QT Marshall joins commentary and D’Lo leaves.
Mike Bennett & Matt Taven vs. The Jet Setters (KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight)
Taven and Knight start the match. They lock up and go into the corner and out and then back into the corner and Taven breaks clean. They go to arm bars and Knight drops a knee on Taven’s arm. They go to the corner and Knight gets a kick. They run the ropes and Taven gets a drop-kick and as Taven is preening for the crowd, Knight hits him with a drop-kick. Taven gets a jawbreaker and tags in Bennett. They run the ropes and Knight is springboarded into Bennett by Kushida.
This causes the tag team siren to go off, and all four men are fighting in the ring. Knight and Kushida get a series of double team attacks. Kushida slams Taven’s head into the timekeeper’s table and then slams his head into a chair. Knight gets a clothesline, leaping onto and then off the apron.
Knight and Bennett are in the ring and Kushida tags in. Kushida drops a knee on Bennett’s arm. He then snaps the arm on his own shoulder. Taven pulls Kushida out of the ring and Kushida gets taken out by Taven and Bennet, as does Knight. Kushida is rolled into the ring and Bennett snaps Kushida’s arm on his shoulder. He then stomps on Kushida’s arm. Taven is tagged in and he hits a brain buster for two.
The Kingdom works over Kushida with quick tags. Kushida gets a STO on Bennett in the corner and Knight tags in and he runs wild. Finally, Bennett gets a power bomb on Knight and catapults him to a kick from Taven and hits a Boston Bayonet for two.
Taven tags in and gets a two count. Knight fights to his feet and Taven punches him down. Taven gets a rolling cutter for two. Bennett tags in and they double-team Knight with a pop-up punch for two. Knight is whipped hard into the corner. Taven tags in and they work over Knight with quick tags.
Knight is finally able to leap over Taven and Bennett after shoving them into each other, and Kushida gets the hot tag. Kushida unleashes a flurry of offense. Kushida tries for a Frankensteiner on Taven, but Taven blocks it, so Knight has to help him and they both pull off the move. Kushida tries a hoverboard lock but Taven whips Kushida into an attack from Bennett for two.
Kushida counters a backpack stunner and Kushida gets an arm bar. Knight grabs Taven with a hoverboard lock and they all collide. Bennett pokes Kushida in the eyes, but the ref saw it so he begged for forgiveness. Kushida is tossed from the ring and as Kushida struts on the floor, Knight comes off the top into the Kingdom. Kushida and Knight double attack Bennett in the corner and hit a two-man attack.
The ring is then rushed by Brian Christopher and Shelton Jean, who take out the ref and then attack the Jet Setters. QT joins them. Psycho Mike and Rich Swann run in, but are taken out by QT’s group. The Jet Setters, Swann, and Mike and down and Swann is put on a table. Josh Alexander then comes to the ring for the save, taking out QT’s team and then putting QT through the table.
In the ring, Kushida gets a rollup on Bennett for around a count of ten. Taven takes out Kushida with a kick and then hits a backpack stunner and covers. Another ref hits the ring and counts two before Kushida kicks out. Kushida runs Bennett into the corner after Taven goes to the top. Kushida and Knight hit Perfect Timing for the pin and the win.
Winners: The Jet Setters
Josh Alexander grabs a mic and he’s happy to be back in a Canadian ring. He puts over the company and Canada. He says people want to see Josh Alexander again, and he will be at the MLP show on 5/10.
Another great show from Maple Leaf Pro, even in the main event was WAY overbooked. But both nights and go watch the first two shows on YouTube for free!
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