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By Mike Johnson on 2020-04-05 13:01:00

Women of Honor World Champion Mayu Iwatani vs. Kelly Klein.

Klein came out with her fight team and they had her prepare like a MMA fighter.  She sent them to the back.

Klein worked over Mayu's arm but she used the ropes to flip and reverse.  They went back and forth until facing off.  The crowd applauded them.  Mayu caught her with a kick to the mid-section.  Klein kicked her as she rebounded off the ropes.  She began working over Mayu's legs, grapevining them and snatching her in a chinlock.   Mayu escaped and caught her in a rear naked choke.   Mayu went to the ropes but Klein nailed a Fall Away Slam.

Mayu battled back and sent Klein to the floor and hit a big flying bodypress to the floor.  They battled back and forth in the right with forearms and strikes.  Mayu finally began drilling her with rights.  Klein came back with a big right hand. Mayu went for a rana and turned it into a reverse rana that looked scary.  Mayu sat down on her for a pinfall.  Klein came back with a big German throw suplex for a two count.

Maya nailed a Dragon suplex with a bridge but Klein got her foot on the ropes.  Mayu missed a moonsault off the top.  Klein nailed a lariat for a two count.  Klein continued working over Mayu and finally scored the pin.

Your winner and NEW Women of Honor Champion, Kelly Klein!

Way better than their 17th Anniversary match.  Some solid action.  

Klein looked as if she was going to cry after the end.  Mat

The Beautiful People, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love came out to the ring.  They faced off with Klein.  Mandy came out and acted like she was going to help but instead joined them in attacking Klein and several others.  They marked up Klein's face, drawing on it.  They walked off to the stage where their group name, Allure, appeared.

Mega Ran performed his "Going to the Garden" song.  NYC wasn't enthused.  Out came Bully Ray, who got a nice pop for this.  The crowd chanted "ECW" and "We want tables."  Ran said that he'll let Bully do whatever he wants and he'll get out of the ring.  He said he was from Philly and loved ECW.  The crowd booed the Philly reference.  He said that he was going and joked that the fans wanted D-Von.  Bully said that 20,000 fans want to see him kick his ass.  Bully kicked him down but Ran tried to step to him.  Ray nailed him with his chain and kicked him out of the ring.

Ray said that it's a shame that something happened to Juice Robinson.  He told everyone Juice wasn't going to make it to MSG.  So, his open challenge for a NYC Street Fight is still open.  Out came Flip Gordon.

I guess the Flip knee issue was a storyline.

He nailed several kicks on Bully and worked him over in the corner.  Bully cut him off and went under the ring for a table.  Shane Taylor and Silas Young hit the ring and they worked over Flip.  They placed him on the table and Bully was about to cane him.

Out came Lifeblood’s Juice Robinson and Mark Haskins.  Robinson said it wasn’t going to go down like that and said they were going to make it a six-man tag.  He came with a cart full of weapons.  They charged down the ramp and crashed it into Taylor.

Bully and Juice went face to face and began brawling.  Young placed a chair on Flip and hit a double jump moonsault onto him.  Haskins attacked Young but was killed with a Taylor lariat.   Flip and Haskins nailed a double tope to the floor.  Bully began beating everyone with a Singapore Cane. 

Flip was in the ring.  Ray called his partners in, wielding Singapore Canes.  They surrounded Flip and he stood up to them and allowed them to nail him.  He kept getting up and challenging them.  He had NASTY, welts across his back.    Lifeblood hit the ring with canes of their own and the war was on.  Bully was left in the ring with Lifeblood and tried to bolt and walk up the aisle.  Robinson caught him and brought him back to the ring.

Bully began begging off but low blowed Robinson.  Flip nailed a missile dropkick and began caning him.  Flip nailed a Van Daminator like kick off the ropes using a trash can on Bully.  He came off the ropes but was nailed by Taylor with a trash can.   Taylor brought a table into the equation and set it up.  Bully was on the ropes waiting to hit a powerbomb through the table.   Flip was brought to him but fought his way out.

Silas battled with Haskins.  He set up a move through two chairs but Haskins saved himself and kicked him.  Young crashed down onto the chairs and was then hit with a double stomp.  Taylor drilled Haskins.    Taylor brought a wooden pallet into the ring.  It was placed in the corner.  Robinson nailed Taylor with a trash can and hit a cannonball in the corner and the pallet.

Robinson slammed Ray and they held his legs open for Haskins to do the wazzup headbutt to mock Bully.  Flip nailed a 450 splash on Ray and Lifeblood all covered him for the pin.

Your winners, Lifeblood!

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Taiji Ishimori vs. Dragon Lee vs. Bandido.

Ishimori was kicked out of the ring.  Bandido and Lee went back and forth with some nice sequences, leading to Bandido hitting a nice dive to the floor. Ishimori returned to the fray and they all battled.  Lee hit a leaping rana on Bandido, sending him off the apron to the floor.  Ishimori hit a standing moonsault to the floor on them both.  Nice!

Ishimori chopped Bandido hard back in the ring and worked him over in the corner.  Bandido sent him into the corner but he used the ropes to save himself and came off with a springboard knee to the face for a two count.  Lee broke it up and nailed a nice dropkick to the corner.  He went for the cover but Bandido made the save.

Bandido caught Lee and set him up for a knee to the face as he tossed him off his shoulders.  Ishimori nailed a twisting springboard kick but was caught with a sit-down powerbomb by Lee for a two count.  The crowd was loving the action and clapped to rally them to continue.

Ishimori was placed on the top rope and hung upside down.  Lee was setting up for a double stomp but Bandido caught him with a rana off the top.  Ishimori took down Bandido but Lee caught him with a Canadian Destroyer.  All three were out and the fans chanted “This is awesome.”

They continued battling each other with big strikes and shots.  Bandido covered Ishimori for a two count.  He went to the top but Lee caught him in the ropes and nailed a double stomp off the top.  He went for a powerbomb but Ishimori rolled through and scored a two count. He drilled Lee to the mat again for another two count.

Ishimori went for gourdbuster but Bandido drilled him.  They all battled in the corner.  Bandido hit a leaping kick.   Bandido hit a Fall Away Slam off the top on each.  Bandido drove Ishimori down for a two count but Lee attacked and hit a reverse rana.  He suplexed him into a sit-down powerbomb and scored the pin.

Your winner and new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Dragon Lee!

This was like a spring with big moves, reversals and near falls.  Crazy Highspot sequences.  I didn’t see the title change there, so nice surprise.

IWGP Tag Team Champions The Guerrillas of Destiny vs. ROH Tag Team Champions PCO & Brody King vs. vs. The Briscoes vs. EVIL & SANADA - IWGP and ROH titles each on the line.

They did a great sports-entertainment entrance for PCO recreating the scene from Frankenstein where the monster is brought to life.  I LOVED IT. 

They brawled all over the ringside area and in the ring.  It was a good, intense brawl.  SANADA and EVIL tied up Tama Tonga on the mat.  SANADA dropkicked him.    They built to Brody King hitting a big dive to the outside.

EVIL placed a chair on Loa’s head and smashed him with another chair.   PCO came off the top with a swanton down on the apron on Mark Briscoes.  King drilled Mark.  PCO hit a moonsault but the Guerrillas broke it up.    They worked over PCO.  They picked him up and powerbombed him over the top to the floor. HOLY CRAP.  PCO sat up but then went back down.  Even that had to hurt the Undead man.

The battle continued until The GOD scored the pin.  They are now the ROH and IWGP Tag Team Champions.

As they were celebrating in the ring, Enzo Amore and Big Cass got into a fight with the Briscoes and everyone else who was on the floor and began brawling with them on the floor.  ROH cameras didn't show it but Bully Ray ran out and was brawling with them as well.  The TV broadcast kept the focus on the ring and the announcers.  They ended up being forced back into the crowd and were walked out after an extended brawl.  The PPV broadcast avoided all of this as much as possible but it went on so long without security really intervening.  They were walked out, not arrested.  The crowd chanted "F*

Coverage continues on Page 3!


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