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By Mike Johnson on 2020-01-24 21:19:00

They aired a video feature on Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon.

Joe Galli interviewed Marty Scurll.  He said he was here for the same reason he was at the Into the Fire PPV.  He wants his shot at the NWA Championship.  He said Aldis keeps ducking and walking away from him.  Aldis said he's already beaten Scurll, so what is Aldis worried about?  He's not going to let it go until he gets his shot at the NWA title.  He mocked Aldis for having a non-title match against Gordon tonight.  He said Aldis is "Strictly Business" yet a title match is good for business.  Everyone who paid for the show deserves a title defense.  Nick Aldis came out and Marty asked if he's going to give the people what they want, a title match tonight.  The crowd chanted "Coward" at Aldis.

Aldis said he can't believe Scurll has the audacity to show up and act like he has stroke here like he does in Ring of Honor.  He said ROH was a hot ticket when Aldis was headlining but now the hot ticket is the NWA.  He said the grow-ups were talking now.  Aldis said he's the hot ticket and he's the dealer and this is how it goes.  If Flip wins, he'll be the new NWA Champion.  If Aldis wins, any of their business going forward is on Aldis' terms...and Marty has to leave the building.  Security showed up.  Marty asked them to wait.  He questioned if Flip really gets a title shot if he leaves.  Aldis said he does.  Marty said he would then leave and was escorted out.  Aldis said that's why he's the real Worlds Champion.

NWA TV TITLE SEMI-FINAL: Dan Maff vs. Trevor Murdoch

They went back and forth with some hard-hitting smashmouth shots.  Murdoch's chest was beet-red from the chops.  Maff speared him for a two count.  Maff controlled Murdoch and taked his fingernails across his back.  He continued to chop away at Murdoch.  He missed a leap into the buckles.  Murdoch went to the top rop and nailed a bulldog, scoring the flash pin.

Your winner, advancing to the finals, Trevor Murdoch!

NWA TV TITLE SEMI-FINAL: Ricky Starks vs. Tim Storm

Starks was strutting and cocky but every time Storm got his hands on Starks, he walloped him hard.  Storm nailed a spinebuster for a two count.   Storm rebounded off the ropes with a big boot to the face for a two count.  Starks was sent into the ropes but came back with an explosive dropkick.  Storm cut him off with a backbreaker for a two count.   Storm nailed the Perfect Storm, his finisher, but the momentum knocked him off Starks, who scrambled to the outside.  Starks caught him with a rollup for a two count.  Starks nailed a face-first piledriver for another two count  Starks blocked the Perfect Storm and used the ropes to give himself additonal leverage as he surprised and trapped Storm in a crucifix style pinfall combination.

Your winner, advancing to the finals, Ricky Starks.

Starks vs. Murdoch will close the show for the NWA TV title.

NWA National Champion Aron Stevens vs. Scott Steiner.

Stevens was all comedy and stalling early, doing his karate.  Steiner caught him in a corner and nailed a series of chops and tossed him across the ring.  Stevens went to the floor and played to the crowd on the floor, claiming Steiner pulls his tights.   Stevens argued and mugged to the crowd a lot.   Steiner shoulderblocked him down and Stevens rolled to the floor again.  Stevens tried to gain control but put his head down after sending Steiner into the ropes.  He was drilled across the back and nailed with a suplex.  Stevens was back to the floor - AGAIN - but this time, Steiner followed.  He smashed Stevens into the podium and the ring stept.  Steiner nailed a belly to belly overhead suplex, then nailed another for a two count.  Steiner continued with the Flatliner and called for the Steiner Recliner but The Question Mark hit the ring and attacked him.  Steiner put the Question Mark in the Recliner and knocked the referee to the floor.  

Coverage concludes on Page 3!

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