander fired away with slaps but Hammerstone grabbed him and executed a fallaway slam.  Hammerstone measured and attacked Alexander, drilling him with a boot to the face while Alexander's head was set up next to the ring post.  Alexander used the ropes to pull himself up but was off balance.

Hammerstone used the Torture Race to torment Alexander and slammed him down to the mat.  The referee counted Alexander out but he returned to his feet at the nine count.  Hammerstone smashed him with a pump kick.  Hammerstone thought it was over but Alexander shocked him with an ankle lock.    He attacked the knee again and again.  Alexander nailed a crossbody into Hammerstone, who was against the buckles.  Hammerstone tried to block the C4 Spike, so Alexander furiously kicked away at him.

Alexander went to the floor and pulled out a bag of thumb tacks.  He spilled them into the ring.  They battled.  Hammerstone nailed the Nightmare Pendulum off the ropes into the tacks.  That was insane.  The referee began counting Alexander down as Hammerstone was pulled tacks out of his legs.  Alexander rolled out of the ring and landed on his feet to save himself.    Alexander was hanging over the barricade at this point but was grabbed and tossed onto the ring ramp.  Hammerstone grabbed the headgear and began beating Alexander's head and ear with it.  He placed it over his elbow and went for another Nightmare Pendulum but Alexander escaped.  They battled and Alexander nailed a suplex and a C4 Spike on the ramp.  Hammerstone tried to recover but was unable.  Hammerstone was counted out.

Your winner, Josh Alexander!

This was absolutely great, to the point I don't think they even needed the thumbtacks at all.  Just a brutal, grueling, physical war.

They aired the latest video package on Jonathan Gresham.

Before the next bout, Ash by Elegance came out as a spectactor with her concierge, the artist formerly known as George Iceman.

TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Steph De Lander with The Good Hands

They battled back and forth with neither getting the immediate advantage.  Grace finally caught Steph with a big forearm.  She went right for The Juggernaut Driver but Steph blocked it.  Steph was sent through the ropes and Grace drilled her with an awesome dive.  Steph gained control when they returned to the ring, nailing Snake Eyes into the buckles, then choking the champ against the ropes.

Grace battled back and cinched in a sleeper.  De Lander tossed her off  and  nailed a running boot.  She suplexed Grace and scored another two count.  Grace fought back and went for a suplex but it was reversed.  Grace forced herself back to her feet.  They exchanged clotheslines with the Australian star getting the better of the exchange, leaving the champion having to recover.    De Lander went after Grace, who used the buckles to raise up and grab another sleeper.  Steph fell backwards with an electric chair but Grace held on and had her trapped.  Her arms dropped twice but the referee was distracted by John Skyler.  Jason Hotch tossed Steph the Knockouts title belt.  She went to use it but Grace moved and the referee was almost nailed.  Grace went for a spinning backfist but Steph moved and the referee was KO'd.

The Good Hands grabbed the referee's shirt and tried to make the count but the lights went out and when they came back, PCO was in the ring.  He attacked and chokeslammed The Good Hands.  He clotheslined them over the top to the floor.  PCO turned to face Steph De Lander, who tried to charm him with her feminine wiles.  PCO acted like he liked it but was then going to chokeslam her.  Kon hit the ring and attacked PCO, taking him out with a brutal toss to the floor.  Jordynne Grace recovered and shoved Kon.  He shoved her to the mat hard.  Kon went to grab her for a move but she low blowed him and went to hit a DVDR but the Good Hands attacked her again.  Kon went to snap her neck but the lights went out again.

When they returned, Sami Callihan was in the ring attacking everyone with a baseball bat.  He nailed the Cactus piledriver on Hotch.  He grabbed De Lander on the floor as she tried to escape and tossed her back in.  Grace hit the Juggernaut Driver and scored the pin.

Your winner and still TNA Knockouts Champion, Jordynne Grace!

There was a lot going on here but the live crowd loved it and it was entertaining and different from everything else.  I wish TNA had held off on all the outside interference earlier in the show just so the run-ins and lights out stuff stood out more.  Callihan being the surprise makes sense given his lights out stuff in the past but if anyone was expecting a new name, I can understand that disappointment.

They showed Ryan Nemeth and Don Nemeth, the father of Ryan and Nic, on camera.

TNA Champion Moose with The System vs. NJPW Global Champion Nic Nemeth.

It was all Nemeth early on.  Moose tried to nail a clothesline but Nemeth ducked and Moose went to the floor.  Nemeth knocked him off the apron and went for a leaping move but was caught and slammed onto the apron.  Moose mocked The Nemeth family at ringside.  He whipped Nick hard into the buckles sternum-first.  Moose worked over Nemeth until being backdropped over the ropes onto the entrance ramp, which looked scary.  Nemeth went for a Famouser but Moose caught him.  Nemeth turned it into a rana.  Nemeth went to the top and nailed a missile dropkick into the ring.  He followed up with a big DDT for a two count.

The System distracted Nemeth, allowing Moose to attack him from behind.  The referee ejected all of them from ringside.    Nemeth came back and nailed a superkick but Moose kicked up at the last second.   Moose was snatched in a sleeper with Nemeth scissoring him with his legs.  Moose tried to roll out of it on the mat but Nemeth held on.  Moose tried to break it by slamming him backwards into the buckles but again Nemeth kept holding on.  Moose, desperate, climbed the ropes and jumped backwards, crashing Nemeth underneath him on the mat to finally shatter the hold.

Moose dragged Nemeth to the floor and sent him into the stairs.  They battled on the floor.  Nemeth nailed Moose and dove off the ramp with a Famouser to the floor.  The competitors came dangerously close to being counted out, so Nemeth rolled in and back out.  This has been very good.  Back in the ring, Nemeth attacked him in the corner and nailed a big neckbreaker.  Nemeth nailed his rapid fire elbows.   He went for a tenth one but Moose rolled out of the ring to the floor.  Nemeth nailed an elbow off the apron to the floor.

Nemeth went for a superkick but was blocked.  Moose nailed a big headbutt.  He nailed a Sky High for a close two count.  Moose went for a spear but Nemeth evaded and rolled him up for several near falls.  Moose snatched him with a big powerbomb for a two count.  Moose dumped Nemeth to the ramp outside.  He went for a powerbomb.  Nemeth tried to turn it into a rana but Moose blocked and powerbombed him on the ramp.  It legitimately knocked a light into a camera, taking the camera out.  Nemeth was almost counted out but pulled himself in just as the referee would have made it to ten.

Moose kicked him but missed a moonsault.  Nemeth nailed a Famouser for a two count.  They fired back and forth with punches and kicks and moves until Nemeth went for a superkick.  Moose ducked.  Nemeth set up for another but Moose speared and pinned him.

Your winner and still TNA Champion, Moose!

The System came out to celebrate with Moose when a video played and the lights went out...AHA!  Broken Matt Hardy appeared and attacked Moose, hitting The Twist of Fate.  The crowd chanted DELETE and Hardy held up the TNA title as they went off the air.

This was a really damn good show.



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