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By Richard Trionfo on 2022-10-14 21:59:00

We take a look back at Bray Wyatt’s return at Extreme Rules.

Match Number Four:  Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Dakota Kai versus Roxanne Perez, Raquel Rodriguez, and Shotzi

Roxanne and Dakota start things off and Perez avoids Dakota.  Perez with a take down and arm drags.  Roxanne with a head scissors into a rollup for a near fall.  Iyo tags in and they lock up.  Roxanne with a head scissors.  Iyo sends Perez into the ropes and Perez with a take down and Iyo blocks an arm drag.  Perez with a head scissors but Iyo lands on her feet.  Iyo with a drop kick and she punches Perez.  Perez with an elbow to Bayley and hits a suicide dive.  Perez sends Bayley back into the ring and hits a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall.  Iyo pulls Perez to the mat by the hair while Bayley was with the referee.

Kai tags in and applies a waist lock.  Perez escapes and Shotzi tags in and hits a drop kick.  Dakota sends Shotzi to the apron and Shotzi with a round kick.  Shotzi pulls Iyo off the apron but Dakota with a kick to Shotzi.  Iyo Irish whips Shotzi back into the ring.  Dakota tags in as Iyo sends Shotzi into the turnbuckles.  Shotzi with a forearm to Dakota, Bayley, and Iyo.  Dakota with a kick and she sends Shotzi to the apron.  Shotzi with a DDT onto the apron.

Rodriguez tags in and connects with shoulders to Bayley followed by a fallaway slam.  Raquel with a splash to Dakota and Bayley.  Raquel knocks Iyo off the apron.  Roxanne tags in and Bayley hits Raquel from behind when she tried to press slam Perez on to Iyo and Dakota.  Iyo with a palm thrust to Raquel and Iyo with an Asai moonsault onto Raquel trying to power bomb Dakota on the floor.  Shotzi with a cross body onto Iyo and Dakota.  Perez with a rollup for a near fall and a back heel kick.  Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall.  Perez and Bayley on the turnbuckles and Perez with a Frankensteiner for a near fall.  Bayley sends Perez into the ropes.  Perez with a rollup to counter Rose Plant but Bayley with a rollup for the three count.

Winners:  Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Dakota Kai

We are back with a video for the Viking Raiders.  The Gods finally speak.  It begins.  Valhalla awaits.

Match Number Five:  Ashante Thee Adonis and Top Dolla (with B Fab) versus Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde (with Santos Escobar and Zelina Vega)

They fight in the aisle as Legado makes their way to the ring.  Dolla sends Cruz into the ringside barrier.  Adonis with kicks to Wilde.  Adonis kicks Cruz while Dolla holds Cruz.  Dolla sends Cruz into the ring.  Dolla sends Adonis onto Cruz. 

The referee checks on Cruz and starts the match.

Dolla with a boot to Cruz.  Dolla squeezes his hands like he is Braun and then he does a dance move before hitting an elbow drop.  Escobar pulls Adonis off the apron and Adonis hits the ring steps.  B Fab goes after Escobar but Vega with a clothesline to B Fab.

Wilde tags in and they hit a double super kick and then Cruz tags in and they hit the side Russian leg sweep and kick combination for the three count.

Winners:  Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde

Kayla Braxton is in the back with Sonya Deville.

Sonya says Liv has been gifted opportunity after opportunity and she failed.  She had her one moment at Extreme Rules to solidify why she should be the champion, but she got destroyed.  Liv doesn’t have ‘it’.  Liv is nothing but a whiny . . .

Kayle gets out of the way as Liv attacks Sonya.  Liv drops Sonya on a storage case.  Liv pushes over a cart and knocks a cooler to the floor.  Liv sends Sonya’s head into a table.  Liv kicks Sonya and puts her on the table.  Liv climbs up the set and then hits a back senton through the table.

Match Number Six:  Ricochet versus Solo Sikoa versus Sheamus versus Rey Mysterio in a Number One Contender Match for the Intercontinental Championship

Ricochet sends Solo to the apron and then kicks him to the floor.  Ricochet with a pescado.  Rey punches Sheamus and Sheamus goes over the top rope to the floor.  Rey with a twisting pescado onto everyone.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus blocks a drop kick from Ricochet.  Ricochet kicks Sheamus when Sheamus goes for a cloverleaf.  Sheamus with a clothesline to Ricochet and a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Rey.  Sheamus with a forearm and a tilt-a-whirl power slam to Ricochet. 

Cole mentions that Rey is officially on Smackdown.

Sheamus looks around and sets for the Brogue Kick but Solo with a clothesline to Ricochet.  Sheamus did not like being usurped.  Solo and Sheamus go face to face.  Solo and Sheamus exchange forearms.  Sheamus sends Solo to the floor and Sheamus follows but Solo with a Samoan drop to Sheamus on the floor.  Ricochet with a plancha into Solo that sends him into the ringside barrier.  Rey with a sliding splash to Sheamus on the floor. 

Ricochet and Rey face off in the ring and Rey with a single leg take down.  Rey with a head scissors but Ricochet lands on his feet.  Rey avoids a knee.  Rey rolls through on a sunset flip but Rey misses a kick.  Ricochet blocks a tornado DDT and Ricochet with two suplexes to Rey for a near fall.  Ricochet goes up top but Rey moves and he rolls through.  Solo with running hips to Ricochet and Rey.  Solo with a spinning heel kick to Sheamus.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Solo with head butts and punches to Sheamus.  Solo does the belt around the waist gesture.  Solo with a head butt to Rey on the apron.  Sheamus punches Solo and Solo punches Sheamus.  They continue the exchange.  Solo with a knee and Irish whip but Sheamus with boots to Solo and Sheamus pulls himself to the turnbuckles.  Ricochet goes to the turnbuckles and tries for a superplex but Sheamus stops him.  Rey goes to the turnbuckles as well and they set for a double superplex.  Solo comes under for a double choke slam to Rey and Ricochet.  Solo gets a near fall on Rey that is broken up by a knee drop from Sheamus.

Sheamus sees Solo on the apron and it is time for some forearms and he does not stop at ten.  Sheamus gets Solo up but Solo with elbows.  Sheamus with a knee to the head and a uranage back breaker to Solo.  Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf and applies it. 
Jey and Sami come to the ring and Sheamus takes care of them after he releases the hold.  Solo with a super kick to Sheamus and then Sami punches Sheamus.  Jey punches Sheamus.  Sami pulls Jey off and he goes after Sheamus.  Butch and Holland stop Sami and Jey.  Solo goes after Holland and Butch.

Rey sends Ricochet into the ropes with a head scissors and Ricochet blocks a 619. Rey with a counter into a West Coast Pop piledriver.  Rey with a 619 and he goes up top for a frog splash and the three count.

Winner:  Rey Mysterio

We go to commercial.
We are back and Logan Paul will be on Smackdown.

Raquel Rodriguez and Shotzi will face Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai for the Women’s Tag Titles.  Liv Morgan will face Sonya Deville.

The lights are down and the flashlights on phones are on throughout the arena.

The door appears at the entrance.  It opens and Bray makes his way to the ring.

He blows out the lantern.

Bray says he is incredibly grateful and he is nervous to be here.  This is just him.  This is a version of him he never got to introduce to you before.  This is the genuine him.  He says he wants to share the past year of his life.  He lost a lot of things.  He lost his career.  He lost his self confidence.  He lost two people very close to him.  He lost his way.  He got to a point where he thought everything he did here was meaningless.  He thought nothing he did mattered to anyone.  Bray says he was wrong.  Once I was done feeling sorry for myself and go back out in the world again.  People would say ‘Thank you Bray’ and ask when would he come home.  Bray says there were people who came to him and they thanked him because they were in a time of need and they lost people and self confidence.  They said they were weak and vulnerable.  They said they found his words and they told him that he saved their lives.

Bray says he does not think about that.  I can sit here today and look at you in the eyes.  You were there when I was weak, vulnerable, and down.  Thank you.  You saved his life.  You wouldn’t let me alone.  Every time I tried to run away and hide, you found me.  You are the reason . . .

An image appears on the TitanTron. 

A voice tells Bray that his life is over.  You have no idea who you are dealing with, but you will.

We go to credits.

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