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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-03 22:07:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

We start off with a look back at No Mercy.

Trick Williams makes his way to the ring and he has something to say.

Trick says he isn't out here to do a bunch of talking.  He is out here for one reason.  You started it and he is going to finish it.  He tells Pete to make his way to the ring.

Ethan Page's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Ethan tells Trick he is so sorry that he is not Pete Dunne, but he is your NXT Champion.  You were raising his hand on Sunday.  Ethan tells Trick that it is the tradition when someone retains their title and they get to start the show.  Ethan says Trick would have known, but he only retained once.

Trick tells Ethan Page to put on some clothes and shut the hell up.  Trick says they are not the same.  He says he is a man of his word and he called the match down the middle.  Trick says he is coming for his title, but he has unfinished business with Pete Dunne.

Ethan comments on Trick saying 'his title'.  Ethan says he thought he would be defending the title in Chicago on the CW debut.  Trick says he doubts if Trick makes it to Chicago.

Trick avoids a sneak attack from Pete and they exchange punches.  Security does its usual A Plus job.

Hank and Tank walk in the back and they say they are calling their shot.

Gallus stops Hank and Tank and they say they are going to run through them and the Rascalz.

Officials separate them.

We see Jaida Parker arrive at the building and Jacy, Fallon, and Jazmyn show up and ask where is her title.  Parker says that Nyx is clout hunting.  Nyx says that isn't her and she challenges Parker to a match.

Match Number One:  Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz versus Hank Walker and Tank Ledger versus Mark Coffey and Wolfgang (with Joe Coffey) in a Number One Contender Match

Mark and Wolfgang go after Hank and Tank.  Trey and Wentz join in and go after Gallus.  Trey and Wentz with kicks to Mark and Wolfgang followed by double stomps tot he back.  Hank catches Trey when he tries to float over and Hank with a lawn dart.  Mark with an elbow drop and Wolfgang tags in and Mark with a knee and Wolfgang with a back senton for a near fall.  Trey with a victory roll and Hank breaks up the cover and he hits a belly-to-back suplex.  Hank gets a near fall.  Wolfgang sends Trey into the corner and connects with a forearm to Hank.  Mark tags in and they punch Hank and send him to the mat.  Mark punches Hank.  Trey kicks Mark and hits a head scissors take down.  Trey with a running double knee strike to Hank's back and he gets a near fall.  Mark kicks Trey and Hank.

Trey with a head scissors to Mark and he chops Mark and snap mares him followed by a drop kick and he gets a near fall.  Trey with a drop kick to Hank.  Mark with a clothesline to Trey and Wentz tags in and he super kicks Mark through the ropes.  They hit Dream Sequence and Trey with a drop kick.  Wentz gets a near fall.  Wentz with chops to Hank and Mark.  Hank catches Trey and knocks on Mark.  They hit a Super Collider on Wentz and Trey and hit stereo power slams.  Hank and Tank with stereo atomic drops to Mark and Wolfgang and they give the Malachi Crunch.

Mark and Wolfgang send Hank and Tank to the floor and then Wolfgang tosses Mark onto everyone on the floor.  Joe gets on the announce table and poses.  Mark sends Hank back into the ring and Mark with a back elbow for a near fall.  Wolfgang tags in and he punches Hank and snap mares him followed by a knee drop.  Wolfgang gets a near fall.  Wolfgang kicks Tank to the floor.  Wolfgang sends Wentz tot he floor.  Mark tags in and Wolfgang with punches to Hank.  Mark with a boot to the head and a kick.  Hank with punches and chops to Mark but Mark with an elbow to the head.  Mark with forearms to Wentz and he sends Wentz to the floor.  Hank with a back elbow and punches.

Mark with a forearm to stop Tank and Wentz pulls Wolfgang off the apron.  Wentz chops Mark but Mark knocks Trey off the apron.  Mark runs Wentz into the turnbuckles and he falls to the floor.  Wolfgang tags in and kicks Hank.  Hank with punches to Wolfgang but Mark with a shoulder tackle off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Hank and Mark exchange punches and Wentz comes back into the ring and they all throw punches.  Hank runs through a double clothesline and Hank with a double clothesline of his own.  Tank is back on the apron and he is in full Otis mode.  Tank tags in and he hits a short arm clothesline on Mark followed by a hip to Wolfgang and another clothesline to Mark.  Tank with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Trey tags in and he kicks Tank and drops Mark on the top rope and connects with a kick and drop kick.

Tank with a back elbow to Trey and Trey with an enzuigiri.  Trey with a neck breaker to Mark that makes Mark DDT Tank for a near fall.  Wolfgang throws Trey to the floor and Hank takes care of Wolfgang with some help from Tank.  JOe gets on the apron and Je'Von Evans pulls Joe off the apron.  Luke and Karl get involved with Hank and Tank.  Trey with Meteora to Tank followed by a swanton from Wentz for the three count.

Winners:  Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz

Sarah is with Axiom and Frazer and she congratulates them on winning on Sunday.  Asiom says they feel bad for what Ridge did to Chase U.  Frazer talks about knowing their opponnts.

Trey and Wentz show up and congratulate them about the win on Sunday but Wentz says they are going to win the tag titles next week and take them to TNA.

Frazer asks if a change of partner means a different result.  Wentz says they are the same page, but are you?

Blake Howard asks Trick about what happened earlier.  

Trick says he is ready for war.

Pete enters LOCKER ROOM and attacks Trick.  They exchange punches until officials separate them.

Match Number Two:  Lexis King versus Oro Mensah (with Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend)

They lock up and King pushes Oro away.  Oro with a double leg take down and punches.  King misses a punch and Oro with chops and forearms.  Oro sends King into the ropes and he connects with a forearm to the back of the head.  Oro gets a near fall.  King kicks Oro and Oro with a rolling kick that sends King to the floor.  King tries to escape into the crowd and Oro stops him.  Oro press slams King off the ringside barrier to the floor.  They return to the ring and Oro punches King and pulls him off the ropes and to the mat.  Oro covers King but the shoulders are up.  Oro with a kick and chop to King.  King with a chop and Oro with a forearm.  King pushes Oro out of the corner and sends him to the apron.  Oro with a kick but King knocks Oro to the floor when Oro goes for a springboard move.

They return to the ring and he kicks Oro in the ribs and back.  King gets a near fall.  King punches Oro.  King with a short arm clothesline and kick to the back.  King with a running body block to the back and he gets a near fall.  King chokes Oro in the corner and he runs down Oro's father and Oro gets a second wind and he punches King.  Oro with a kick after running around the referee.  The referee warns Oro and King with a double leg take down and he uses the ropes to get the three count.

Winner:  Lexis King

After the match, Oro chases King to the back.

Oba Femi enters LOCKER ROOM to confront Channing, Luca, and Rizzo.  Oba says that Tony was not enough to beat the ruler.  Rizzo says that Oba got lucky.

Oba says big words from a small woman.  He says that the women are to be seen and not heard.

Tony shows up and says you don't talk to women like that.

Oba asks if that is a challenge and Tony says Stacks has it.

Tony says he trusts that Channing will get the job done tonight.

We are back and Charlie, Wren and Myles are walking.

Gallus walk in other part of WAREHOUSE and Joe is pissed off about Je'Von Evans and he wants to finish him.  

Wren shows up and she says that Charles wants them to keep the sound down because Myles has sensitive ears.  She asks why does Joe want to face Je'Von again.

Joe says they are coming after the Heritage Cup next.

Wren starts to make a challenge but Charlie stops her from speaking.  Charlie tells Wren what she needs to do with her business deals.

Match Number Three:  Tatum Paxley versus Rosemary (with Wendy Choo)

Rosemary grabs Tatum by the throat and backs her into the corner.  Tatum with a waist lock and Rosemary with a standing switch.  Tatum flips over on a standing switch and she takes Rosemary to the mat.  Tatum with a front face lock.  Rosemary with a snap mare and Tatum with a cartwheel.  Rosemary with a drop toe hold into the ropes and Rosemary with a kick and head scissors in the ropes.  Tatum with forearms and Rosemary with a head butt.  Rosemary with a German suplex.  Rosemary with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.  Tatum avoids Rosemary but she runs into a boot.  Tatum with a drop kick.  Tatum with a forearm and enzuigiri.  Tatum with a running cross body into the corner.  Tatum with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.  

Tatum goes for another cross body in the corner but Rosemary cathes Tatum and hits a fallaway slam.  Rosemary with a T-Bone suplex for a near fall.  Rosemary misses a punch and Tatum with a leaping face buster.  Tatum with the Psycho Trap for the three count.

Winner:  Tatum Paxley

After the match, Wendy Choo with a double thrust to Tatum and Tatum with a snap mare to avoid a Cobra Clutch.  Rosemary with a spear.

Lyra Valkyria makes her way to the ring and she takes care of Choo and Rosemary.

Sarah is with Pete Dunne. 

Pete says that Trick will realize that actions come with consequences.

Trick shows up off camera and Pete goes after him.

They fight in front of Ava, Stevie, and Stone.

Ava says the match is going to happen now.

Ethan shows up and he has some comments for Ava.

Coverage Continues on Next Page


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