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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-03 22:07:00

Jordynne Grace airs a video on Instagram where she says she will defend the TNA Knockouts Title in an Open Challenge.  She says she wants to prove herself and see if anyone wants to challenge her for the title.

Match Number Four:  Pete Dunne versus Trick Williams

Pete attacks Trick coming to the ring and Trick with a kick to Dunne.  Trick sends Dunne into the ringside barrier.  Trick with a forearm to the back.  Trick sends Dunne into the ringside barrier again.  Trick with a chop.  Trick with another chop.  Dunne gets into the ring and the match starts.

Trick with chops and he chokes Dunne and Dunne goes for the hand and he hits a hammer lock Divorce Court.  Dunne with a knee drop to the arm.  Dunne with a boot to the elbow.  Dunne goes for a spear but Trick leap frogs him and Trick with a jumping neck breaker for a near fall.  Trick with a delayed vertical suplex attempt but Dunne with knees and another hammer lock divorce court.  Dunne sets for a surfboard  and he punches Trick on the top of the head.  Dunne drives the knees into the mat.  Dunne with kicks to the head and chops.  Trick with chops to Dunne.  The referee pulls Trick out of the corner and Dunne with a boot.  Trick with a pop up uppercut.  Trick with a snap neck breaker.  They go to the apron.  Trick sets for a uranage off the apron but Pete holds on to the ropes and he chops Trick.  Pete pulls Trick off the apron and crotches him in the ring skirt.  Pete with a chop.

Dunne with a boot to the head on the ring steps.  Pete hangs Trick over the apron and he connects with a boot to the head.  Pete rubs his forearm across the bridge of the nose.  Trick hangs off the apron and Pete with a boot to Trick.  They return to the ring and Pete witha  snap mare and a reverse chin lock.  Trick with a jaw breaker but Dunne with a series of kicks to the back.  Pete with an arm bar into a triangle.  Trick puts Dunne's head between the middle and top rope and he catapults Pete into the rope.  Trick goes for a power bomb but Pete blocks it and hits an Air Raid Crash.  Trick with forearms and Pete stops Trick's offense quickly.

Pete with a running forearm to the head.  Trick with punches and uppercuts followed by a flying clothesline.  Trick with a series of jumping side kicks and a flapjack.  Trick tries to pick up Pete but Pete with a DDT.  Dunne goes to the turnbuckles and he is caught by Trick and Trick with a uranage for a near fall.  Trick goes for a reverse suplex but Pete lands on his feet and he hits a German suplex.  Pete stomps on the hand and he kicks Trick in the head.  Dunne goes up top and Trick stops him.  Pete goes for a sunset flip power bomb and he hits it.  Pete sets for Bitter End but Trick escapes and Trick with a reverse suplex and he stomps on Pete's hand.  Trick with a cyclone kick but Pete falls through the ropes.

Trick misses a Yakuza Kick against the ringside barrier and Pete and Trick go onto the ringside barrier by the announce table.  Trick sets for a uranage but Pete pulls the fingers and he hits a Side Russian leg sweep and they go through the table as the referee hits the ten count.

Double Count Out

After the match, Trick punches Dunne and security comes out and Pete with a forearm off the ring steps to Trick.

Ridge Holland says Chase University welcomed him in at his lowest.  Why destroy Mr. Chase and put him in the hospital?  They failed.  They were champions and Chase U did what Chase U does.  They won the big one but couldn't keep it.  Look at what he did for them.  New look and new classroom.  Would Duke do that for Chase U.  Duke questioned everything he did.  Duke is a smug, arrogant, asshole.  Riley is the same.  They had a tag title match at Heatwave and they told him to stay home.  They lost without him.  Ridge says he finally became a champion and it got ripped away due to mediocrity.  

You will get what he tried to keep away.  The destruction of Chase U starts next week and he will love every minute of it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Brooks Jensen walks in WAREHOUSE and Shawn Spears stops him.  He says that Brooks was there to help him and you went after Edris and Malik.  Spears thanks Brooks and he says he means it.  Spears says he thought he was saving Brooks, but Brooks saved him.  He will not leave Brooks.

Brooks wants to know why everyone is manipulating him.  

Spears says he only cares what Brooks thinks.  He thanks Brooks again.

Dion Lennox gets up from reading his book and he tells Brooks that is psychological manipulation and that Spears is gaslighting him.

Match Number Five:  Je'Von Evans versus Joe Coffey (with Wolfgang and Mark Coffey)

Evans with a drop kick but Joe with a head butt.  Evans lands on his feet and avoids a clothesline and hits a head scissors take down.  Evans with another head scissors and a drop kick.  Evans with a suicide dive and he almost clears the table.  Joe runs into a boot and Evans with a chop and kick.  Joe catches Evans and hits a Finlay Slam and a double jump Vader Bomb elbow for a near fall.  Joe sends Evans to the mat and Evans with a super kick.  Evan with a rebound spinning heel kick.  Evans with a German suplex and Joe sends Evans to the floor with a back body drop.  Joe distracts the referee and Cedric Alexander comes out to help Evans deal with Mark and Wolfgang.  Joe argues with Cedric and Evans with a plancha onto Gallus.

Evans with a triple jump twisting splash for the three count.

Winner:  Je'Von Evans

Lyra and Tatum are in LOCKER ROOM and Tatum says she knew that Lyra would forgive her.  She says no one has her back on Raw like she does.

Lyra says that Tatum wouldn't let her make friends and she didn't mean for Tatum to 'make'  . .   She says she would never come back but she couldn't keep her eye off Tatum. 

Tatum says it is lonely here.  

Lyra says she would rather fight with her than against her so she wants to show the weird girls how weird she it.  Lyra tells Tatum to hug her.

Sarah is with Ava in OFFICE and she asks how will things be done.

Ava says there needs to be a winner.  Next week, there will be a Last Man Standing Match and the winner faces Ethan Page on October 1st.

Match Number Six:  Oba Femi versus Channing Lorenzo (with Luca Crusifino, Tony D'Angelo, and Adriana Rizzo) in a Non Title Match

Channing with punches and a knee to the midsection.  Oba blocks an Irish whip and he Irish whips Channing.  Channing avoids a splash and Oba runs Channing into the corner.  Oba with a biel.  Oba runs into a boot and Oba with a clothesline.  Oba with an elbow drop and he hits a second one.  Oba with a third elbow drop and he gets a near fall.  Oba with a reverse chin lock.  Channing with a jaw breaker and he avoids a slam and drop kicks Oba twice to send him to the floor.  Channing goes to the apron and Oba chops Channing.  

Oba looks at Tony while pointing at Channing.  Oba with a Northern Lariat.  Oba with another Northern lariat.  Oba slams Channing into the ropes and Channing holds his ankle.  Oba stomps on the ankle and stands on it as he stares at Tony.  Channing goes for a rollup but Oba stays on his feet and he kicks Channing.  Oba blocks a kick and Channing avoids a clothesline.  Channing with punches and Oba grabs Channing by the throat.  Channing with a chop and kick.  Channing with a drop kick.  Channing goes up top and he leaps over Oba but his ankle gives out.  Oba with a running uppercut and he tosses Channing into the air and to the mat.  Oba with a power bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Oba Femi

Karmen and Brinley are talking about Giulia and then they talk about Edris' injury and how Malik hasn't talked to her.

Ashante Thee Adonis shows up with a rose and tries to sweet talk Brinley.

Eddy Thorpe shows up and Brinley and Karmen escape.  

Ashante tells DJ Platonic not to get in his way.

Je'Von and Wren are talking and he says he will get that title some day.

Wren asks why does he deserve a title match.

He says he did well on Speed, he main evented Heatwave, and just beat Joe Coffey.  

Wren asks what else.  She says that Je'Von deserves a Heritage Cup match next week.

Charlie shows up and Wren says she gave Je'Von a match.

Charlie wants to know why she did that and she mentions what she did.  Charlie says at least the match isn't official since she didn't tell Ava.  Wren says that Je'Von probably talked to her.  Charlie yells at Myles for not doing anything.

Match Number Seven:  Jazmyn Nyx (with Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley) versus Jaida Parker

Nyx with a side head lock and Parker escapes.  They lock up and Nyx with kicks.  Parker with a shoulder tackle.  Parker with an Irish whip and a running shoulder into the corner but she feels the impact.  Parker with an Irish whip and back body drop for a near fall.  Nyx escapes a slam and Fallon gets on the apron and Nyx's attempt to take advantage fails.  Nyx is able to kick Parker in the ribs.  Nyx with more kicks to the ribs.  Parker with punches to the ribs.  Nyx with a leg lariat.  Nyx with a flip senton for a near fall.  Nyx with a body scissors and a head lock.  Parker tries to get free but Nyx holds on to the body scissors.  Nyx gets on Parker's back and Parker gets Nyx on her shoulders but Nyx with elbows.

Nyx with a foream to the lower back but Parker catches Nyx and hits a Samoan drop.  Parker with punches and shoulder tackles.  Parker with a slam.  Parker with a shoulder into the corner and a forearm.  Parker puts Nyx on the middle rope and she chops Nyx and follows with the springboard seated splash.  Parker goes for a suplex but Nyx with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Nyx with a drop toe hold but Nyx misses a kick.  Parker with a running hip for the three count.

Winner:  Jaida Parker

After the match, Fallon and Jacy go after Parker and Parker fights back and connects with knees to Fallon.  Jacy with a rolling elbow to Parker and Fallon with forearms.  Nyx hits a Pele Kick.

Next week, Pete Dunne faces Trick Williams in a Last Man Standing Number One Contender Match.  

Roxanne Perez saunters in HALLWAY as we go to commercial.

We are back and the women are with Kelani Jordan in ROOM watching MONITOR and they wonder if Giulia is going to show up.

Jacy, Jazmyn, and Fallon show up and they say they have the aura.

Jordan says she won't let them poison the locker room.

Jacy tells Jordan to count her days as champion because they are numbered.

We see Duke Hudson post on social media about getting revenge against Ridge Holland next week.  Axiom and Nathan Frazer face Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz.  Je'Von Evans faces Charlie Dempsey for the Heritage Cup.  Jordynne Grace defends the TNA Knockouts Title in an Open Challenge.

Roxanne Perez makes her way to the ring.

Roxanne says you are probably sick of seeing this but she isn't.  Jaida slapped the taste out of her mouth but doesn't defeat taste worse?  She is second all time in PPV matches and wins.  She says she is smashing all of Asuka's and Iyo's records.  Most dream of the career that she has.  The main roster can't stop talking about Roxanne Perez.  Roxanne says she will give it to Jaida Parker because she proved that she is the future of the division, but what does can't be topped.  Roxanne says she is the fantasy matchup.  Roxanne says nobody has the ability to take this title from her.  It doesn't matter if you are the top NXT prospect, a former NXT champion, or the hottest free agent from Japan trying to steal her shine.

When the smoke clears, it will be her holding the title in the air.

The lights go out and . . . 

Chelsea Green makes her way to the stage.  She asks if Perez was expecting someone else.  Green insults the aroma of the crowd.  She says there is a lot of spec as to who will interrupt Perez.  Green says she is beloved by the WWE Universe.  She says she would do anything for her fans . . . She says some of her fans are creepy.  She is here to interrupt and nobody will tell her she isn't the number one contender.

The lights go out again and music plays for Giulia.

She makes her way into the ring and Green has some words for her and she tries to punch Giulia but she blocks it and Giulia punches Green.  

Guilia and Perez stare at each other and Giulia takes the mic.

She tells Perez . . . Me . . . You  . . . CW.

Perez does her contractually obligated hold up the title belt spot and we go to credits.


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