It is Saturday and it’s the Second night for Maple Leaf Pro’s second set of shows, Mayhem. The shows are being held at St. Clair College in Windsor, ON.
Our commentary team is Mauro Ranallo and Veda Scott.
If you missed Night One coverage, click here!
Tonight's PPV can be ordered at
QT Marshall, Blake Christian, and Sheldon Jean vs Bhupinder Gujjar, El Reverso, and Psycho Mike
QT talks about how his pinky finger was dislocated last night and the crowd chants “You deserve it.”
Jean and Gujjar start off the match and Gujjar gets a side headlock takeover. They get to their feet and Jean grabs Gujjar’s nose to get out of an arm bar. Gujjar gets arm drags and follows with a drop-kick. Christian tags in and he calls for Reverso to tag in, which he does. They run the ropes and they get high-flying moves on each other until Reverso gets a one count. Mike tags in, and Christian tries for a body slam but can’t get it, so he tags in QT.
QT says there will be no slams tonight and they lock up and Mike drives them into the ropes. QT grabs a side headlock. He shoots Mike into the corner, who hits QT with a shoulder tackle. QT rolls to the outside and Mike follows him. Jean and Christian attack Mike on the floor and they roll him into the ring and Christian tags in. Jean tags in and they work over Mike with quick tags and cutting the ring in half.
Gujjar is finally able to get the hot tag and he runs wild. Gujjar gets a crossbody from the top on Jean, and Christian breaks it up at two. Reverso tags in and misses a moonsault from the top. Christian gets a superplex on Reverso from the top and locks on a version of the STF, but Mike grabs him and everyone gets body slams. And I mean everyone, even his teammates.
The fight spills to the floor and in the ring, Reverso gets a big spin kick and a DDT on QT for two. Christian gets a middle rope Spanish Fly in Reverso and QT follows up with a cutter for the pin and the win.
Winners: QT Marshall, Blake Christian, and Sheldon Jean
Kylie Rae (WWE ID Wrestler) vs Taylor Rising -MLP Canadian Women's Championship Tournament Semi-Final Bout
They shake hands, but Rising holds the handshake to intimidate. Rising grabs a quick head scissors and Rae works out of it. They trade side headlocks and arm bars. Rising gets a slam and a series of slaps to Rae’s head and Rea answers with a pair of arm drags and a charge into the corner with an uppercut. Rae then hits a cannonball into the corner for two.
Rising goes to the floor and Rae follows her, which allows Rising to get an attack on the arm and then a baseball slide. Rising goes back to work on the arm she attacked as Rae was getting into the ring, then keeps her down on the mat and strikes. Rising gets a hip attack in the corner and gets back to working the arm. Rising misses a second hip attack and Rae gets a rollup for two and Rising goes back to working the arm.
Rising gets a snap mare to stop Rae’s comeback and gets an arm bar. Rae tries to kick free, but Rising holds on. Rae is able to bridge out and get a two count on Rising. Rae gets an arm drag and covers for two, but she’s holding the arm. Rising tries for a pedigree, and they reverse a couple of times until Rae is able to get the crossface. Rising rolls through for a two count after biting her way free and then rising gets a discus elbow strike.
Rising drops Rae onto the second rope and misses a tiger feint kick. Rising avoids Rae and then gets a pump handle slam on Rae for two. Rising tries for the pedigree again and tries for a power bomb, but Rae is able to block it. Rising gets a German with a bridge for two. Rae escapes a pump handle slam and hits a la mystica into a crossface. Rising has to tap out.
Winner: Kylie Rae
Sam Leturna is in the back with Rohan Raja and he says his opponent tonight Rich Swann is going on about his redemption tour. It’s inspiring but he wouldn’t need redemption if he hadn’t lost it all. Swann is looking at a hungry champion. He came with nothing and he will leave with nothing.
Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Taiji Ishimori vs. Alex Zayne vs. Stu Grayson
All four men pair off and throw hands. When it finally gets down to two men in the ring it’s Kaito and Stu, who hits a leaping strike on Stu. Taiji gets a leaping insigiri and we’re back all four men in the ring and pairing off to fight. Zayne is able to take the other three out with leaps and kicks. Stu stops him with an insigiri.
They run the ropes and Stu is able to get a hurricanrana on Zayne. Stu trips Zayne on the apron and then hits a senton. Taiji and Kaito hit dives onto Zayne and Stu. Kaito rolls everyone into the ring and it's back to all four men throwing hands until all four men are down. Stu is up first and as everyone gets up, Taiji is put on the top, and Zayne gets a hurricanrana on Kaito’s back, then a German suplex on Kaito and a DDT for Stu.
Kaito gets a shining wizard on Zayne. Taiji and Kaito trade big moves until Stu breaks it up with a moonsault and covers Taiji for two. Stu suplexes all of his opponents and then does it again. Stu gets a superplex on Zayne from the top and stands tall. Stu drops the knee pad, but it’s time for everyone to get their big finisher move on the last person in the ring. Zayne gets a taco driver on Taiji for the pin and the win.
Winner: Alex Zayne
Super fast-paced match that was impossible for me to keep up with. A spotfest at its best.
Sam Leterna is with Michael Allen Richard Clark to talk about his upcoming match with PCO and PCO has no idea what he can do.
Serena Deeb vs Gisele Shaw - MLP Canadian Women's Championship Tournament Semi-Final Bout
They lock up and trade arm bars and headlocks. Deeb gets an arm drag to end the sequence. They lock back up with arm bars and go into mat wrestling with hold/counter hold. Shaw gets a shoulder tackler and plays to the crowd. They run the ropes and Shaw gets a big boot and Deeb goes to the floor. Shaw dives onto her.
Deeb is tossed into the ring and Shaw gets a basement kick into a two count. They trade chops. Deeb grabs the lag and gets a dragon screw in the ropes. Deeb then takes over with kicks and strikes on Shaw. Deeb works over the leg she hurt with the dragon screw. Deeb slams Shaw’s knees into the mat after a fishhook hold.
Deeb goes back to working the leg. They fight in the ropes and Deeb gets a neck breaker in the ropes. Deeb locks on a modified figure four where she can push against Shaw’s knee. Deeb then gets another pair of dragon screws. Deeb pulls her up and tries for another, and Shaw blocks it and gets a double stomp on Deeb. Both women struggle to get to their feet.
Shaw gets a pair of clotheslines and then a series of kicks and strikes, ending with a spinebuster for two. They trade waistlocks and Deeb gets a suplex and follows with a Pepsi Twist. Shaw is able to get a power slam as Deeb comes off the ropes. Deeb is able to get a rollup for two. Deeb then comes off the ropes and gets an abdominal stretch. Shaw is able to fight out of the match and runs Deeb into the turnbuckle and then hits an air raid crash.
They slowly get to their feet and they fight in the corner. Deeb gets a chop block on Shaw and then hits Deebtox for two. Deeb then grabs a Serenity Lock. Shaw is able to turn over and kicks her way free. Deeb gets a shoulder thrust through the ropes and Shaw is able to get a bi9g knee and Deeb is knocked to the floor.
Shaw goes to the floor and rolls Deeb into the ring. Shaw reverses the Deebtox into a Tombstone piledriver for two. Shaw tries for a springboard back elbow and Deeb grabs her and locks on a sleeper. Shaw reverses it to escape. Shaw gets an Oz Cutter for two. Deeb catches the running knee and gets a back slide for two. Shaw is able to get her own rollup for the pin and the win.
Winner and moving on: Gisele Shaw
Kylie Rae comes to the ring to congratulate Shaw, and Shaw attacks her. Shaw grabs a mic from Sam and tells Rae never to steal her spotlight.
More on Page 2!
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