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By Mike Johnson on 2023-10-28 19:00:00

Smiley vs. Quite Frank.

Big reaction for Smiley.  Some good solid action early on.  Smiley teases a dive on Frank but bounces off the ropes.  Frank returns and is nailed in the corner.  Frank cut him off and nailed a series of chops against the buckles  .  The crowd got on him, chanting that he couldn't wrestle.  Frank nailed a suplex for a two count.  Smiley came back with several elbows but missed a moonsault off the ropes.  Frank gained control and tried to rip off Smiley's face.  That set up the finish, with Frank drilling him and scoring the pin.

Your winner, Quite Frank!

The crowd was chanting "F You Frank" after.

Smiley got a nice round of applause after.

Impact Wrestling Digital Media Champion Tommy Dreamer defending the title on the 34th anniversary of his debut vs. CJ Bambino with Tony Mamaluke

They locked up with Dreamer working over Bambino's arm.  They grappled back and forth.  Bambino nailed Dreamer.  There were fans chanting for him.  They locked up again and Dreamer was sent into the ropes.  He rebounded with a big shoulderblock, knocking Bambino down.  Bambino got up and challenged Dreamer, nailing some kicks and strikes.  He went after his arm, ripping at it while Dreamer was in the ropes.   He argued with the ref, allowing Dreamer to send him to the floor.

There, Dreamer attacked him and worked him over.  Dreamer spewed soda in his face.    Back in the ring, Bambino cut off Dreamer and choked him against the ropes.  Mamaluke argued with the referee.  Bambino continued to work over Dreamer, who fought back but nailed Bambino's shoulder when he came off the ropes and hurt his jaw.  Dreamer finally came back with a clothesline.  They were both down and out as the referee counted them down.  They fought to their feet.  Dreamer gained control and rained down with punches in the corner.

Dreamer nailed some clubbering blows, ending with the Bionic Elbow, scoring a two count.  Dreamer tossed a wooden chair into the ring.  He worked over Bambino but was hit with a drop toe hold into the back of the chair.  Bambino covered Dreamer but he kicked out.  Mamaluke distracted the referee, allowing Bambino to cane Dreamer.  Dreamer came back with a DDT for a two count.  He nailed Mamaluke with an eye poke, knocking him off the apron, then nailed another DDT for the pin.

Your winner and still Impact Wrestling Digital Media Champion, Tommy Dreamer!

Dreamer said that this was his 34th anniversary of his first match and he had 55 family members there.  He said he was glad to see Bambino get that support because Dreamer's family members aren't here anymore, but he still has the fans.  He praised the NYWC promotion and Mikey Whipwreck for starting the school.  He said he's happy they have raised money for cancer tonight and asked everyone to give the support to the real life heroes out there fighting.

Mikey Whipwreck & JT Kasin vs. NYWC Tag Team Champions the Slimeballs, Sage Chantz & Tommy Rant

This is Mikey's second match back this year after 2020, when he had stopped wrestling.  He joked to me before the show he can't say no to his "kids."  Kasin was dressed as a creepy clown.  Mikey started with Sage. who was a good loud mouth.  He got pinballed around by Kasin.  Mikey and JT nailed some double team maneuvers including the old Mikey/Tajiri dropkick.  The Slimeballs cut off Kasin.  Rant nailed a back senton splash.   worked him over until Kasin caught Chantz with a spinning slam.

Whipwreck got the hot tag and cleaned house.  He nailed a slingshot legdrop on Chantz.  He ducked a clothesline and hit a Side Russian Legsweep on Rant.  He went to use the mis but got the referee by accident.  Everyone battled.  Joey Conway attacked Kasin.  Nuke made the save and wiped out Chantz.    Another referee entered the fray.  The Slimeballs went to use a chair but Chantz hit Rant by accident.  Chantz was backdropped by Mikey onto the entrance ramp.  Kasin nailed Rant and pinned him.

Your winners and new NYWC Tag Team Champions, Mikey & JT Kasin!

Mikey's kids got in the ring to celebrate with him and Kasin.  This was the anniversary of the day Mikey won the ECW World title, by the way, back in 1995!

NYWC Champion Big O vs. VSK

This was originally to feature Davey Boy Smith Jr., but he was hospitalized due to diverticulitis a few weeks back and required surgery.

Big O, originally seen in the old Zack Ryder show, got a big pop.  VSK was making his return here and was the heel.    VSK worked over Big O, who made the comeback and scored the win.

Your winner and still NYWC Champion Big O!

Papadon & Alvin Alvarez & Spyder vs. The Inevitable (Darius The Juggernaut & Sean Watcher & Mike Mondo) to determine NYWC Trios Champions

This was a good, long six man tag with the heels working over the babyfaces and cutting the ring off.

Towards the end, Papadon accidentally wiped out the referee in the corner.  Mark Watcher went for a Pedigree but Alvin broke it up.  Alvin grabbed the Trios to nail Mondo and Juggernaut.  Alvin tossed the belt to Papadon, who then told Spyder to use the belt, but when he turned his back, Spyder, mad that Papadon was yelling at him, nailed him.  Papadon bounced off the rope and was caught with the Pedigree for the pin.

Your winner and NYWC Trios Champion Darius The Juggernaut & Sean Watcher & Mike Mondo!


For more on NYWC, visit

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