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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-24 22:08:00

We go to RUN DOWN GYM for Tony D'Angelo to prepare for Oba Femi as we go full Rocky III.

We see Tony back at PERFORMANCE CENTER for some sparing and he gets his bell rung.  Tony gets a second chance and he takes care of his opponent with a punch to the ding ding (trademark Steve Corino).

Tony says it is time for the contract signing.

Tony D'Angelo faces Oba Femi for the North American Title in St. Louis.

Match Number Four:  Riley Osborne (with Thea Hail) versus Ridge Holland

Riley with a flip dive onto Ridge before the bell rings.  

The match starts and Riley sends Ridge into the ring post.  Riley with a senton off the top turnbuckle for a near fall.  Riley avoids a clothesline but Ridge does not miss the second one.  Ridge with an arm trapped overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Ridge wit knees to Riley.  Riley chops Ridge and Ridge with a head butt.  Riley with a thrust kick and drop kick to send Ridge into the turnbuckles.  Riley with a rollup for a near fall.  Riley with a clothesline into the corer and he sets for a bulldog and hits it.  Riley with a twisting moonsault for a near fall.  Riley with forearms to Ridge.  Ridge with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that sends Riley over the top rope to the floor.

Ridge goes to the floor and he tries to send Riley into the ringside barrier but Riley reverses it and Ridge goes into the flimsily constructed barrier.  Riley with a round kick from the apron and he goes up top.  Riley goes for a shooting star press but he lands on his feet when Ridge gets his feet up.  Ridge with Redeemer for the three count.

Winner:  Ridge Holland

After the match, Ridge attacks Riley but Riley fights back.  Ridge sends Riley into the ring steps.  Riley tosses the ringside barrier that broke off at Ridge and then Thea yells at Ridge.  Riley with a clothesline off the ring steps.

We see The Miz suggests that Oba and Tony sign their contract on MizTV.

We go to SPLIT SCREEN for Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz to talk about their Street Fight next week.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Oba Femi is at the Press Conference and he is asked about appearing on MizTV and he has no comment.  He is asked about the training video and he says that Tony is fooling everyone but he can see through him.  

Oba says he is done with questions.

Vic shows footage of what happened during the break.

We hear Wentz using some salty language with Wes and Wes asks about Trey.  Wentz wonders why they have to be in separate rooms.  Wes says it is to protect Wentz.  They talk about what they have done iin the past and Wes tell Wentz to make sure Gigi doesn't watch.  Wentz tells Wes to keep his fiancee's name out of his mouth.

Wes tells Wentz to come where he is.

Wes leaves and he is confronted by Wentz and they fight despite security's best efforts to do something.

Vic and Booker thank USA for everything they have done for NXT.

We have a video package.

Ava is with Lola Vice and Jaida Parker is in OFFICE too.

Ava says they both have a problem with Fatal Influence so they will both get their hands on them next week, in a tag match.

Jaida and Lola talk over each other.

Ava tells them both to work it out next week and she will see them in Chicago.

Match Number Four:  Wendy Choo and Rosemary versus Brinley Reece and Karmen Petrovic

Reece and Choo start things off and Choo pushes Reece into the corner and Wendy crawls into the corner and Reece with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Karmen tags in and she kicks Choo and hits a jumping thrust kick and gets a near fall.  Karmen with an arm bar.  Rosemary tags in and they go for a double suplex but Karmen lands on her feet and she kicks Rosemary and Choo.  Reece tags in and she clotheslines Rosemary for a near fall.


Choo hits Reece from behind and Rosemary with a sliding forearm.  Choo gets a near fall.  Wendy with a cartwheel into a splash in the corner.  Rosemary tags in and she applies a modified tarantula.  Rosemary with a front face lock and then she swings at Karmen and misses.  Choo tags in and they hit a double suplex for a near fall.  Reece with a boot to Choo and an elbow to Rosemary on the apron.  Reece with punches and a round off clothesline.

Both women are down and . . . 

Ashante Thee Adonis makes his way to ringside and he gives a rose to a fan.

Karmen has some words for Adonis and Rosmeary with As Above So Below for the three count.

Winners:  Wendy Choo and Rosemary

Ethan Page tells CM Punk he does not appreciate him getting involved in his match and he has seen Punk as a referee and he does not need to deal with Punk's drama.

Punk says he won't let anything happen in Chicago.  He says he won't let either man cheat in Chicago.  Punk says if Ethan is the man, he can prove it in Chicago.  If you are not the guy, he won't raise his hand.

We are back and Fatal Influence are at PRESS CONFERENCE.  They are asked who will face Jaida and Lola next week and Fallon says they know who it will be but they won't tell who it is.  Jazmyn says they are confident about their match next week.  They are asked what is next for them.  Jacy says NXT has the best women's division and they will be on top.  They will win championships.  She says Kelani doesn't deserve to be champion.

Lola and Jaida interrupt the press conference and have to be held back.

Next week, Lola Vice and Jaida Parker face two members of Falal Influence.  Giulia challenges Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship.

Match Number Five:  Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander versus Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

Waller sends Cedric into the ringside barrier while Theory sends Evans into the corner and connects with shoulders.  Waller punches Evans and sends him into the turnbuckles.  Waller sends Evans into the turnbuckles.  Evans chops Theory and he misses a punch on Waller.  Theory with a rollup for a near fall.  Evans with a head scissors to Waller followed by a drop kick.  Waller with a punch to Evans and Theory tags in.  Theory runs into a boot and Evans floats over Waller.  Cedric pulls Waller to the floor and he sends Waller into the ringside barrier.  Evans with a sunset flip to Theory for a near fall.  Theory with a punch and snap mare followed by a kick to the back.

Theory with a reverse chin lock.  Evans with punches to get out of the hold but Theory returns to the front face lock.  Evans with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Theory with punches to Evans.  Evans with an Irish whip and forearm in the corner.  Cedric tags in and Evans with an Asai DDT and Cedric follows with a kick for a near fall.  Theory with chops to Cedric and Waller tags in and punches Cedric.  Cedri with a forearm and a DDT that sends Waller to the floor.  Theory gingerly goes over the top rope to the floor.  Evans with a flip dive and Waller catches Evans.  Cedric with a flip dive of his own.

Cedric with a trailer hitch and Waller gets to the ropes to force a break.  Cedric and Waller miss chops.  Waller sends Cedric to the apron and Cedric kicks Theory on the apron but Waller knocks Cedric to the floor.  Waller sends Cedric into the announce table.  Theory tags in and Waller with a rear chin lock.  Cedric with elbows and Theory pulls Cedric to the mat and returns to the reverse chin lock.  Cedric with punches and Theory with an Irish whip.  Theory with a back breaker for a near fall.  Theory with a kick and Waller tags in.  Waller with a cravate.  Waller with knees to the head.  Cedric blocks a suplex and gets a near fall with an inside cradle.

Waller with a side kick and he goes to the ropes for a springboard elbow drop and connects for a near fall.  Waller misses a clothesline and vans tags in and so does Theory.  Evans with punches to everyone.  Evans with a thrust kick to Theory and a suicide dive with Evans landing on the announce table more than Waller.  Evans with another suicide dive onto Theory.  Waller breaks up the cover.  Waller tags in and he applies a sleeper and they hit a double rolling elbow on Evans for a near fall when Cedric breaks up the coer.  Alexander with a spear onto the apron but Waller with a slingshot clothesline and he sends Cedric into the ring steps.

Waller punches Evans and Nathan Frazer and Axiom come out and Theory knocks them down.  Evans with a springboard round kick and Evans goes up top.  Axiom pulls Frazer off the apron and Evans slips on the ropes.  Theory tags in and hits A Town Down for the three count.

Winners:  Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

After the match, Frazer and Axiom argue and push each other.

Trick Williams is at PRESS CONFERENCE.

He says all of the NXT greats, but only a handful have won the title, and fewer have won it multiple times.  He wants to do that.  He says he needs to be the leader of NXT as they move forward.  He will do everything in his power to make it happen.  Trick says he is good with Punk and he will deal with Page.  He says he will have to do what he has to do.  He will learn from Pete Dunne.  He says he has to be confident and control his emotions.  He says he has to be Trick Williams.  If that happens you will have a new World Champion.

We go to commercial.

We are back and next week, Ethan Page defends the NXT Men's Championship against Trick Williams with CM Punk as guest referee.  Giulia faces Roxanne Perez for the Women's Championship.  MizTV will feature Tony D'Angelo and Oba Femi.  Zachary Wentz faces Wes Lee in a Chicago Street Fight.  Jaida Parker and Lola Vice face two mmembers of Fatal Influence.

Byron Saxton is in the ring with Giulia, Funaki, and Roxanne Perez.

The first question is if Giulia is impressed or intimidated by Roxanne's title reign.

Roxanne interrupts and she wonders why people think Giulia is going to win.

Giulia speaks in Japanese while Funaki takes notes in his role as translator.

Roxanne looks like her eyes are glazing over at the length of her answer.

Funaki says that Roxanne has shown that she is the prodigy but Giulia's time has come.  She came Roxanne carry the brand at age 20.  Giulia says she came to NXT to become women's champion.  She says she created her opportunities and she will show that it is a new era and it is time for Roxanne to pass the torch to her.

Roxanne is asked if she has faced anyone with the hype of Giulia and that she can back it up.

Roxanne says she was a Giulia fan before any of you were fans.  She says she has seen every match she has had in Japan.  She would wonder if their paths would ever cross.  This is a dream match . . . for Giulia.  She is so excited for this because she has never stepped in the ring with anyone who has the equity that Roxanne has.  Roxanne says she is the reason why Giulia came to NXT.  She does not care what titles Giulia has won and this is the only title that matters.

NXT is entering a whole new realm and the person who built this brand from the ground up deserves to be the one on top.

Giulia asks Roxanne if she thought about what will happen when she beats Roxanne.

Roxanne says she is not going to lose.

Giulia asks if she is overconfident going into the match next week.

Giulia says she feels good.  Moving to America has been incredible.  Everything is new and she says what is not new is that she is the most feared wrestler in the world.  NXT will feel the Beautiful Madness.

A voice interrupts Giulia.

Stephanie Vaquer asks what will you do when she is waiting on the other side of the match.

We go to credits.

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