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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-09-21 23:00:00

We are back and Drew with a chop but Lee with punches.  Lee with a splash in the corner.  Drew gets Lee on his shoulders but Lee escapes.  Drew with a boot and Lee with a forearm.  Lee gets a near fall.  Lee gets Drew up for a Spirit Bomb but Drew counters with a rana.  Drew with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall.  Drew with a forearm and neck breaker for a near fall.  Drew is backed into the turnbuckles when he sets for a Future Shock.  Lee runs into a boot.  Drew is choke slammed by Lee for a near fall.  Drew with punches but Lee with a knee and forearm.  Lee with a clothesline.

Lee goes for the Spirit Bomb and Drew escapes.  Drew with a Claymore and then Randy Orton hits Drew in the back with a chair.  

Winner:  Drew McIntyre (by disqualification)

After the match, Orton jabs the chair into Drew's jaw.  Orton with a running kick to Lee.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Randy Orton is in the ring.

He says shame on all of you people for doubting him for a second.  Doubting that he wouldn't make it to Clash of Champions.  Doesn't his track record mean anything.  Twenty years in this company and the constant is that he never walked away from a title match and he won't do it any time soon.  But, the World Title Match isn't exactly a normal World Title Match?  

Orton walks to the ambulance and he opens the door.  

Randy says he took a ride in this very ambulance a few short weeks ago.  That was because Drew McIntyre gave him not one, not two, not three, well maybe three Claymores.  As I was tied on that stretcher, the sirens were blaring and he was fading out of consciousness.  The feeling that came over him was how this must have been what it feels like to be taken out by the Legend Killer.  This is what everyone felt like when he kicked them in the skull.  

As I came to and woke up in the ambulance, a smile came over his face.  It wasn't from the pain that Drew inflicted on him.  It was because he knew what he is capable of.  He knows what it takes to become WWE Champion.  This ambulance represents many things for different people.  For some, it means hope and healing.  For others, it means pain and agony . . . even death.  This ambulance, what it represents for me is my fourteenth World Championship.

At Clash of Champions, I will make sure you have one more ride in this ambulance and your title reign flatlines thanks to the three most dangerous letters in Sports Entertainment . . . R . . . K. . . O.

Sarah is in the back and she is with Women's Champion Asuka.

Asuka dances into the camera shot.  She is asked if Zelina Vega or Mickie James is a bigger threat.  

Billie Kay shows up and she says that Zelina is onto something to say that Asuka is more than willing to face anyone who makes a challenge.  What about Sarah or Jen from catering . . . or Peyton Royce shows up and asks if Billie was talking about her.  Billie says maybe her too.  

Asuka asks if they are still friends.

Peyton and Billie say they are still friends even if they are not a tag team.  

Asuka says no one is ready for Asuka at Clash of Champions, but tonight she is ready for Peyton.

Mickie says she fought Asuka last week with all she had and she did not give up.  She says Zelina better back up that trash talk and sass.  She will know what it is like to clash with a real champion.

Match Number Three:  Zelina versus versus Mickie James in a Number One Contender Match

Zelina with a boot to the back and she sends Mickie into the turnbuckles.  Zelina chokes Mickie but Mickie pushes her away.  Mickie tosses Zelina by the hair.  Vega with a sleeper but Mickie with a snap mare and boot to the head for a near fall.  Mickie goes for a suplex but Zelina blocks it and gets a near fall with an inside cradle.  Vega with an octopus.  Mickie backs Zelina into the turnbuckles to escape the hold.  Zelina with a boot to the head.  Vega has a kick blocked and Mickie goes for a power bomb but Vega counters with a rana and Mickie gets a near fall.

Vega slams Mickie's head into the mat.  Vega ties Mickie up in the ropes.  Vega goes for a tornado DDT but Mickie pushes her away.  Mickie with kicks and a running forearm.  Mickie with a flapjack.  Mickie goes up top and hits a Thesz Press for a near fall.  Mickie with a kick and she sets for the MickDT but Vega escpes.  Mickie is sent into the ropes and Zelina with a lungblower for the three count.

Winner:  Zelina Vega

We go to the back where Retribution is beating up the unpaid members of Retribution.  Cedric and MVP walk to the ring for Cedric's match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bianca Belair is in the gym outworking someone at the Performance Center.  He eventually walks away.

We go to footage from earlier today when Akira Tozawa and a ninja referee are at the beach wating for R Truth to show up and they play in the surf.  

Truth shows up with Little Jimmy and the title belt.

Truth is told about a shark in the ocean by Little Jimmy.  Truth gets away but the belt is left on the beach.

Truth says if they can find Nemo, they can find his baby.

Truth sees the shark again and he asks for Calgon to take him away.

We see what is left of Tozawa's ring gear as Truth gets his belt back.

MVP has a mic and he says this is an official announcement for Retribution.  You will be in a six man tag match and you will know why we are called the Hurt Business.  You can call yourselves the judges and juries, we are the executioners.

Cedric says that he learned the hard way when you send a message to the Hurt Business, expect one back ten times.  This is about me getting even with you for using me to help you get a title match you didn't deserve.  I will show you that I don't care about you or your kids.

Apollo says he never expected to see this side of you.  We don't care why you did it.  We only care about punching you in your face.  Bobby, I am not done with you.  I will give you a preview of what is going to happen on Sunday.

Match Number Four:  Cedric Alexander (with Montel Vontavoius Porter) versus Apollo Crews (with Ricochet)

Crews with a waist lock take down and Alexander with an elbow.  Crews with a drop kick and Alexander goes to the floor.  Crews with a baseball slide to Alexander and he has some words for Porter as we go to commercial.

We are back and Alexander gets a near fall.  Alexander with a knee and kick to the back for a near fall.  Alexander with elbows to the ribs.  Alexander with a waist lock but Crews with elbows.  Alexander holds on to the waist lock and hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.  Crews with a cross body on Alexander but he cannot capitalize.  Crews with forearms and he runs Alexander into the corner.  Crews with a shoulder.  Crews with a fallaway slam for a near fall.  Crews lands on his feet on a moonsault from the apron.  Alexander hits a suicide dive and then Cedric gets in Ricochet's face before returning to the ring.

Crews with a rollup for the three count.

Winner:  Apollo Crews

The music plays for Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin.  Alexander hits Crews from behind and then Ricochet is sent into the ringside barrier.  MVP and Alexander hot shot Crews on the ringside barrier.  Lashley with a full nelson on Crews.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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