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By Mike Johnson on 2020-03-21 22:03:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Combat Zone Wrestling's Saturday Night Special, being streamed live from a closed set in Baltimore, Maryland on www.FITE.TV.

The broadcast opened with CZW President Maven Bentley.  He said that it's his job to protect talents.  He said that the building has been cleaned with industrial strength sanitizer to insure it is clean.  They are using a new ring apron and everything else from the ring, including the ropes, has been sanitized.  All of the talents wrestling has had their temperature taken to make sure they are not running a temp.  He asked everyone to practice social distancing and to be safe and said that everyone is going to kick out at two and beat this.

He introduced his broadcast partner Matt Striker, who is making his CZW debut.  

They faded into a CZW logo and the CZW theme song.

Larry Legend is the ring announcer.  You could hear a few random people yelling and reacting in the background.

Gabriel Skye vs. TJ Crawford

Skye tried to roll up Crawford and nailed a dropkick.  He nailed a chop and used a springboard into an armdrag but Crawford nailed a handstand to escape and they went back and forth until facing off.  Skye drilled him with a kick and scored a two count.

They noted some of the other wrestlers are the ones making noise in the background.

Skye nailed several moves but Crawford cut him off and nailed a series of kicks to the chest before nailing a delayed vertical suplex for a two count.   Sky tried to fight back but was caught and slammed into the buckles.  Crawford worked over Skye with a series of kicks and nailed a big high knee strike to the face.

Crawford nailed a Black Hole slam variation for a two count.  Both men were too beaten to get to their feet, so the referee began counting ten.  They faced off on their knees, battling back and forth.  Skye scored with a series of forearms. 

Crawford missed a rolling forearm and Skye nailed a ripcord knee for a close two count.  Skye climbed to the top but Crawford nailed a Pele Kick.  Skye was trapped but avoided a running dropkick in the corner, which missed badly.  Skye came off the top with a double stomp, scoring the pin.

Your winner, Gabriel Skye!

A solid athletic showcase for each.  Crawford had some really good crisp timing.  Skye had some nice aerial moves.

Leroy Green vs. Anthony Gangone with Valentina Vazquez

Gangone and Green are both from NYC.  Gangone has been in CZW for some time.  Green does a gamer gimmick and had his device in the ring.  He kept playing even after being put in a side headlock.  He’s just a few tweets away from Jim Cornette making him famous.

He evaded a Gangone charge and rolled him up with a crucifix while still playing the game.  Gangone went to the floor and missed a strike, allowing Green to nail a dive to the outside.  As he moved Gangone back into the ring, Valentina showed him that she had a gaming system too, allowing Gangone to attack him from behind.

On the floor, Gangone nailed a belly to back suplex, dropping Green on the apron outside.  He continued beating down Green back inside the ring.  He nailed a forearm to the back of the neck.  Green was tossed to the floor, where Vazquez kicked and stomped him.  The referee, who had been distracted, began counting him out.

Green pulled himself back up into the ring, where Gangone covered him for a two count.  Gangone nailed a snap suplex for a two count.  Gangone grabbed him gaming device and was going to stomp it but that fired up Green, who fired back with kicks.  Gangone snatched him for a Northern Lights suplex for a two count.

Gangone stomped Green’s gaming system.  This pissed off Green, who fired away with a flurry of punches and forearms.  Green nailed a neckbreaker and drilled him with a strike for a two count.  Green went to the top rope but Gangone attacked him and set up for a superplex.  Green shoved him off but Gangone returned with a big right hand to the jaw.

Green battled through and nailed a pair of DDTs for a two count.  Gangone caught him with a pop-up powerbomb for a two count.  Gangone locked on a neck crank but Green fought his way out.  Green was caught with a big running knee and a package piledriver into a knee strike for a two count.  That should have been the finish, it looked so evil.

Gangone went to the ropes but Green nailed him with a big back elbow.  They battled on the top and fought back into the ring.  Green was nailed and crumbled in the corner.  Gangone ran and hit a knee strike to the face for another two count.

They battled back to the floor.  Green covered him for a two count but Valentina placed Gangone’s foot on the ropes.  Gangone came back and nailed a knee strike to the side of the head and scored the pin.

Your winner, Anthony Gangone!

Gangone said you think this is all fun and games but there is nothing fun about professional wrestling.  All last year, he played mind games and backed down to people.  The last show, he was punked out by Jimmy 2020?  He said Rave is a veteran.  He helped build the table that all of us eat from but he doesn't want to share that food on the table.  He said he's finally listening to Valentina.  He has a lot more to offer CZW than playing mind games.  He's going to walk up to that table, take whatever he wants and flip that table over so everyone else has to eat from the floor and said that if everyone else has an issue with that, they can come and do something about it.

Griffin McCoy vs. Kris Bishop

They locked up with Bishop working over McCoy’s arm.  They went back and forth with a nice series of reversals and pinfall attempts.  Bishop nailed a running back elbow.  Bishop was elbowed off the top to the floor.  He returned to the ring and nailed a back kick to the face to slow McCoy’s momentum.

McCoy continued to work over Bishop, drilling him with forearms and using his height to control his opponent.  Bishop missed a move in the corner and was going to climb the ropes but was dropped to the floor.  They battled on the floor with McCoy slamming his face into a ringside table.  He went to toss Bishop back into the ring but he used the ropes and spun around for a 619 kick.

Back in the ring, Bishop nailed a Michinoku Driver for a two count.  He tried to follow up but was shoved off and nailed with a forearm strike.  He caught Bishop and nailed a That’s Incredible spinning tombstone for a two count.  McCoy nailed another knee strike but Bishop kept trying to fight from underneath.

They battled back and forth trying to gain the advantage.  Bishop leapt into an inverted DDT and scored the pin.

Your winner, Kris Bishop!

Lots of athletic spots here.

They went to a video outside with Young Dumb & Broke.  They called their opponents a bunch of jobbers. This obviously aired in the wrong position as it included McCoy knocking Bishop before their match.

Team Espana (Jose & Jos-B) vs. Young Dumb & Broke (Charlie Tiger & Hellboy Ellis Taylor)

Jose and Ellis started out and battled back and forth, trying to get the advantage over the other.  Ellis used some lucha takedowns and a rana.   Tiger tagged in but almost charged into his own partner, allowing Jose to scored several chops.  Team Espana nailed a double hiptoss into the buckles for a two count.

Jos-B picked up and nailed a delayed vertical suplex on Tiger.  Jose tagged back and nailed several chops.  They battled back and forth with chops.  Tiger was sent into the corner but went up and over and rolled him up for a two count.  Tiger tagged out and ducked a clothesline, allowing Ellis to nail a series of kicks to the mid-section and chest.

Ellis used his sweatshirt to choke Jose then used the ropes to continue that.  He slammed Jose for a two count.  Tiger tried to nail Jos-B but was drilled with a shoulder to the mid-section. 

Jose fought his way out of a double-team situation and made the hot tag to Jo-B.  He worked over Ellis and nailed a slingshot splash.  Team Espana double-teamed Tiger but Ellis broke up the pinfall at the last second.

Jos-B nailed a big Uranage in the corner on Ellis.  He nailed a moonsault but was caught with a spear by Tiger.  They double-teamed Jos-B and nailed a combination German suplex and Blockbuster for the pin.

Your winners, Young Dumb & Broke!

Coverage continues on Page 2!





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