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By Mike Johnson on 2019-12-14 20:36:00

CZW Champion Joe Gacy vs. Matt Tremont .

The storyline is that if Tremont loses, DJ Hyde has to "leave" CZW.

Gacy took the mic and went to the floor.  The fans started counting him out.  He took the mic and said there aren't countouts, so the fans are idiots.  He told Tremont that if he just lays down and let Gacy pin him, they are rid of DJ Hyde.  They can all go celebrate if Tremont allows himself to be pinned.  Tremont acted as if he was going to let himself get pinned, then punched Gacy in the mouth saying he wanted to be the fn' champ.   Tremont ducked a clothesline and nailed a series of rights.  Gacy, busted open around the nose and mouth, went to the floor.  Tremont followed him and beat him down on the floor.

Gacy tried to fight back and set Tremont in a chair, then charged and smashed into it, destroying the chair under Tremont.  Tremont cut him off after he went for a dive.  They continued battling back and forth on the floor. Gacy dazed Tremont and went under the ring, looking for Hornswoggle.  Just checking to see if you are still paying attention.  Maybe he's looking for a good stream of this show?  He placed a door between two chairs.  Tremont was actually selling he was huirt and pulled out a rod and dug it into Gacy's mouth, fishhooking him.

Gacy was able to escape and nailed Tremont, then went under the ring, this time retrieving a trash can.  They battled to the apron.  Gacy got control and kicked Tremont away with a running boot to the face.  He wrapped Tremont's arm around the post and nailed it with a steel chair.  Back in the ring, Tremont muscled him up on his shoulders but Gacy slipped down his back and cinched in a sleeper.  The croed tried to rally Tremont .  Gacy nailed him with a superkick.  

Gacy went back under the ring looking for additional Christmas presents. He put not one, but three doors into the ring.  The fire alarm in the building went off.  He placed each of them in different corners of the ring.  The crowd chanted, "We wan  fire."  Tremont backdropped Gacy through one of the doors but only scored a two count.  They battled back and forth on their knees with punches.  Gacy went for a lariat and took out the referee by accident.  

Tremont nailed a DVDR but there was no referee.  He had Gacy pinned forever and a day.  Tremont called for another referee.  No, someone ran light tubes down to the ring.  He placed them on the ring and attempted to hit a DVDR on them but Gacy blocked it and locked on a sleeper.  Tremont ran backwards, putting them through the second door.  Anthony Gangone came out to ringside and bridged a door between the ring apron and the guard rail.  The fire alarm is STILL GOING.

DJ Hyde hit the ring and killed Gangone with a lariat.  He brought Gangone over to the bridged door but Hyde's wife (his real wife) Lauren hit the ring and hit DJ with the light tubes.  Some of that went flying into the audience, which is never wise, but I guess if you are sitting ringside, you know what you are getting into in CZW.  Tremont was about to destroy Gangone, but Valentina, a valet hit the ring and lowblowed Tremont.  Gangone speared Tremont through the third door.

Gacy covered Tremont and pinned him.

Your winner and still CZW Champion Joe Gacy!

The stipulation is that DJ Hyde is gone from the company.

Mave Bentley ran in and hugged Gacy. 

Gacy took the mic and asked everyone to stop the fire alarm.  He said he was there the night CZW was purchased by DJ Hyde, when he thought he purchased the respect of the locker room and now he's here the night Hyde is gone from CZW.  He said the CZW title is sitting in a pile of broken glass and that's a proper representation of the company.  He told Hyde they were going to celebrate that he's gone.  He told Hyde to remember the night he met Hyde in Maryland and attended one of his training classes.  he told Hyde to look at him and told him he's hated his guts since the second they met and told Hyde to remember that he did this to him.  He said that perhaps with new ownership, we can get the glass cleaned up from the ring and stop the fire alarm.  He sat in the ring and said that tonight marks the dawn of a new era in CZW, because if Hyde isn't here anymore, he can do anything he wants.  He said that he's still the CZW Champion and there's only one thing to do, and that's beat the best the world has to offer.  

A masked man came to the ring and revealed himself to be Alex Shelley.  He said Gacy proved himself to be a tough motherf***er tonight.  He said that when he came back to wrestling, he wanted to go back to every company that did right by him.  He said CZW is one of the best independent promotions because of the fans and guys like Gacy.  He's not going to say anything bad about him.  The fire alarm stopped and the place popped.  Shelley said that anytime Gacy wanted to prove he's the best and put the title on the line, it would be an honor and a pleasure.  

Gacy said that he appreciates the kind words, but he's the best.  He said anytime Alex wants to take the title, he's got a title shot.  They shook hands.  Shelley left the ring.  

Coverage will continue when the Cage of Death is done being erected and the main event begins!

CAGE OF DEATH: Brandon Kirk with Kasey Catel vs. Jimmy LLoyd

The traditional yellow cage is up.  There are glass panes in each corner.  There are barbed wire boards in the cage.  There is no door.  There are tables stacked on one side.  There is some other structure next to it with a barbed wire board on top.  One side of the cage is set at 45 degree angle.  There are light tubes inside the ring.  There is a glass pane hanging horizontally in the air.

They faced off Lloyd dropkicked Kirk into a pane of glass.  He puts him through three other panes of glass.  Well, that’s a hell of a way to open the match.  Beats a hammerlock I guess?  Kirk was then hiptossed through yet another pane of glass.  He was bleeding from the head.

Lloyd drilled glass into Kirk’s face, trying to carve up his forehead.  Lloyd is sent into the cage several times and then had his face ripped against the cage wall.   Lloyd slammed him and covered Kirk for a two count.

They battled back and forth and each nailed a roaring elbow on the other.  They beat the hell out of him with lots of superkicks and punches.  Lloyd nailed a Canadian Destroyer on Kirk on the broken glass.  He still kicked out of that but it was not with authority.  I know this will shock you but LLoyd was also busted open at this point.  The ring crew brought another pane of glass to the ring and slide it into the ring for LLoyd.    He placed it against the turnbuckles in one of the corners.  Lloyd worked over Kirk in one of the corners as a barbed wire board was brought into the ring by the ring crew.  They leaned it against the cage in front of the hard camera, which was absolutely silly but they quickly realized it and laid it down.

Kirk finally turned the tide after drilling Lloyd with a chair.  He asked the referee to help him place a barbed wire board across two chairs.  The ref helped, which is BEYOND silly to see.   Lloyd was tossed onto the cage side that was at angle, hit it and slid down.  Kirk nailed him with a light tube.  Lloyd crawled to the outside of the cage as more barbed wire boards were placed inside the cage.  He checked out the stacked structure on the outside.  Kirk set up a double decker of barbed wire boards across two sets of chairs.  Kirk went to the floor but Lloyd nailed him with a chair and began scaling the cage.  Kirk nailed him across the back with a chair but still kept ascending.  They battled on the side of the cage and both crashed off through the stacked doors and chairs on the floor.  They may have even hit the guard rail on the way down.   Lloyd stirred first but Kirk took some time to get back up.

LLoyd began making his way back into the ring.  Kasey Catal went after him but he chased her away.  On the other side, Brandon Kirk retrieved a firestarter and lighter fluid and began climbing up.  Catal went back after LLoyd but he knocked her off and she took a bump off the cage through a barbed wire board.   Kirk and Lloyd met on a bridge that ran across the top of the cage.  Kirk nailed him with light tubes and lit the top level of the barbed wire boards that were stacked up.  Lloyd punched him off and Kirk took a bump through the levels of barbed wire boards, chairs and fire.  Lloyd made his way down and covered Kirk, who kicked up.  The crowd chanted CZW.

Kirk was placed through another pane of glass and covered for the pin.

Your winner, Jimmy Lloyd!

This was a bloody stunt show, but that's what this usually is.  It was well beyond the realms of logic and common sense, but again, that's what Cage of Death is.  The audience that came to this got what they wanted.

That's all from CZW tonight.  Thank you for your support of!



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