Number 21 was Omos. He tossed Bronson. Bronson tossed Ivar.
Number 22 was Pat McAfee, who acted like he didn't know he was in it. He was psyched up by Cole and Graves. He entered the ring and saw Bron and Omos waiting for him, so he eliminated himself.
Bron avoided a charge, so Omos got caught on the ropes. Bron knocked him out. Dom pushed Bron over.
Number 23 was JD McDonough. Bron speared him in the entrance, pissed he was eliminated.
Cody and GUNTHER battled.
Number 24 was R-Truth. He tossed JD in and JD was immediately clotheslined over the top. Truth got on the apron and waited to get tagged in. Dom finally did it. Truth cleaned house on GUNTHER.
Number 25 was Miz. He nailed a floatover DDT on GUNTHER. Dom hit the 619 on Miz.
Number 26 was Damian Priest. He drilled Truth and tossed him out, then looked down at him, angry. He then attacked Miz and began swinging down. He went for a splash on Cody but missed. They battled.
Number 27 is CM Punk. He cleaned house. Dom tried to toss him but Punk reversed and adios Dom. Priest attacked Punk from behind and laid him out.
Number 28 is Ricochet. He hit some big moves but was clotheslined by Damian. Miz was knocked off the ropes and bounced off the apron to the floor.
Number 29 is Drew McIntyre. He battled everyone. He kicked the hell out of GUNTHER. He nailed a big suplex on Ricochet. Jey was tossed out.
Number 30 is Sami Zayn. TJ Parsons is the happiest man in the world. Everyone battled.
Drew tossed Ricochet over the top.
The final six all faced off and battled, all hitting big moves.
Zayn tossed Priest. Drew tossed Sami.
Four men left.
Cody hit the Cody Cutter on GUNTHER, who came back with a clothesline.
Drew and Punk battled in the corner. Drew and GUNTHER faced off and then went back after the others. Drew chopped Punk hard. He and GUNTHER had words, allowing Cody and Punk to attack. Punk avoided the Claymore and called for the GTS but Drew escaped. Drew nailed the Glasgow Kiss. Drew nailed the Claymore Kick on Cody. He nailed another on Punk.
Drew trash-talked Punk but Punk tossed him over.
Three man left.
GUNTHER dropkicked Punk and then slammed him. GUNTHER was pulled over and eliminated by Cody.
It's down to Punk and Cody.
They showed Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins each watching from suites.
They battled back and forth, slugging it out. Punk nailed a series of strikes but was nailed with a low powerslam. Cody went for the Cody Cutter but Punk caught him and nailed a series of suplexes. Punk nailed the knee strike into the bulldog on Cody. He called for GTS but Cosdy slipped out and went for CrossRhodes. He nailed some clubbering shots and hit a Bionic Elbow.
Punk tossed him but Cody pulled himself back under the ring. Punk pointed to the Mania sign but was hit with CrossRhodes. The crowd chanted for Cody. Punk was pulled up but nailed GTS. Cody used a Crucifix to try and pull Punk over but it didn't work. Punk nailed a Pedigree. Punk said he didn't wait 10 years to lose to Dusty's kid. He set up for a GTS but Cody blocked it and tossed Punk.
Your winner, Cody Rhodes!
The last 15 minutes of this was absolutely great. The final four sequences and the final two battle with Punk and Cody was all great stuff.
Cody pointed to the Wrestlemania title as Roman watched, defiant.
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