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By Mike Johnson on 2020-10-25 18:53:00

They showed footage of Rich Swann and Eric Young backstage preparing.

They aired a video feature on the Impact Tag Team Title bout.

Impact Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns vs. Good Brothers vs. The North vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton.

Ethan Page has gotten into great shape.

The North attacked the Guns as they came out.  Josh Alexander nailed a Jay-Driller on the stage and left him laying.  They had a ton of officials and "Doctor Ross Forman" hit the scene.  What, Dr. Ariel was busy tonight?  Shelley was taken out.  Sabin entered the bout solo.  He hit the ring and attacked The North but they double-teamed him.  

Austin and Fulton tagged in and now they were beating down Sabin.  Josh Alexander tagged himself back in, continuing the beating on Sabin.  The beating on Chris theme continued with Sabin barely kicking up.  Sabin hits a miracle DDT and tagged out to Karl Anderson.  He worked over Ace Austin but was drilled with a kick as he charged towards Anderson.  Austin was caught with a spinebuster.  Gallows tagged in and worked him over.  Fulton and Gallows continued their war from this past Tuesday on Impact on AXS, slugging it out.

The North tagged in and worked over Gallows.  Sabin tagged himself in and nailed a bodypress into the ring on both members of the North, then nailed a double DDT.  Anderson tagged himself in.  Sabin nailed Gallows off the apron and hit a missile dropkick on Anderson.  Sabin went for another bodypress but Anderson rolled through and scored another two count.  Sabin continued to lay out everyone with big moves and had everyone down with Austin dazed alone in the ring.  He nailed a kick on Austin and went for a Michinoku Driver but Page broke it up.

Sabin tossed Page back to the floor but the North quickly recovered and double-teamed him, with Sabin barely surviving their pinfall attempts.  Gallows and Anderson tagged in.  Gallows was drilled by Austin with some nice footwork, sending him to the floor.  Fulton and Austin swarmed over Anderson, beating him down in the corner.  Fulton lifted Austin on his shoulders but The North worked Fulton over with kicks and he dropped to his knees.  They wiped out Austin.  Good Brothers hit the ring and went for the Magic Killer on Alexander but was sent to the floor.  Page nailed Anderson with the tag belt as he was sent into the ropes.  Alexander scored the pin on the unconscious Anderson.

Your winners and new Impact Tag Team Champions, The North!

Good match and story.

Backstage, Rosemary, Taya and John E. Bravo were "meeting someone."  Havok showed up.  Rosemary said she'd see Bravo at the altar.  She and Havok left.  Taya asked Bravo how much he's told Rosemary.  He yelled at her to stop.  Taya wanted him top be his own man and now he is and when he marries Rosemary, he'll wear the pants in the relationship and stormed off.

Madison Rayne joined the commentator's table.  She blew off Josh and fawned over Don Callis.

Impact Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo with Kimber Lee vs. Kylie Rae.

Kylie did not come out.  They foreshadowed this earlier when they said no one had seen Rae.

Deonna took the mic and said she wishes she was surprised but she's not surprised.  She said she will defend her title tonight and that's what she will do.  Any man or woman who is alive in the locker room, she'll face right now.

Su Yung's music played and the Undead Bride returned.  Deonna and Lee were not thrilled.  I am guessing anyone who ordered specifically for the match isn't thrilled either but given the storyline of late, this sort of makes sense as a replacement but it still sucked.

We are told that Kylie Rae was legitimately not at the building at all today and the company had to change plans.

Yung tossed Deonna around the ring.     They battled to the apron, Yung in control all the way.  She nailed a sideslam on the apron outside and went under the ring.  Yung emerged with a chair but Kimber Lee distracted her.  Yung pursued her around the ring.    Yung returned and they exchanged strikes and near-falls.  Yung took her down and scored a two count.

Purrazzo took control and stomped away at her.  She worked over Yung for some time, nailing kicks to the face and locked her up in a straitjacket submission like a pretzel around the ropes.  Yung mounted a comeback but was stomped down.   Purrazzo nailed a German suplex three times.  Yung came back with a DDT for a two count.   She worked over Purrazzo and dragged her around the ring.  Yung nailed a dive to the floor, taking Purrazzo out.  She tossed the champ back into the ring.

Purrazzo tried to beg off.  Yung nailed her with a Pedigree for a two count.  Yung pulled on her glove and went for the Mandible Claw.  Purrazzo ducked and went for a move.  The referee was almost wiped out but avoided it.  Deonna went for a pump kick but got the referee by accident.  Yung took out Purrazzo but there was no referee.  Lee hit the ring and nailed Yung with a chair.  Deonna went off the ropes but was placed in the Mandible Claw.  Lee hit the ring but was hit with the mist.  

Purrazzo locked on an armbar but she got the Mandible Claw placed in her face and had to break.  Purrazzo nailed a big pump kick to the face.  She went for another German suplex but was caught with a stunner.  Yung nailed the Switch and scored the pin.

Your winner and new Knockouts Champion, Su Yung!

This got better and better as it went on, although not announcing Kylie wasn't there until the moment of the match wasn't cool.

The company officially announced the return of the Knockouts Tag Team Championship.  They announced the titles would return at Hard to Kill on 1/16/21.  That's the next PPV.

Impact Champion Eric Young vs. Rich Swann

Young went right after the leg but Swann escaped.  Swann nailed a nice rana and a dropkick.    He teased a dive but Young walked off so Swann bounced off the ropes and rebounded backwards in the ring.  Swann followed him to the floor and blasted him into the ring post.  Swann chopped him and smashed him into the apron.  Swann sent him back to the ring but Young rolled right back to the floor, where he was nailed with a dropkick through the ropes.  

Back in the ring, Young tried to take down Swann's leg.  Swann fought him off and nailed a flip off the apron to the floor.  Swann nailed him with a right hand.  Swann backdropped him into the ropes from the floor and Swann landed on his head and shoulder.  He began grabbing at the neck.  Young, seeing a weakness, went right after it.  Swann was almost counted out but beat the count.

Young elevated and draped him on the ropes, crotching him, then began working him over with shots to the back and neck.  He elevated and slammed Swann off the top, slamming him to the mat.  Young covered him for several two counts.  Young continued to work him over, sending him hard into the buckles.  Young continued to beat him down, but Swann kept kicking out at the last second.  Young nailed a neckbreaker for another two count.  Swann was stomped in the corner as Young screamed at him to stay down.

Young continued to measure and beat down on Swann.    He kept berating Swann to go away, beating him but Swann kept returning to his feet.  Swann's facial expressions were awesome here.  Swann fired back and whipped him across the ring.  Young went up and over and ran for the opposite corner but Swann caught him and superplexed him off for a two count.  Swann came up bleeding heavy from the mouth so they must have clunked heads or he hit his face on the mat.

Swann went nuts on Young and caught him on the top with a kick, then hit a rana into the ring.  Swann ascended to the floor and nailed a big frog splash for a close two count.  Young regained control and locked on a crossface.  Swann made it to the ropes.  They battled back and forth with punches and strikes.  Young  slammed Swann and scored a two count.  Young charged but was nailed with a back elbow.

Young went for the ankle and locked on a submission.  Swann rolled through to the ropes.  He nailed a forward roll for a two count.  Swann nailed a running splash for another two count.  Swann went to the top but was caught and tied to the tree of woe.  Young savaged him in the corner.  Swann escaped and nailed a handspring cutter for a two count.  He nailed a big splash and scored the pin.

Your winner and new Impact Wrestling Champion, Rich Swann!

Swann stared at the belt, then hugged the referee.  The entire babyface locker room hit the ring and celebrated with him.  The Rascalz held Swann aloft as he cried and held up the belt.

This was a hell of a main event.



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