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By Richard Trionfo on 2022-10-14 21:59:00

Your announcers are Michael Cole and Wade Barrett.

We see an auto accident outside the arena involving Karrion Kross and Scarlett.

Drew McIntyre comes out to attack Kross despite Kross being in the accident.  Drew sends Kross into the truck and then he tries to slam the door into Kross’ head but Drew is pulled away.  Drew says this is just the beginning.

Wade and Cole talk about what they just saw and Wade says he never saw Drew like that before. 

We take a look back at the Strap Match from Extreme Rules.  

Kross is still listed for the Number One Contender Match later tonight.

Xavier and Kofi have mics and Kofi says for 483 days, they were the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions. 

Woods says that record is their legacy and it will stay strong forever.

Sami Zayn and Solo Sikoa are in the back and Jey Uso shows up just in time for Sami to run him down.  Sami asks Jey where Jimmy is and Jey says he is doing family business.

Sami tells Solo to stay in the back to get ready for his match later.  He tells Jey to come to the ring with him and he doesn’t want what happened last night.

Jey says he didn’t do anything because Sami said he had it.

Sami gets a call from Roman and Sami tells Roman that Jey could have done something but he chose not to do anything.  Sami tells Roman he is looking at him and Roman wants to talk to Jey.

Jey tells Roman that Sami said he had it even if Roman told him to make sure that Sami wins.

Jey gives the phone back to Sami and Sami says he will talk to Roman.

Match Number One:  Kofi Kingston (with Xavier Woods) versus Sami Zayn (with Jey Uso)

They lock up and Sami with a wrist lock.  Kofi with a drop kick and Sami goes to the floor. 

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sami is on the turnbuckles and connects with an elbow for a near fall.  Sami chokes Kofi in the ropes as we are told about the continuing investigation on the accident and that Kross is still being checked out.

Sami with a suplex.  Sami sends Kofi into the corner and kicks him.  Sami with a running hip into the corner.  Sami with forearms to Kofi followed by an elbow drop to the back for a near fall.  Sami with a rear chin lock.  Kofi with elbows and Sami misses a clothesline but hits a second one and gets a near fall.  Sami with a slam and he goes to the turnbuckles.  Kofi with a drop kick as Sami comes off the turnbuckles.  Both men are down.  Kofi with clotheslines and a drop kick but he misses the flying clothesline.  Sami with a kick and Sami avoids Kofi coming off the turnbuckles and Sami gets a near fall with a rollup.  Kofi with a knee to the head for a near fall.

Kofi goes up top and Sami stops Kofi but Kofi kicks Sami away.  Sami goes up top and Kofi with a head butt to send Sami to the mat.  Kofi is pushed off the turnbuckles to the floor.

We go to commercial.

Kofi with an SOS for a near fall.  Sami catches Kofi going into the corner but Kofi blocks the exploder attempt with elbows.  Sami is down and Kofi goes to the turnbuckles.  Sami rolls to the floor and Kofi goes back to the mat.  Kofi with a flip dive onto Sami.  They return to the ring and Woods and Jey have some words and the referee warns both of them.  Jey with a super kick to Woods and Sami hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.  Sami sets for a Helluva Kick but Kofi with a pendulum kick.  Kofi with a chop from the turnbuckles.

Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise and Jey gets on the apron and Kofi knocks Jey off the apron.  Sami with a rollup for a near fall.   Kofi blocks a face buster and hits a victory roll but Jey kicks Kofi over and Sami gets the three count.

Winner:  Sami Zayn

Triple H is in the back talking to police and he thanks them for what they have done.
Rey Mysterio shows up and he says he knows it is a bad time.

He says with everything going on over on Raw, he has gotten to a breaking point with Dominik.  He says he will not fight his son.  For Dominik to yell at him to fight him.  He says he still sees the little boy who would bounce around on his lap.  He says he cannot do this any more.  He says he loves WWE and he knows this is his home.  Rey tells Hunter . . . that he quits.

Hunter says he cannot imagine what Rey is going through but there has got to be another way.  He says he wants to talk to Rey about another solution.  He wants five minutes to talk it over.

We go to commercial.

Shotzi welcomes Roxanne to the show and Raquel shows up.  Raquel says she knows Cora has changed.

Roxanne says she is choosing Raquel to be her opponent.

Bayley shows up with Dakota and Iyo.  Bayley says she is the only choice. 

Roxanne says she would have picked Bayley but she has had a losing streak.

Bayley says that Roxanne is not on her level but she hopes Roxanne brought her gear because they are going to embarrass them.

Match Number Two:  Braun Strowman versus James Maverick and Brian Thomas

Braun runs Thomas into the corner and hits Maverick with an elbow.  Braun witih a boot to Thomas and then he connects with a forearm to Maverick and a splash into the corner and a biel. 

We see Omos and MVP walking down the aisle in the crowd. 

Thomas hits Braun from behind and Braun with a forearm across the chest.  Braun with a running power slam to Maverick and then he picks up Thomas and he squeezes his hands and power bombs Thomas onto Maverick.  Braun gets the three count.

Winner:  Braun Strowman

After the match, Braun gets on the turnbuckles and he wants Omos to come into the ring.

Porter stops Omos and he tells Braun he is an impressive specimen.  Monster of All Monsters?  Have you seen Omos?  Standing next to Omos, you look normal.  You better because because monsters ain’t into shadows.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sami says that Solo does the job done for The Bloodline like Sami did.  Jey tells Sami to thank him.  Sami says he won that on his own.  Jey wants to know if Solo saw what Jey did.  Solo says he did not see it because he was watching and learning from Sami.

Sami tells Solo he is on his own tonight and he will become the next Intercontinental Champion.

Solo says he is about to get some gold tonight.

Match Number Three:  Mansoor (with Maxxine and Mace) versus LA Knight

Knight attacks Mansoor before the bell rings and then he clotheslines Mansoor over the top rope to the floor.  Maxxine gets in front of Knight and Mace asks Knight if he would hit a woman.  Mansoor attacks Knight and sends him into the steps.  They go back into the ring and Mansoor with a reverse DDT for a near fall.  Knight with an Irish whip but Mansoor with a DDT for a near fall.  Mansoor with a rear chin lock and forearm to the lower back.  Mansoor goes for a suplex but Knight lands on his feet and he sends Mansoor into the turnbuckles.

Knight with a neck breaker and he goes to the apron and connects with a knee to the head and a slingshot shoulder tackle.  Knight blocks a kick and he flips Mansoor to the mat and follows with a clothesline.  Mace gets on the apron and Knight drop kicks him in the knee.  Knight with the BFT for the three count.

Winner:  LA Knight

After the match, Knight wants to talk to you.  He says he didn't just do that for them.  He says he does not need a bunch of incels to yell his name.  He says he is putting everyone on notice that from here on, you can get your ticket punched.  It's LA Knight's game . . . yeah.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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