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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-08-23 21:59:00

Your announcers are Wade Barrett and Corey Graves.

We begin with a look back at what happened at the end of Smackdown last week.

We see The Bloodline Reboot entering the arena earlier today.

Grayson Waller is introduced for the Grayson Waller Effect and he is with Austin Theory.

Grayson says his guest likes to make things about himself and he brings out Cody Rhodes.

Waller tells Cody he can't pose on the turnbuckles since they had the pyro and the WHOAAAAAAAAA already.

Cody starts to speak and Waller finishes his sentence and Waller says everything has to be about Cody Rhodes, even on his show.  Waller says Cody doesn't have to answer because he knows the truth.  Waller says Cody is the hero of the story because the idiots don't know the real Cody.  Waller says he knows how selfish Cody is and how he only cares about the title.  How many times have your friends gotten beaten up because of you while you get all of the glory?  What kind of friend are you?

Cody asks Waller if he is done.  

Cody brings up that Kevin is his opponent at Bash in Berlin.  Do you think giving Kevin a title match is charity?  If you put Kevin against anyone on the Smackdown roster against Kevin, would he win?  Kevin has dealt with the Bloodline before Cody came back and Kevin has not stopped fighting.  Cody says he would not be sitting here as WWE Champion if not for Kevin.  Not once has he used Kevin Owens.  Cody asks Waller if he can say the same thing.  Is this relationship a friendship or are you using Austin Theory?  Cody asks Magic Mike if he gets what he is saying.  Waller is trying to show everyone the 'real Cody Rhodes' but Waller is the one using you and everyone is waiting for you to do something about this.

Waller says this is his best mate and tag team partner.  They would never turn on each other.  Waller says he knows someone who would.  Waller has a video package of Kevin turning on people over the years.

Waller says that doesn't look like a good friend to him.

Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring after his music plays.

Kevin says he can't stand back there any longer.  We get the point.  You are trying to convince Cody that Kevin is going to stab him in the back and attack him.  Kevin says every one of those guys had it coming, except Kofi.  Kevin apologizes to Kofi.  Kevin says they never had that type of relationship.  They are tight.  Kevin says they will get in the ring and beat you up and Nick will be told to make a tag match.  Kevin asks Nick to come out and make the match already.  Kevin admires Nick's match and asks Nick to make the match.

Nick says the match is official.

Kevin thanks Nick and he asks if he can go into the ring and punch them in the face.

Nick tells Kevin to make it quick.

Kevin punches Waller while Cody punches Theory.  Waller pushes Kevin into Cody when Cody goes for CrossRhodes on Theory.

LA Knight walks in BACK as we go to commercial.

Match Number One:  LA Knight versus Santos Escober (with Elektra Lopez, Angel Garza, and Humberto Carrillo)

Angel and Humberto pull Knight out of the ring during the introduction and Angel sends Knight into the ringside barrier and they kick Knight.  Knight is sent shoulder first into the ring steps.  Knight is sent into the ring.

The referee sends Angel and Humberto to the back.

Elektra has some words for the referee and Lopez is sent to the back as well.

The referee starts the match and Knight avoids a splash into the corner and gets a rollup for a near fall.  Santos sends Knight shoulder first into the ring post.  Santos sets for a double underhook and hits a butterfly shoulder breaker for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Knight with a neck breaker but Santos goes to the floor.  Knight slams Santos' head into the announce table many times.  Santos begs for mercy and that false sense of humility costs Knight when he sends Knight into the announce table and kicks him.  Santos with Meteora off the ringside barrier onto the announce table.  Santos with a frog splash for a near fall.  Santos kicks Knight many times and the referee warns him.  Santos chops Knight and chokes him on the top rope.  Santos charges into the corner and is met with an elbow.  Santos sends Knight to the mat but Santos misses an elbow drop.  Knight runs into a boot.  Knight with a reverse atomic drop and discus clothesline.  

Both men are down.  Knight with a clothesline and an Irish whip and Zig Zag.  Knight with kicks in the corner.  Knight blocks a bicycle kick and hits a Side Effect for a near fall.  Knight sets for BFT but Santos with a back fist and he goes for Phantom Driver but Knight escapes.  Santos with a super kick.  Santos puts Knight on the turnbuckles and connects with a kick.  They fight on the turnbuckles and Knight knocks Santos to the mat.  Knight with a double jump elbow drop and then he hits BFT for the three count.

Winner:  LA Knight (retains championship)

Corey Graves mentions Andrade and Carmelo Hayes as potential opponents for LA Knight in the future.

We see Camelo at BARBER SHOP.  He says Andrade is as good as his last match and he was not better than him that night.  

Andrade shows up and he says that what Hayes did after the match was disrespectful.  He says he will see Hayes next week.

Hayes tells them to lock the doors when he is talking.

Angel, Humberto, and Elektra are arguing and Santos stops by and he yells at them.  

Santos says nothing you say will make up for what happened.  He says they are done.

Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin applaud Santos' loss.

Santos asks Corbin if he is the president of his fan club and he says he will not tolerate this behavior.  He says he is going to talk to Nick Aldis to deal with this next week.

Match Number Two:  Isla Dawn, Blair Davenport, and Alba Fyre versus Jade Cargill, Naomi, and Bianca Belair

Dawn and Bianca start things off and Dawn with forearms to the back and she sends Bianca face first into the mat.  Dawn kicks and pie faces Bianca ad Bianca with a choke slam and a handspring moonsault for a near fall.  Dawn with an Irish whip and Bianca taunts Dawn and flips over her.  Bianca with a drop kick and Dawn goes to the floor.  Bianca with a pescado onto Dawn.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Blair with an Irish whip to Bianca but Bianca avoids a splash in the corner by going to the apron.  Bianca with a rollup for a near fall.  Dawn tags in and so does Fyre.  Dawn with a Tarantula and Fyre with a super kick.  Blair tags in and hits a double stomp for a near fall.  Dawn tags in and Blair chokes Bianca in the ropes and while Dawn distracts the referee, Naomi, and Jade, Alba with a knee on the apron.  Bianca with a boot to Dawn but Fyre kicks Bianca from the apron.  Fyre tags in and they hit a double gourdbuster and Dawn with a double knee drop for a near fall.  Fyre continues to work on the back.  

Bianca goes for a slam but Fyre escapes.  Fyre with an Octopus and Dawn adds more pressure.  The referee almost sees it but Dawn releases the hold.  Bianca with a back breaker and both women are down.  Dawn tags in and she kicks Bianca in the back and knocks Naomi off the apron.  Bianca with a suplex and both women are down.  Blair and Jade tag in and Jade with a back elbow to Blair and punches to Fyre and Dawn.  Jade with a power bomb to Blair and a fallaway slam of Fyre into Blair.  Jade with a choke slam to Dawn.  Jade sends Blair into Fyre and she hits a splash.  Blair with a super kick and Naomi tags in and hitsa  cross body onto Dawn and Blair.

Naomi drop kicks Fyre into the corner and she sends Blair to the apron and connects with a knee.  Naomi with a double DDT in the ropes and Naomi gets a near fall on Blai.  Jade kicks Fyre and Dawn with an enzuigiri to Jade.  Dawn and Jade fight on the floor and Fyre joins in.  Bianca goes up top and hits a cross body onto everyone on the floor.  Blair with a rolup on Naomi for a near fall.  Blair sets for a suplex but Naomi escapes and she kicks Blair and hits a split legged moonsault for the three count.

Winners:  Naomi, Jade Cargill, and Bianca Belair

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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