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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-06 21:57:00

Your announcers are the same announcers as the first Smackdown on Fox, Corey Graves and Michael Cole.

We see Bayley arriving at the arena.

Giovanni Vinci arrives at the building.

Cody Rhodes signs autographs.

We take a look at highlights from Bash in Berlin.

Cody Rhodes makes his way to the ring.

Cody asks the people of Edmonton what they want to talk about.  Cody says this is an extremely large crowd.   At Bash in Berlin, he says he was victorious against Canada's own Kevin Owens.  Cody welcomes Michael Cole back to Smackdown.  Cody says he could go on further, but he has done this long enough that any moment, he is going to be interrupted.  Before he is interrupted, he wants to extend an invitation to the Bloodline.

Pursuant to WWE bylaws, the Bloodline makes their way to the ring because they were mentioned.  Solo Sikoa makes his way to the ring with Tonga Loa, Tama Tonga, and Jacob Fatu.

Solo enters the ring while the others stay on the floor.

Solo responds to the boos by saying he is happy to see them too.  He asks Cody if he is done running his mouth to these people.  He asks Cody if he is ready to defend that title against a real challenger like him.  Solo says everybody knows that he could have been champion.  He says he had Cody beat at SummerSlam, if it wasn't for Roman Reigns.  Solo says he deserves a rematch.  

Cody says the season premiere of Smackdown next week should have a title match.  Cody says someone is the number one contender in his book and he deserves a title match.  Cody says he is not talking to Solo, he is talking to Jacob Fatu.  Cody tells Jacob to step up.

Jacob makes his way into the ring, but he is not sure if he should step on the feet of Solo.  Solo stares at Jacob and Jacob tells Solo he loves him and he is his tribal chief.  Jacob goes back to the floor and stands next to Tama and Tonga.

Cody says it was worth a shot.  He would be crazy to wrestle any of you.  You believe it, don't you?  You get better every minute.  The Bloodline revolves around you.  Cody says this title is what WWE revolves around.  He might be looking up at the lights due to your iron thumb at some point, but it won't be next week.

Solo says he sees what Cody is trying to do to get his enforcer to turn on him.  Solo says Cody is on for next week.

Solo and Cody toss their mics aside.

Tama, Tonga, and Jacob get into the ring and then their opponents in the main event arrive on the scene.

Nick Aldis tells everyone to back down unless they want to be suspended.

Nick says they can fight each other in the main event, but not a moment sooner.   Nick says next week Solo Sikoa faces Cody Rhodes for the championship.  Nick says this numbers game is getting a little old and bad for business.  Nick says he has an idea for what is best for business.  Next week, your match is in a steel cage.

Elton and Kit tell Tiffany that Bayley ends tonight thanks to her.  They talk about the premiere of the Mu . . . 

Nia Jax shows up and she talks about how everyone thought Tiffany was going to cash in on her.

Tiffany says she would never do that.  Chelsea Green is spreading those lies because she is jealous.

Nia says she knows Tiffany would never lie to her.

Tiffany asks if Nia will be in her corner tonight.

Nia says she will be in Tiffany's corner and she will help her like Tiffany helped her.

Match Number One:  Bayley versus Tiffany Stratton

They lock up and Tiffany with a clean break but Bayley pushes Tiffany.  They lock up and Bayley sends Tiffany into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Bayley with a wrist lock and she works on the arm with uppercuts.  Tiffany with a reversal and Bayley goes through the ropes to tie up the arm in the ropes.  Bayley slaps Tiffany in the head.  Bayley with an arm bar.  Tiffany with a forearm and she sends Bayley tot he mat.  Tiffany with an Irish whip and Bayley with a boot and she comes off the turnbuckles with an arm drag.  Bayley with a clothesline for a near fall.  Tiffany with an Irish whip and Bayley goes to the apron and Tiffany sees it coming and stops short of the turnbuckles.  Bayley goes up top and Tiffany stops her.  Tiffany grabs Bayley but Bayley with a sunset flip on the apron.  Tiffany with a drop kick.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bayley with forearms and Tiffany with a rake of the eyes and she sends Bayley to the mat.  Bayley is sent into the turnbuckles.  Tiffany with a back handspring elbow into the corner followed by a snap mare but she misses a double stomp.  Bayley with a rollup.  Tiffany sends Bayley into the ropes with a drop toe hold but Bayley with a clothesline.  Tiffany escapes a suplex and hits a drop kick and she gets a near fall.  Tiffany rolls to the floor and she wrings Bayley's arm into the ring post a few times.  Tiffany with a hammer lock and she tries to send Bayley into the ring post but Bayley reverses it.  Bayley with a suplex to the floor.  They return to the ring and Bayley with a Saito suplex.  Bayley with a running knee to the head for a near fall.

Bayley goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and she hits it and gets a near fall.  

Nia Jax makes her way to the ring.  Tiffany with after avoiding a belly-to-belly suplex.  Tiffany with an Alberta Slam for a near fall.  Tiffany gets Bayley on her shoulders but Bayley escapes.  Tiffany avoids an O'Connor Roll but Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex.  Bayley with a suicide dive onto Nia and she returns to the ring.  Nia distracts the referee and Tiffany with a back slide and the referee only makes a two count due to the distraction.  Bayley with Rose Plant for the three count.

Winner:  Bayley

Kevin Owens is in HALLWAY looking at a display for Wayne Gretzky.  

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller insult the Oilers and he asks Kevin how he did at Bash in Berlin.  He asks where was he when Cody was in there w

Kevin calls them idiots and he says he is fine with Cody.  He says they are a great team, maybe better than the Oilers.  Maybe they can be in the ring together.  Kevin suggests a triple threat match.  Kevin tells them they don't get to have the Oilers belt.

Waller tries to talk up the triple threat match and he doesn't think Gretzky ever said it was a good night for a Triple Threat match, like Kevin said.

Giovanni Vinci walks in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Angel, Humberto, and Elektra are in RESTAURANT and they are in a good mood.  Santos shows up and he asks why are they so happy.  Humberto says they won a tag match but Santos asks what title they won.  Santos says victory is not what they obtain.  It is who they are.  They don't find success, they make it.  It is there for them to take.  Angel says this is the beginning while Humberto says everything is falling into place while Elektra says it is there to take.  Santos says it will belong to the emperor and his familia.

They toast and Santos says it is time to celebrate.

Match Number Two:  Giovanni Vinci versus Apollo Crews

Vinci has trouble taking off his jacket and Crews with a crucifix for the three count.

Winner:  Apollo Crews

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are with Nick Aldis and she complains about what happened on NXT.

Michin enters and Green says it is fitting that Michin was in a trash can which makes sense.

Michin says Green was being attacked on NXT.

Green says she is not in a condition to wrestle tonight.

Nick talks about falling off the horse and getting back on it.  He says that is what will happen when she faces Michin.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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