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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-06 21:57:00

Match Number Three:  Kevin Owens versus Austin Theory versus Grayson Waller

Kevin clotheslines Waller over the top rope and he sends Theory to the floor.  Owens with a cannonball off the apron.  Kevin sends Theory into the ringside barrier a few times but Waller goes after Owens.  Theory and Waller send Kevin into the ringside barrier.  Waller gets a table from under the ring and Owens sends Theory into the ringside barrier.  Waller with a punch but Kevin with a kick and he power bombs Waller through the table.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Theory punches Owens in the turnbuckles but Kevin punches back and he kicks Theory as well.  Theory with a running back elbow.  We see Corey Perry helping Kevin Owens during the break.  Theory with a slingshot rolling blockbuster and both men are down.  Owens with punches to Theory followed by chops and more punches.  Owens with a kick and a clothesline.  Owens with a back senton to Theory and then he sets for the cannonball and he hits it.  Owens goes up top and hits a swanton and Waller breaks up the cover.  Waller with forearms to the back of the neck.  Waller with more forearms.  Waller runs into a forearm from Owens and Theory with a forearm and a rolling blockbuster bu Waller breaks up the cover.

Theory has some words for Waller.  Waller with kicks to Owens and they put Kevin on the turnbuckles.  They set for a double superplex and Owens with punches and he sends Waller into Theory and they go to the mat.  Theory goes back up and Owens with a Super Finlay Slam for a near fall.  Waller puts Owens on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex but Owens with a super fisherman's buster to Waller for a near fall.  Theory signals it is over but Owens escapes and Theory almost collides into Waller.  Waller is knocked off the apron and Theory with a rollup for a near fall.  Owens with a stunner on Theory for the three count.

Winner:  Kevin Owens

After the match, Waller attacks Owens but Owens sends Waller to the floor.  Theory with A Town Down and a rolling blockbuster to Owens.

We have a video package for Andrade and Carmelo Hayes for their Let's Make this a Best of Five (or more) Series Series.

LA Knight walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole talks about the announcement of Smackdown going to Fox and how he wanted to host a network show.

We take a look back at the Smackdown run on Fox.

LA Knight makes his way to the ring.

Knight wants to talk to ya and he says he has had two successful title defenses.  He mentions going all over the world.  He says everyone is gunning for his title.  It does not matter who it is, nobody comes out with this because he won't let ya.  

Carmelo Hayes makes his way to the ring.

Hayes asks if Knight is bragging about two successful title defenses.  He says he should be bragging about carrying this show.  You do what you always do and that is run your mouth.  Instead of running your mouth, you should be looking at the scoreboard.  He says he has won two straight over Andrade so that means he is next in line.

Knight says the two title defenses in one month is more than his predecessor in ten months.  Knight says he only cares about winning.

Andrade's music plays and he makes his way to the stage.

Andrade tells Hayes to be tranquilo.  He says he knows that Hayes beat him twice but he also beat Hayes twice.

Hayes says no one remembers but Andrade says he remembers and everyone else remembers.  Andrade asks Hayes if he thinks he deserves a title match?  Hayes says he deserves this.

Knight says he doesn't have time for it.  Knight says if they want to fight over who gets dropped on their head next by him, go ahead.

Andrade says that championship was his.  Andrade says he will be the next US Champion.

Knight tells Andrade to check his tone and use his inside voice.

Hayes pushes Andrade out of the way and Andrade pushes Hayes into Knight.  Knight with  BFT to Andrade.

Hayes stands over Andrade and he yells at him.  Knight with BFT to Hayes.

Waller and Theory walk in the back and they see Nick Aldis.  Waller says since Nick makes matches all the time, why not put them in a tag match against Kevin Owens and anyone he can find.

They walk away and Nick has a smile on his face.

Match Number Four:  Chelsea Green (with Piper Niven) versus Michin

Michin with arm drags as the match starts.  Michin with a drop kick.  Green gets into the ropes when Michin charges into the corner.  Green with a shot to the ribs.  Green with a knee to the midsection.  Green with a kick tot he ribs and she surfs on Michin's back.  Green with a snap mare and a drop kick for a near fall.  Michin with a rollup for a near fall.  Michin with a head scissors take down followed by a clothesline and a thrust kick.  MIchin with a drop kick.  Michin blocks a kick and she chops Green and hangs her in the ropes and hits a Codebreaker.  Michin sets for a power bomb but Piper gets on the apron and Michin is rolled up by Green for a near fall.

Green goes for UnprettiHER but Michin avoids it and sends Grene to the floor.  Michin with a suicide dive.  Piper walks up to Michin on the floor and Green with an enzuigiri and Michin falls to the floor.  Niven with a back senton while Green distracts the referee.  Green with UnprettiHER for the three count.

Winner:  Chelsea Green

We go to commercial.

Next week, Kevin Owens and a mystery partner face Austin Theory and Grayson Waller.  Andrade faces Carmelo Hayes in Match Five of a Who Knows How Many Match Series.  Cody Rhodes defends the Undispute Title against Solo Sikoa in a Steel Cage Match.

Byron Saxton is with DIY and the Street Profits.  Byron asks if they will be on the same page because of what could happen.  Johnny says they are not very close, but they respect each other.  Ford says they both have issues.  Both teams want the tag titles.  Ciampa says the Bloodline is holding the tag titles hostage.  No one wants that.  Dawkins says they have been dealing with them for four years.  If getting close to the tag titles mean teaming with you, they are fine with it.

Match Number Four:  Johnny Gargano, Tommaso Ciampa, Angelo Dawkins, and Montez Ford (with B Fab) versus Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga, and Tonga Loa

All eight pair off as the match starts until they isolate Fatu.  Johnny with a jaw breaker to Fatu and Dawkins and Ford with a double drop kick to send him to the floor.

Dawkins punches Tonga and Dawkins with a jumping back elbow.  Ford tags in and he hits a shoulder tackle and Dawkins flips Ford onto Tonga.  Ford with a kick to the chest and he stares down Tama before hitting a splash for a near fall.  Ford with another kick tot he back and he sends Tonga into the corner but Tonga with a clothesline.  Tama tags in and he hits a head butt and he punches Ford.  Tama with a punch but Ford land son his feet on a belly-to-back suplex.  Johnny tags in and hits a slingshot spear.  Johnny with an Irish whip and Ciampa tags in and he hits a running knee while Johnny connects with a kick.  Fatu tags in and hits a back elbow.  Fatu punches and head butts Ciampa.  Fatu drops Ciampa on the top rope and he sends Ciampa to the floor.  Solo tags in.

Solo sends Ciampa's head into the announce table and then he sends him over the announce table and Corey leaps out of the way.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Fatu misses a shoulder in the corner and he goes into the ring post.  Tonga tags in and he stops Ciampa but Ciampa with an enzuigiri.  Tama tags in and Ciampa hits a suplex after a series of blocked suplex attempts.  Solo tags in and Ciampa kicks Solo away and he tags in Dawkins and Johnny.  They hit enzuigiris on Solo and Johnny with knees and Dawkins with a twisting splash.  Johnny with a super kick to Tonga and Dawkins with one to Tama.  They hit a double super kick on Fatu.  Ford with a plancha.  Dawkins with a twisting neck breaker on Solo for a near fall.  Ciampa tags in and he sets for a knee but Solo with a uranage for a near fall while Dawkins hits a running shoulder tackle on the floor.  Tama goes up top and Solo is pulled to the floor.  Ciampa crotches Tama and he sets for a superplex onto everyone on the floor and the all fall down.

Ford sends Ciampa and Tama back into the ring since they are the legal men.  Ford tags in and he goes u p top for a 450 splash and hits it but Fatu breaks up the cover.  Fatu sends Ford into the ring post and Fatu pulls Tama into the corner to make the tag.  Fatu with a super kick to Johnny and a pop up Samoan drop to Ciampa.  Fatu with a super kick to Dawkins and he hits a splash and an Impaler DDT to Ford.  Solo wants to be tagged in so he can take all of the glory.  Solo with a Samoan Spike and a second one for the three count.

Winners:  Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga, and Tonga Loa

We go to credits (and to USA [remember to update your DVR settings])

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