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By Mike Johnson on 2020-07-19 21:35:00

WWE Raw Women's Champion Asuka (with Kairi Sane) vs. Sasha Banks (with Bayley)

They locked up and went back and forth.  Asuka drilled her with a kick to the head and nailed a series of strikes.  Sasha caught him and powered her down to the mat, trying to force a pinfall via a test of strength.  Asuka bridged up but Banks drilled her with a knee to the mid-section.  Asuka maneuvered her into a Fujiwara armbar but Banks made it to the ropes to force the break.

Asuka nailed a hip attack and sent Banks to the floor.  She went to toss Banks back into the ring but she spun around on the apron and kicked Asuka in the head.  Banks went for a sunset flip powerbomb but was kicked in the face and nailed with a knee to the head.  Back in the ring, Banks cut off Asuka and controlled her on the mat with an armbar while also manipulating her fingers.    Sasha continued to control her while working over both arms.  Sasha worked her over in the corner.  Asuka fired back but was caught with a double knee strike to the ribs.  Sasha nailed a double knee strike again but Asuka kicked up at the last second.

Asuka finally fought back but was caught with a head scissors and driven into the turnbuckles.  They battled to the apron outside, where they teased suplexing each other down to the floor.  Banks charged Asuka, drilling her into the barricades like a powerbomb.  Back in the ring, Banks nailed a big frog splash from the top and locked on the Bank Statement but Asuka fought to the ropes to break it.  Sasha began trash talking her but that only served to ignite her fire as Asuka wailed away on her.

They battled on the apron and Asuka muscled her backwards into a bridging suplex for a two count.  She then drilled Sasha with a stiff German suplex and a running knee strike for a two count.  Asuka began beating her with kicks to the chest, followed by another German suplex.   Asuka went for a dropkick but missed.  Banks drilled her and covered her for a near fall.    They went back and forth with great near falls, beating the heck out of each other along the way.  They fired back and forth with forearms.

Asuka snatched her in the Asuka Lock.  Bayley got on the apron but Kairi grabbed her and pulled her down.  Bayley nailed her with the Bayley to Belly.  Asuka was distracted briefly but when they were done with their exchange, Asuka cinched in the Asuka Lock.  Bayley tossed one of her titles in so the referee missed that Banks tapped.   The referee took the belt away from Banks.  Asuka went for the mist but Banks ducked and she blinded the referee.  Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock but Bayley attacked her.

Bayley ripped the referee's shirt off and put it on.  Banks covered Asuka and Bayley counted the pinfall.  Bayley made the timekeeper ring the bell and took the Raw Women's title, nanding it to Sasha as if she really won the title.  

Hell of a match before they went to the overbooked, silly finish.  This reminded me of a TNA main event from 10 years ago where everything was awesome athletically and then they'd go into crazed, frenzied, berserk booking.  I guess this was fine as a hook to get you to watch Raw but what an unsatisfying ending to a hard-fought bout.

We get a medical update on Rey Mysterio.  He's on his way to the medical center.  The optic nerve has not been severed.  HURRAY.

WWE Champion Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler: STIP TO BE NAMED

Ziggler took the mic and said Drew made a big mistake.  The stip is Extreme Rules for Dolph Ziggler only.    If McIntyre is counted out or DQ'd, the title changes.    It Drew does anything to break the rules, Dolph wins.

Ziggler went outside to grab a weapon but Drew followed and nailed him, then smashed him into the announcers' table.    Ziggler was pinballed all over the ring and went to the floor, where he cannot be counted out but Drew can.  Drew followed but Ziggler raked his face.  Ziggler went to use a chair but Drew blocked i and grabbed the chair, but he can't use it.  He tossed it down.  Ziggler went for a superkick but got blocked and tossed with a belly to belly suplex.  

Ziggler and Drew battled.  Drew clotheslined him over the top to the floor.  Ziggler sent Drew into the post and then into the barricade.  Ziggler pulled out a table.  McIntyre teased suplexing him through it but since he would be DQ'd, he held Ziggler up, then turned and suplexed him on the floor.  He nailed a sit-down powerbomb on Ziggler for a two count.  Ziggler lowblowed him.

Ziggler beat McIntyre over and over but Drew kicked up.  Drew went to the floor.  Ziggler dove off the apron but was caught and sent with a throw painfully into the announcer's table, bouncing over.  It was a rough bump.  Drew teased a belly to belly off the table but Ziggler blocked it and nailed a Famouser off the table.  McIntyre is almost counted out but makes it in at the nine count.

Drew made a comeback but missed a clothesline off the top.  Ziggler jumped on his back, locking in a sleeper.  Drew grabbed the ropes but it didn't matter because of the Extreme Rules stip for Ziggler.  Drew was fading but finally flipped Ziggler over.  Drew charged but Ziggler moved and Drew hit the post shoulder-first.  Ziggler sent him into the other post but Drew nailed a big clothesline.  Both men were down and rolled to the floor.  Ziggler was sent into the Plexiglass.

Back in the ring, Drew nailed the Alabama Slam.  He set up for the Claymore kick but Ziggler drilled him in the leg with a chair and snapped him with the ZigZag for a close two count.  They went back to the floor, where Ziggler superkicked the Champion.  Drew was placed on the table.  Ziggler nailed a flying elbowdrop off the top through the table on the floor.  Drew staggered and fell but made it in before the ten count.  Ziggler screamed in frustration that it wasn't the end of Drew.

Ziggler was drilled with the Glasgow Kiss headbutt.  Drew went for Futureshock but Ziggler kicked his leg out and nailed the Famouser.  Drew kicked up.  Ziggler set up for Sweet Chin Music but Drew caught him with a surprise Claymore Kick for the pin.

Your winner and still WWE Champion, Drew McIntyre!

They did everything they could to tell the story of Drew overcoming the odds and walking out champion.  

Coverage concludes on Page 4!


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