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By Mike Johnson on 2024-01-27 19:00:00

Number 11 was Bobby Lashley.  He speared Nakamura.  He chokeslammed Andrade.  Dom begged off from Lashley as he charged in the corner.  Lashley still speared him.  He and Kross faced off.  Carlito was knocked off the apron by Lashley.    He then tossed Kross.

The Authors of Pain and Paul Ellering came down.  The officials argued with them, allowing Kross to pull Lashley off the apron.  Lashley, pissed he was eliminated, attacked Kross.  The Authors of Pain got involved and The Street Profits charged down.

Nuimber 12 was Ludwig Kaiser.  Everyone battled.

Number 13 was Austin Theory.   Everyone battled.

Number 14 was Finn Balor.  He tossed Hayes.  Balor and Dom started double-teaming everyone.  

Number 15 was Cody Rhodes.  The crowd picked up for his entrance.  He cleaned house on Austin and tossed him.  Finn and Dom doubleteamed Cody.

Number 16 was Bronson Reed.  He began beating on everyone.  He hit a double Samoan Drop on Dom and Finn.  Andrade was tossed.  Cody and Nakamura brawled.

Number 17 was Kofi Kingston.  Nakamura was eliminated.  Kof took out Ludwig with a kick.

Number 18 was WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER.   He began chopped everyone.  He and Reed battled.  GUNTHER and Cody faced off and battled.  GUNTHER smashed Kofi and eliminated him.

Number 19 was Ivar.   He looked great taking out everyone for a bit, including Cody and Uso.  Ivar and Bronson began beating each other.

Number 20 was NXT's Bron Breakker. reported earlier today he would be in the bout.  Bron went nuts with intense clotheslines on everyome.  He eliminated Jimmy Uso with a clothesline. He tossed Balor.  He pressed GUNTHER over his head.  GUNTHER escaped but was speared.

Coverage continues on Page 6.



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