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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-09-21 23:00:00

We are back with Raw Underground and before our main event on RU . . . we have Arturo Ruas and Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler pulls off the victory.

Shane wants to talk to Braun but Braun doesn't have anything to say to her.  Shane gives the mic to his new interviewing person.  Braun says he hopes Dabba has dental insurance, he is going to take out their teeth.  Braun challenges Shane.

We go back above ground and Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring and he has some good news.

Seth says it is no secret that he has had the Mysterios number for quite some time now.  After he defeated Dominik last week inside a steel cage, he thought he was done and free of the torment that the Mysterio family has been putting him through for months.  There is something that has bothered him about the Mysterio family for some time.  Seth says he should have let it go, but he was inspired to look into it and dig deeper by the unlikeliest of sources.

Seth mentions that posted a series of photos of the Mysterio family and a light bulb went off.  

We take a look at a photo of the family and Seth says to look at Rey and then look at Dominik.  Seth says it doesn't seem possible.  We deserve the truth so Seth says he had some people do some digging and in this here folder, he has the results of that investigation.  Before he delivers that information to the WWE Universe, he would like to extend the courtesy to the Mysterio family to find out the truth from him in person.

Rey makes his way to the stage with Aliyah, Angie, and Dominik

Rey says this must be important to have everyone out here.  Rey says he is tired of their mind games.  Rey says they will give him a beating like they gave Murphy.

Seth says this might sound crazy but speaking to your entire family, I have grown to respect you.  Seth says he is inspired by them.  They stand together, cheer each other on, and fight adversity together.  That is why you deserve the truth.

Seth says he has the results of a DNA test.  Seth says he knows this has been done before and technology has changed.  We need an answer to the question, are you really Dominik's father.

Seth says the truth is that Rey Mysterio is not the Father.

Rey asks if Seth brought them out for that?  We have been down that road before.  It didn't work then and it won't work now.  Stop running my family through the mud.  

Seth says you might be on to something.  Seth says he asked his guy to look into the Mysterio kid, but maybe it isn't Dominik who isn't your son, but that Aliyah isn't your daughter.  Seth says he has concrete evidence to prove it.

We look at Aliyah checking on Buddy last week at the end of Raw.

Seth says Aliyah wasn't consoling a Mystero, but Buddy.  What was going on?  

Rey says you don't talk to her, you talk to me.

Rey says he talked to her about that.  He raised his daughter to be caring and compassionate.  Something you don't know about.  Keep his daughter's name out of your filthy mouth.  She is only 19 years old.  She is naive and knows nothing about our world.

Aliyah walks to the back and Angie follows.

Rey and Dominik also go to the back.

Seth says he is sorry.  He came out ot inform, not to drive a wedge into the Mysterio family.  Sometimes a family as strong as the Mysterios, it can happen to them.  Seth says it has probably happened to you and your families.  Seth says he is sorry and leaves the ring.

We are back and The Riott Squad are on commentary.

Match Number Five:  Lana and Natalya versus Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler in a Non Title Match

Nia pushes Natalya away and Natalya goes for a head scissors but lands on her feet.  Lana tags in and hits a clothesline in the corner.  Lana goes for a sunset flip but Nia does not go down.  Nia with a head butt.  Shayna tags in and hits a gutrwench suplex and kick.  Shayna with a Kirifuda Clutch and Lana taps out.

Winners:  Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax

After the match, Nia and Shayna go up to the Riott Squad and the challengers are pushed down.  Ruby and Liv work over Nia and since Ruby and Liv have escapes their clutches, Lana gets to go through the table.

We take a look at what happened at the end of the Keith Lee/Drew McIntyre match.

Drew McIntyre is in the medical office and he says he will defend his title.  He will beat the piss out of Randy.  As for tonight, I am going to go pick a fight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Aliyah tells Rey that she is old enough to defend herself.  She says she came here to support Dominik.  You got hurt, Dom's got hurt, and who knows what Seth will do to her or mom.  In the end she is a naive 19 year old girl.

We are back for the second period of Raw Underground and it is Riddick Moss and Erik.

Briana Brandy asks Dabba about his fight against Braun but Shane takes over.  Dabba says talk is cheap and you will see.  Braun will feel what Dabba Kato is all about.

We go back to the surface.

Match Number Six:  Asuka versus Peyton Royce (with Billie Kay) in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Asuka pushes Peyton out of the corner.  Asuka with a kick and rollup for a near fall.  Asuka with a pop up knee and hip attack in the corner.  Asuka with a German suplex.  Asuka with a near fall.  Peyton blocks a kick but Asuka with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Asuka with a back first.  Peyton with a Widow's Peak for a near fall.  Asuka tries for an Asuka lock but Peyton drops down and gets a near fall.  Peyton with another near fall.  Peyton goes up top and Asuka stops her.  Asuka with forearms but Peyton knocks Asuka off.  Asuka with a spinning heel kick and she floats over and Zelina Vega attacks Asuka.

Winner:  Asuka (by disqualfiication)

After the match, Vega slaps Asuka.  Asuka with a back heel kick and she tries for a spinning back fist but Vega avoids it and goes to the floor.

Aliyah is in the back and Buddy Murphy stops by to apologize.  He says this Seth thing has gotten out of hand.  He says if he hurt her in any way, he is sorry.  Buddy walks away and we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the final three minute segment of Raw Underground and Dabba Kato faces Braun Strowman.

Braun takes Dabba down with a punch and then he finishes Dabba.

Match Number Seven:  Cedric Alexander, Bobby Lashley, and Shelton Benjamin (with Montel Vontavoius Porter) versus Retribution (Slapjack, T-Bar, and Mace)

Lashley with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Mace tags in and Lashley punches him.  Lashley misses a splash and Mace with a shoulder tackle.  TBar clotheslines Lashley over the top rope.  Lashley with a clothesline.  Alexander tags in and he punches TBar.  TBar with a knee and foerarm to the back.  Slapjack taunts Alexander and TBar with an elbow.  Slapjack with a snap mare and kick to the back.  Slapjack with elbows and punches.  TBar tags in and he connects with elbows.  TBar wtih a biel and he gets a near fall.  Alexander with a Neuralizer and Benjamin tags in and connects with forearms.  Benjamin punches Slapjack and Mace on the apron.  TBar with a knee but Benjamin with a knee of his own.  Benjamin punches Mace but TBar with a kick to Benjamin.  Mace tags in and they go for a double suplex and hit it.  Mace gets a near fall.  

Benjamin with a belly-to-back suplex.  Benjamin and Mace exchange forearms.  Mace with a kick and he tags in Slapjack.  Slapjack with a kick and punch.   Lashley tags in and he hits a clothesline on Slapjack followed by a flatliner.  Lashley with an rish wihp and choke slam.  Lashley with a full nelson and TBar punches Lashley and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners:  Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin, and Cedric Alexander (by disqualification)

After the match, Retribution attacks and then Drew McIntyre leads the roster into the ring and there is pandemonium as the uncredited extras get their asses kicked by the Raw roster.

Orton hits Drew with an RKO.

We go to credits.

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