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By Mike Johnson on 2020-10-25 18:53:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Impact Wrestling's 2020 Bound for Glory PPV!

Coverage will commence at 7 PM EST!


Our hosts are Jon Burton, Madison Rayne and D'Lo Brown. 

They noted Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would induct Ken Shamrock into the Impact Hall of Fame tonight.

They began discussing Rich Swann vs. Eric Young for tonight's PPV.  They aired a video feature on the bout.  

They are having some production issues with packages tonight and had dead air with the announcers sitting silently.

They aired clips of a number of stars welcoming Ken Shamrock to the Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer, including Bret Hart talking about Ken Shamrock having his back after Bret punched out Vince McMahon (yes, really, he talked about that) while putting over Shamrock as a "friend, a brother, a hero."

They showed Rich Swann entering the venue.

The panel discussed tonight's Knockouts Championship match.  They aired a video feature on the bout.

Deonna Purrazzo was interviewed and put over that this was a big night and that she was ready.  Deonna said that she hasn't seen Kylie Rae and neither has Kimber or Gia Miller, the interviewer, and she doesn't blame her because if she had to fight Deonna Purrazzo, she'd be worried too.

Mick Foley sent in a video message putting over Ken Shamrock, saying he was always flattered to work with him and how hard Shamrock worked to be a great wrestler when he could have rested on his UFC laurels.

They had a collection of MMA personalities wishing Shamrock congratulations on his HOF induction including Bas Rutten and Chael Sonnen.

They went to ringside, where Don Callis and Matt Striker discussed Shamrock's induction.  

The Rascalz vs. The Deaners

Jake Something used his strength to send Wentz into Dez.  He held the ropes for Cody Deaner to hit a tope but Wentz superkicked him as he came through the ropes.  Dez nailed Something and sent him to the floor.  Dez tried to superplex Cody but was hit with a series of shots to the mid-section and blocked.  Wentz joined the attempt but Jake slipped underneath and lifted the Rascalz up and slammed them to the mat below.  The Deaner double-teamed Dez and scored the pin.

Your winners, The Deaner!

This was OK but too short to really make any memorable mark.  The work was good.

They aired a video feature on the Tag Team Title match.

The Good Brothers cut a promo backstage.  The Impact Tag Titles were the only belts that eluded them.  They know they are the best Tag Team in the World-  they left that trophy in the sand in a land far away and they are gunning for a Triple Crown with tonight's win.

Matt Striker, on the entrance ramp, said it was a great honor to introduce the man who will induct Ken Shamrock, Dwayne Johnson.  They went to a video of Johnson talking about the debt and gratitude he feels for Ken Shamrock.  At a time when Johnson was coming up as a heel in the WWE as the first iteration of The Rock, in order to be the best bad guy he could be, he needed the best hero and bad-ass to up his street credibility and that Shamrock.  Ken could have said he didn't want to work with that kid and put his body on the line with someone who was still learning, but he didn't do that - even though some others did.  Shamrock took him under his wing and helped him learn as they worked all over the world.

He said Shamrock started in pro wrestling and left to be a founding father of MMA and have a hall of fame career there and came back to pro wrestling as a Hall of Famer.  He called him a pillar of the Atttiude Era and said he was a friend and a brother.  He thanked Shamrock for everything and being an awesome dude during a period where Johnson needed it and he wants Shamrock to enjoy the Hall of Fame moment.

Striker brought out Shamrock who came out to receive the award.  He said he was stuttering for words right now.  Just to hear some of the things that were said by his peers really gets him in the heart.  It is a journey and it's a long journey that's been traveled when you get to this point.  There were a lot of people who helped him get to that moment.  When he started in North Carolina, he was training under Nelson Royal and at his tryouts, he was wondering what he was doing.  He wanted to thank Nelson for the opportunity he gave him.

He began fighting and other things but it led him to the WWF.  He thanked Vince McMahon for that opportunity to go and show what he could do when wrestling was really hot and there were others who helped him.  Bret Hart told him to just be him and that helped him mold his character.  He said being able to work off the Rock helped each of them build who they were and he appreciates and thanks him.  He thanked his family.  His wife had the patience to deal with the time he was away for home.  He thanked the fans across the world.  Without the fans, athletes cannot do what they do, so thank you and God bless.

They aired a video package on Moose vs. EC3.  The panel discussed the match.  D'Lo and Madison both predicted Moose would be victorious.


They aired a video package featuring Eric Young.

Josh Mathrews welcomed everyone to the show.

Impact X-Division Champion Rohit Raju vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Willie Mack vs. Chris Bey vs. TJP vs. Trey Miguel.

Raju powdered to the floor right away as everyone else battled.

TJP and Bey had some nice exchanges.  Trey got involved in the fray and dropkicked Bey from behind.  He nailed a swinging kick.  Raju tried to jump him but immediately ran off when Trey got the advantage.  Mack returned to the ring and battled back and forth with Trey.  Grace hit the ring and peppered him with forearms.  She nailed a leaping shoulder tackle for a two count.  Mack lifted and slammed her with authority.

TJP tied up Mack and Trey in submissions, then grabbed Bey in a front chancery.  Grace tried to get involved but he cinched in a side headlock.  Grace slipped out and locked on a sleeper.  Raju attacked everyone and began stomping away at them.  Raju nailed several pumpkicks on TJP but backed off as Grace approached.  He took her down and stomped away at her legs.  He nailed a big elbow off the ropes.  Miguel tried to get involved but was tossed back to the outside.

Mack pulled Grace outside and nailed a big elevated forearm on Raju.  Trey and Bey got involved but he took them down as well.  Raju found himself trapped in the ring being pinballed around the ring by his challengers.  Mack nailed a Samoan Drop and a standing moonsault but everyone dove in to broke up the pinfall.  Everyone battled to the floor, where Mack nailed a tope con hilo.  Miguel nailed a kick through the ropes on TJP.    TJP placed Miguel on his shoulders.  Bey dropkicked him, sending Miguel flipping off onto everyone on the floor.  Bey then hit a dive to everyone.  

TJP went for a dive but Raju hit the right with a big running knee for a close two count.  Grace cut off Miguel on the top and attempted a Muscle Buster but he avoided it.  Everyone joined the fight in the corner.  Grace was tied to the tree of woe.  It turned into a big Tower of Doom with Grace assisting from the ropes.  Raju nailed a double stomp on Grace while she was trapped in the corner.  

Raju nailed several kicks but Mack nailed a stunner.  Bey caught Mack with a cutter out of the corner.  Trey and Bey battled back and forth.  TJP ducked a Trey clothesline and cinched in an Octopus.  Grace breaks it up but is caught in a kneebar by TJP.  Miguel tried to break it up and succeeded but instead was the next submission victim.  Grace nailed a senton on TJP for a two count.  Grace nailed Miguel with the Grace Driver but Rohit broke it up at the two count.  Grace went to the top but was knocked off to the floor atop the others.  TJP hit a big frog splash on Miguel but was nailed by Rohit who picked the bones and scored the pin.

Your winner and still X-Division Champion, Rohit Raju!

Good match with lots of fun interactions and near falls.

The announcers pushed the idea that perhaps Raju had beaten all his rivals in one night and no longer had any challengers.

Josh Mathews and Don Callis welcomed everyone to the show and ran down the lineup for the night.

Backstage, there was a party for John E. Bravo's bachelor party.  Fallah Bahh told him the check bounced and they lost the 19th century gothic castle. Rosemary said she didn't care and they would get married in the ring.

They aired a promo with Heath and Rhino backstage.  They stopped the promo, counted them down again and started up again.  Whoops.  Heath riled him up and said he wanted the Manbeast tonight.  Rhino got all excited and headed to the ring.  Heath took a deep breath and prepared for his own entrance.

Coverage continues on Page 2!



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