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By Adam Cardoza on 2022-11-19 19:01:00

Toni Storm(c) vs Jamie Hayter (for the AEW Interim Women’s Championship)

Former friends collide tonight, Hayter is going it alone against Storm. Hayter is clearly feeling the moment as she turns around to stare down the champ. Very pro-Hayter crowd. This goes right down to the mat as they test their technical chops. Toni slides away from The ripcord lariat.

Shotgun to the chin and a hip attack sends Hayter to the floor! Hayter trying to fight but Toni posts her. Chops against the steel but Storm smashes her hand into the post. Hayter with a pair of snap jackhammers. Hard chops to Toni. Hayter is feeling her power and confidence. She gets a little frustrated at the ref and has to keep her cool and apologize. She doesn’t want to spoil her opportunity.

Toni with a Thez press…the crowd booing. Hip attack in the corner! High crossbody for two. Toni with a ddt off the ropes. Kick out. Hayter grabs the wrist ,slugging it out! Toni with a headbutt and Hayter crumples! It’s almost a double KO. Rebel is out here at ringside? Storm’s nose is busted open. Running forearms and knees back and forth. Hayter crumples storm…Rebel has the belt and cracks Toni with it! Hayter with a shoulder breaker and sliding lariat! Kick out!

Storm counters Hayter to a ripcord lariat! Rebel is thrown out! Hayter has the ref distracted again and Britt Baker is out here and curb stomps Toni into the belt! Hayter hits Storm Zero! Kick out! Toni hits a Storm Zero! Hayter kicks out! Storm distracted from her cloverleaf. Hayt Breaker! Kickout! Hayter with a flurry of back elbows, baker is back on the apron and removes the turnbuckle pad. Hayter sent into the corner, She sees the chance and puts Toni into the metal.

Ripcord lariat! Toni is down for the three! Baker and Rebel celebrate with the new interim women’s champion!

Winner: Jamie Hayter

The Acclaimed(c) vs Swerve in our Glory (for the AEW Tag Team Championships)

The cracks are showing in the former champs but is it an act? Or will Keith Lee finally break away from Swerve’s cheating desires. We get a double sized Max Caster rap tonight! Tax

Excalibur mention that Bowens might be nursing a shoulder injury, the tape all over it makes it a target for their opponents.

Keith double clotheslines over the top! Swerve eats a Scissor Me Timbers! Swerve taking damage but Bowens is clearly fighting through the pain right now. Keith in and slams Anthony hard. Swerve making Max eat barricades. He’s bringing a barricade into the ringside area? He’s setting it up like a table, Keith telling Swerve to focus on his man. Swerve drags Bowens out but the champ narrowly avoids that set up barricade and Strickland eats a suplex to the floor.

Lee gets Bowens in and just lifts him by that bad arm. Splash to the arm! Swerve with a running stomp to the shoulder. Bowens drops an elbows to Keith’s Lee and hits a reverse rana?!?! Tag to Caster! He’s running rough on everyone but stops short at being able to lift Keith Lee. Keith gets a leg lariat off the top! AA to swerve! Kick out! Knee strike to a wheelbarrow cutter! Kick out! Swerve uses Bowens as a battering ram. Swerve saved from falling into the barricade by Keith.

Caster with a diving cross body puts Keith through the steel! Swerve with a jumping flatliner to Bowens. Flying kick! Bowens kicks out! Swerve looking intense as he lines up Bowens for two more of these head kicks. Bowens keeps getting up and shouting at Swerve. He puts Bowens towards the camera and hits a 4th head kick but Bowens kicks out! Swerve misses the top rope stomp! Bowens with the Arrival!

Caster hits the mic drop! Keith Lee saves it! Lee kicked out of the ring…Swerve fights out and hits a brain buster to Caster….Lee in and running Caster over. Pounce to Bowens right into that garbage shoulder. Fall from Glory…..kick out with both guys on top! They go for another but Caster gets a tag to Bowens…Keith Powerbombs Caster into Bowens.

Swerve sends Caster over the bell table. He has a set of pliers! He’s gonna break Caster’s fingers! Billy Gunn is out to stomp it. Swerve is back in the ring and tells Lee to get Bowens…Lee throws down the pliers. Swerve slaps Keith. Uhoh….Lee is stoic as he pulls Bowens up, pats him on the back and walks out on his partner. Swerve is in shock, misses a blind tag to Caster, pins the wrong guy and the Acclaimed hits a double flip powerbomb to Strickland and they keep their belts in hand!

Winners: The Acclaimed 

they announce Death Triangle vs The Elite is now a Best of 7 series and the next match is this Wednesday! 

Main Event: Jon Moxley(c) (w/ Sir William Regal) vs MJF (for the AEW World Championship) 

MJF has got a fantastic robe for his fight tonight, complete with trim right from trademark scarf. This is a hero’s hometown welcome as everyone in the Prudential Center is waiting for a moment that has been long in the making. Max looks unimpressed through Mox’s entrance and gets a “New Champ” chant going. Both guys have birds for the other. MJF tries to get in the champ’s face and Mox just decks him. MAx back with a slap and Mox lays into the kid hard. Max gets a chance to taunt the absolute hell out of Mox…it’s a grab show but Mox flies into bite the hell out of him. The crowd is booing Mox hard and he doesn’t give a damn. Birds for everyone! Huge clothesline and a nice pose as the crowd chants “F*** You Moxley”. X plex for two from

Mox. He tries to choke Max but MJF bites free. He gets released but Mox keeps the pressure on. Huge falcon arrow to an arrow armbar. He sends Max to the floor and parades with his belt. MJF with a spray of water to the eyes …and Mox throws the challenger into the ring steps. Desperate clothesline out of the corner and MJF gets some well needed breathing room. MJF starting to unload Mox’s face into the buckles. Arm drag into the buckles! MJF goes to grab the time keepers table and set it up next to the ring. Mox is waiting…pops up into a cutter! BCC Stomps to the face of Max. Jon is playing with this crowd as he drags MJF to the apron…..MJF reverses it and tombstones Mox on the apron. MJF is screaming in pain as he holds his knee. MJF is furious and raging to his feet…Mox kicks out the knee and piledrives Max through that table. Jeeeeeeeeesus. Bryce is counting Max out, can he make it to his feet? Barely just barely. Mox quickly snaps a paradigm shift. Kick out! Kicks to the knee! Figure four! MJF is in so much pain….he keeps having to sit back up in a two count. Max tries to turn it….he fights it and get Jon over! Mox quick to the rope but it definitely affects him. MJF with the heatseeker! Max punching his knee to get feeling back. Mox blocks another heatseeker and chop blocks. Jon is just unloading stomps into the knee. He heads up top and MJF crotches him on the buckles. He tries to capitalize but Mox starts dropping more hammer and anvil elbows on the top. Avalanche paradigm shift! Max gets his fingers on the rope at two! Max climbs Mox’s legs to to his feet. Jon dares him to take his best shot, Max spits in his face. MJF gets into the trade and he’s coming back to life. We have some Boo Yays. Mox comes running and MJF pulls Bryce into his path! MJF grabs the Dynamite Diamond ring out of his trunks. William Regal is down here and telling him to put it down. Mox with a sleeper from behind! MJF up and over! New ref counts two….Another ref collision! Bryce is still down as Mox puts in the bulldog choke. Max is tapping but the ref can’t see it! Mox tries to wake up Bryce as Regal THROWS BRASS KNUCKLES TO MJF! Brass knuckles to the forehead! Mox is staring at the lights as Bryce crawls over and counts the three. What has William Regal done?!? We have a new AEW champ! MJF lays on the ramp and makes snow angels with his new prize as we fade to black. 

Winner: MJF

Mike Johnson reporting:

After the show went off the air, Yuta, Claudio & Danielson are down here to check on Moxley who is still out in the ring.

The crowd has a big “Thank You Moxley” chant.

His BCC brethren explain what happened and Jon is upset. They all hug in the ring because really, their mentor just betrayed them all.

Cue “Wild Thing” as Moxley tries to make heads or tails of what just happened. He throws a chair into the ground as he exits through the crowd. 

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