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By Mike Johnson on 2020-12-19 19:00:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing North American Wrestling Alliance Jingle Brawl coverage from Daytona Beach, Florida!


The NAWA originally ran the Westchester County area in New York in the early 1990s, securing a TV slot nationally on Sportschannel America in the summer of 1992, utilizing names that included Sean Waltman (as the Lightning Kid), the late Hercules Hernandez, Tommy Dreamer, Taz, The Hater, Johnny Rotten (soon to become Johnny Grunge), S.D. Jones and others, including giving Joey Styles his first ever announcing experience.  In an interesting piece of history, several years later when ECW needed a new production team, Styles remembered the production crew from NAWA - Ron Buffone and Charlie Bruzesse, leading to their long through Extreme Championship Wrestling.  The pair now work for Impact Wrestling while Bruzesse is also a top producer for MLW. 

The promotion ran for several months and then later returned on a larger scale in 1999, running the Westchester County Center with Bruno Sammartino, Shane Douglas, Sid Vicious, The Public Enemy and more appearing.  The promotion last ran in 2001.

Capone announced the return of the company in September.  The promotion's website lists former WWE and WCW star Paul Roma as the promotion's Chief Operating Officer with Roma's partner in the CT-based Paradise Alley Pro Wrestling school, Mario Mancini as the head of talent relations.  Former ECW star Sal E. Graziano is also listed as working in talent relations.  Robert Champion, who worked with Capone on the earlier incarnations of the NAWA is also back.  Cyndi Snow (aka Bobcat) and longtime independent promoter Lou Reardon are also involved in the management side.


The show opened with clips of past NAWA shows before going to the announcing team, which includes former ECW and Ring of Honor star Tony Devito.  It was hard to make out the announcers over the music playing underneath.

Very small crowd.

They had a young lady from Parkland, Florida sing the national anthem.

It's a two camera shoot, a hard camera and one ringside camera.  They have a big Titantron like screen on the entrance stage.

Gangrel vs. Tokyo Monster Kahagas

Gangrel was in great shape.  They did a test of strength at the onset, going back and forth, trying to get the advantage.  Kahagas chopped Gangrel in the throat and tossed him into the ropes.  Gangrel stopped him and went for the Impaler DDT but Kahagas retreated to the roots.  Gangrel tried to work over Kahagas arm but Kahagas made it to the ropes.  When Gangrel broke, Kahagas raked his eyes.  Kahagas kept working over Gangrel with chops across the chest.  Gangrel fired back with punches and a kick, trying again for the Impaler.

They locked up and Gangrel cinched in a hammerlock.  Gangrel sent him into the ropes but was tackled down.  Kahagas worked over Gangrel on the mat and fired away with a series of chops.  Gangrel nailed a suplex and a spinning elbowdrop for a two count.  He went for the Impaler DDT but Kahagas backed out of the ring to the floor.  Gangrel followed and they brawled on the floor.  Gangrel smashed him into the apron and sent Kahagas back to the ring, only to be cut off as he returned.   Kahagas worked him over on the floor but Gangrel fought to his feet.  He blocked being sent into the rijng post and nailed an elbow.  Kahagas nailed a spinkick on the floor.  

Kahagas choked Gangrel against the ropes.  Gangrel battled back.  They lost the signal and when it returned, Kahagas was again in control.   Kahagas locked in a front facelock and it into a chinlock.  Gangrel came back with a powerslam for a two count.    They battled back and forth with punches.  Gangrel nailed a Side Russian Legsweep for another two.  He went for the Impaler but Kahagas drove him backwards into the buckles.  Gangrel stops a whip and nailed the Flatliner for the pin.

Your winner, Gangrel!

A good opener that told a nice story of Gangrel's finisher being dangerous and Kahagas trying to do everything to prevent being caught with it, but failing.  Solid all the way through.

Micah Taylor vs. Danny Inferno to determine the NAWA Intercontinental Champion

They had advertised NAWA Intercontinental Champion Storm Thomas defending vs. a mystery opponent.  I guess the mystery is where Thomas went!

Taylor (with Mad Dog Dan Sawyer) came to the ring.  Sawyer cut a promo and said that even though Danny Inferno has been a friend for many years, tonight is about the Intercontinental Championship.  He cut a babyface promo.

Former WCW referee Billy Silverman is officiating.

They did some back and forth wrestling early on, feeling each other out.  Taylor did some nice chain wrestling to control Inferno, locking in a side headlock.  Taylor dumped Inferno to the floor, where Sawyer attacked him, so we have a turn.  The referee saw Sawyer doing it and moving Inferno back into the ring.  No DQ?  

Taylor worked over Inferno and choked him against the ropes.  It appears Inferno may have gotten hurt early so they are working a very slow pace, probably to protect him.  Looks like a shoulder issue.  Taylor distracted the referee, allowing Sawyer to continue the job.  Taylor worked over Inferno and kept going after his hand and arm.  Taylor locked on a chinlock but Inferno fought back and nailed several elbows to the mid-section.  Taylor cut him off and sent him to the floor, where he smashed Inferno into the ring post.  He began beating on Inferno's lower back.  Back in the ring, Taylor cinched in another chinlock.  

 Inferno fired back to his feet and nailed a series of punches.  He sent Taylor into the corner and hit a back elbow for a two count.   Inferno nailed a Michinoku Driver for a two count.  Inferno was sent into the corner and rolled up by Taylor, who hooked the tights and scored the pin.

Your winner and new NAWA Intercontinental Champion, Micah Taylor!

A slow bout from the two former WWE developmental talents.  OK and obviously hurt by whatever happened to Inferno's shoulder or arm.

Jackal vs. Cha Cha Charlie

This was billed as a Coastal Championship Wrestling spotlight bout. CCW is a school and promotion out of Florida that was, at one time, owned by Pablo Marquez.  Cha Cha did a lot of dancing before the bell.

They went back and forth until Charlie nailed a Slingblade and several deep armdags and hiptosses.  Charlie nailed a scoop powerslam but instead of going for the pinfall, started dancing and playing to the crowd, allowing Jackal to roll out of the ring.    Charlie nailed a tope suicida to the floor.  Charlie played to the audience, giving Jackal a chance to go under the ring and emerge on the other side.  Charlie tried to find him, but Jackal hit the ring, ran across and nailed a dropkick through the ropes to the floor.  

Jackal tossed Charlie into the ring post and worked him over.   Jackal controlled the match for some time as Charlie tried to fight back   Jackal nailed him and worked over Charlie.  Charlie ended up outside on the apron but was caught and suplexed into the ring, transitioned into a powerslam.  Jackal nailed a springboard senton for a two count, then racked across Charlie's back.  He covered Charlie for a two count. Charlie finally caught him with a Blue Thunder Bomb but was too beat to immediately go for the pin.  Jackal cut him off and nailed a Sky High for a two count.

Jackal nailed a headbutt and Charlie went to the floor.  Jackal nailed a big clothesline that turned Charlie inside out.  The referee began counting them both down.   Charlie began making a comeback but was sent into the buckles and covered for a two count.    Jackal took Charlie's hat and ascended to the top, mocking him in the process.  He went for a frog splash but missed.  Charlie made a comeback with a suplex into a stunner.  Charlie put on the hat and now ascended to the top rope.  He nailed a frog splash and scored the pin.

Your winner, Cha Cha Charlie!

A solid, athletic bout.  Jackal was the most impressive performer on the show thus far and showed a lot of potential.  Charlie played a good babyface and had a hell of a frog splash. 

Charlie danced with the referee after.

They went to Mike Weber of FITE.TV.  He said they were happy to have the NAWA on tonight and announced they would be back on 2/13 with No Remorse.  He thanked everyone for tuning in and said FITE looks forward to a long relationship with the NAWA.

CCW Women's Champion Roma Luchadora vs. Lindsay Snow vs. Stormie Lee (with Sean Davis) to crown the NAWA Women's Champion.

Lee came out in a wheeled chair with a sling on her arm.  Davis did mic work claiming Lee was too hurt to wrestle but promised she would remain at ringside because she was so dedicated to the fans and to see who would handing her back her "rightful" NAWA Women's title.  Weird to do a storyline angle on a show where you are just starting your storylines, but that's me.  They couldn't find a wheelchair for her to do the Ron Wright deal?

So, it's allegedly a singles bout between Luchadora, who was billed from Chile and Snow.    They went back and forth with Luchadora showcasing her strength.  Snow fought back and tried to lock in a cross armbar but Luchadora raked the eyes.  Snow clotheslined her for a two count.   They battled back and forth with forearms.  Snow nailed an enziguiri but was too spent to score a pinfall.

Snow followed up with several rights and they battled to the top.  Roma knocked her back to the ring and drilled her with several forearms.  Snow was placed on the top and Roma nailed a superplex into the ring for a two count.    Roma draped her on the ropes and then suplexed her down for another two count.  They battled back and forth.  Snow ran Luchadora into the ropes for a rollup but Luchadora held on.  Snow rolled backwards and somehow, kicked the referee and bumped her down.  It didn't look good.

Snow snatched Lucahadora in a kneebar.  Luchadora began tapping but there was no referee.  Lee hit the ring and nailed a Facebuster but the referee was still out cold.  Lee went back to the floor.  Luchadora rolled up Snow and rolled the tights, scoring the pin.  This was the second title bout to have the same finish.

Your winner and new NAWA Women's Champion Roma Luchadora!

As the women returned to the ring, Cyndi Snow (aka Bobcat, who once won the NAWA Hardcore Title as "The Hardcore Ho") was with a group of dancers from an adult establishment.  She played a message from another woman, Marina Tucker, who claimed she was the real NAWA Women's Champion.  She said she'd face Roman this February in North Carolina and learn how to lose.  The sound here was hard to make out as there was a lot of ambient noise.  Luchadora said she didn't know.

They plugged the 2/13 date at the Norton Arena in Raleigh, NC.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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