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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-24 22:08:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

Match Number One:  Kelani Jordan versus Wren Sinclair (with Tavion Heights, Charlie Dempsey, and Myles Borne) for the NXT Women's North American Championship

They lock up and Jordan with a side head lock take down and Wren with a head scissors.  Jordan slaps Wren and Wren with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Jordan rolls through and tries for a Tiger Feint Arm Drag but Wren blocks it.  Jordan with a side head lock and take down.  Wren backs Jordan into the corner and Jordan with a Irish whip but Wren floats over and she connects with a shoulder tackle and a leaping bulldog for a near fall.  Wren with a top wrist lock.  Jordan with a drop toe hold but Wren with a rollup for a near fall.  Wren with more near falls.  Wren with a crucifix for a near fall.  Jordan with a Tiger Feint arm drag and Wren goes to the floor.  Jordan with a twisting pescado onto Wren.

Jordan with a reverse chin lock and a step over leg drop for a near fall.  Wren sends Jordan face first into the mat.  Wren works on the back.  Wren gets a near fall and she applies a waist lock.  Wren with a rollup for a near fall.  She gets another near fall with a bridge.  Wren with forearms to the midsection and lower back.  Jodan with a rollup for a near fall.  Wren with forearms to the back and she sets for a hammer lock move but Jordan with a back body drop.  Jordan sets for a Playmaker but Wren escapes and hits a Finlay Slam for a near fall.  Wren with a Koji Clutch into a head scissors.  Jordan with a rollup for a near fall.

Jordan goes for an abdominal stretch but Wren counters into one of her own.  Jordan with a hip toss and running forearms.  Jordan with a cartwheel into a back elbow.  Jordan with a sit out DDT for a near fall.  Jordan is sent to the apron but Jordan with a forearm and a slingshot side kick.  Wren grabs the leg to keep Jordan from going up top.  Jordan kicks Wren and misses a double stomp and rolls through.  Wren with an uppercut and she goes for a gutwrench suplex and hits it.  Wren signals that it is over and she hits a butterfly suplex.  Wren has a full nelson blocked and Jordan with an O'Connor Roll.  Jordan is kicked to the floor on the kick out by Wren.

Jordan is distracted by Tavion and Myles.  Wren with a cross body onto Tavion and Myles.  Jordan with a step over side kick and she goes up top for the split legged moonsault for the three count.

Winner:  Kelani Jordan (retains championship)

After the match, Tavion tries to pep up Wren after the loss.

We take a look at the media being done for NXT moving to the CW.

We go to Sarah at the press conference and Ethan Page is the first person.

He is asked if there is pressure being champion.  He says he has wanted to be the face of a company and carry it on his back and that is what he is doing.  What separates him from everyone else is how he handles himself.

He is asked what does Trick do well in the ring.  He says Trick is a former champion and he is resilllient but it won't help him win the title.

Ethan is asked about CM Punk's impact as guest referee.  Page says Punk won't be a factor.

Page says he is going to give some time to CM Punk to make sure he is a non-factor.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory walk in WAREHOUSE for the Grayson Waller Effect.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Je'Von Evans and CM Punk in LOCKER ROOM and Trick Williams shows up.

Trick thanks Punk for stepping up last week.  Trick says things have been going crazy for a while.  Ethan Page will try to do anything to keep the title and he ain't letting him do that.  

Punk says he is proud of what Trick has done.  He says he won't let either man cheat and he will make sure the best man wins the match.  He says he hopes Trick wins, but he won't lean that way.  At the end of the night, if Ethan is the better man, he will raise his hand.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory are in the ring for the Grayson Waller Effect.

Waller welcomes everyone.  He says they brought out the big guns for the last night on USA.  Theory says everyone is looking at the greatest graduates in NXT history.  

Waller talks about what they have accomplished and then they talk about the men they will face in two weeks, Axiom and Nathan Frazer.

Waller welcomes them for coming and for dressing up for the occasion.  Waller says they have been on Smackdown for a while and he says they would be excellent additions to Smackdown . . . as individual competitors because the tag team isn't working.

Frazer asks if Waller is talking about him and Theory because they are fine.  He says they can't wait to see who back stabs the other.

Theory says they are solid and they run things.    Waller says when they win in two weeks, Frazer and Axiom are done.  He says that is a good thing because they are better as singles wrestlers.  Theory talks about Frazer doing the flippity doo da.  

Axiom brings up that they became the grim reapers of the NXT Tag division.  Frazer says in two weeks, in St. Louis, they are going to send them six feet under.

Theory says that sounded smooth but he says every Friday, it doesn't matter who they face because they put them down.  You are impressive but there are levels to this game.

Waller says there are levels to this game and you move a million miles an hour.  Waller says they have been performing under the brightest lights on the biggest stage.  They will give them the rub in two weeks, but they will also be taking the titles.

Frazer asks Waller why is it the Grayson Waller Effect.  Shouldn't it be Waller and Theory?

Theory gets up and says that is a good idea.

Waller says it was called that before they were a team and then he attacks Frazer and Theory goes after Axiom.

Lash, Jakara, and Oro are in LOUNGE and Lexis King shows up and he says he could have blindsided Oro but he doesn't want to do that.  He says it is more than anger for Oro.  It is the deep seated trauma with his father.  King says he knows what it is like to go through life without someone to lean on and that is why you use violence.  He says Oro didn't have a great relationship with his father.  He says may the best man win tonight.

Oro and King shake hands and Oro tells him to make sure he makes his dad proud.

Hank and Tank walk in the back and talk about what Karl and Luke have won in wrestling but the respect was gone after they cost them the titles.  Tank says revenge is on their mind.

We go to commercial.

We are bac and Karmen and Brinley are talking about stuff and Ashante Thee Adonis enters with a rose.  

Ashante tells Brinley she wasn't getting the rose.  Adonis tells Tatum that she doesn't scare him but excites him.  He says miracles don't happen twice as he leaves.

Karl says there are opportunities and they are going to get a piece of the pie.

Match Number Two:  Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson versus Tank Ledger and Hank Walker

All four men start off with punches.  LUke with an Irish whip to Hank and a hip in the corner.  Luke with a clothesline and Karl tags in and they kick Hank in the corner.  Luke tags in and Karl with a punch and an Irish whip.  Karl runs into a boot and Luke misses a shoulder in the corner.  Tank tags in and he hits a forearm and then they hit a Malachi Crunch for a near fall.  Tank with punches.  Luke blocks a suplex and Tank punches Karl.  Luke with a round kick and Karl tags in and knocks Hank off the apron.  Karl with European uppercuts to Tank and he sends him into the turnbuckles.  Tank is sent sternum first into the turnbuckles.  Karl with punches and he sends Tank into the turnbuckles.  Luke tags in and he kicks Tank and follows with a snap mare into a reverse chin lock.  

Luke with a knee followed by an Irish whip and splash.  Hank absorbs the impact of the Irish whip and Tank with a clothesline and both men are down.  Hank and Karl tag in and Hank with punches and forearms.  Hank sends Karl into the corner and he throws some peek a boo uppercuts.  Hank with a splash to Karl followed by a Boss Man slam for a near fall.  Hank goes up top and Luke tries to interfere.  Karl with a flying kick into the corner followed by a superplex.  Karl with a spinebuster to Tank onto Hank for a near fall.  Tank trips Karl on the flying boot and Luke misses a clothesline.  Tank tags in and Hank and they hit the power slam and cross body combination for the three count.

Winners:  Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

Cedric is in the back with Je'Von and they talk about Randy Orton.  He says it is the biggest match of his career.

Austin and Waller show up and they talk about Je'Von and how he is the fastest rising star, but Cedric won't help him.

Cedric says Je'Von has a better chance against Randy than they do against the tag champs.

Je'Von challenges them to a match and he jokes that Kevin Owens is behind Waller and Theory to make them flinch.

Match Number Three:  Lexis King versus Oro Mensah (with Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)

They shake hands before locking up.  King with a cravate and King with shoulder tackles.  King iwth an arm wringer but Oro with a kick and chops.  King with a kick and chop..  Oro with a head scissors and an exploder slam for a near fall.  Oro has a kick blocked and King chops Oro.  

We see Ava at PRESS CONFERENCE but we cannot hear what she is saying.  

King sends Oro to the floor.  Oro with an inside cradle for a near fall.  King with a slam and a kick to the back.  King with another kick to the back.  Oro with a kick to the head but King with a chop and thrust kick for a near fall.  King with a back breaker and he stretches Oro over his knee.  Oro with elbows but King with chops.  Oro with chops.  Oro with a jumping punch and a quebrada.  Oro sends King into the turnbuckles many time.  Oro with a rolling kick for a near fall.  King with a punch and double leg take down and he uses the ropes for leverage but he comes off the ropes to be honorable.  Oro with a double leg take down and he has his feet on the ropes for the three count.

Winner:  Oro Mensah

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page


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