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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-08-23 21:59:00

We have a video package for Bash in Berlin and WWE's history in Germany.

Before our next match, Solo Sikoa has something to say.

Solo wants Washington to acknowledge him.  He says he has a lot to talk about tonight.  He wants everyone to keep it down.   He says the OTC is D-O-N-E.   Whether it is Kevin Owens or Cody Rhodes who wins next week, he has next.  He says he will bring the title back to his family.  He will bring that title back to him.  Solo tells the crowd they can chant for Roman but he ain't here.  Solo says since he will be the WWE Undisputed Champion, there is something wrong with the tag titles.  

Solo tells Jacob to step up.  Solo tells Jacob to give him his title.  Jacob hands Solo the title belt.  He tells Jacob to give it to Tonga Loa.  Solo says Jacob can't be tag champion if he is going to be Solo's enforcer.

They hug and Jacob says he loves Solo.

B-Fab interrupts and he says they don't care who his bodyguard is or who the tag champs are.  She says they can get to family matter later.  Ford says he isn't Urkel and this is Bloodline 8675309.  Dawkins says they are going to be former tag champs.

We go to commercial.

Byron Saxton stops LA Knight in the back and congratulates him.

Knight says he is home and he lived 20 years down the road.  He just defended his title in Washington D.C.  That means he is going to go to Berlin and defend the title.  Anyone who wants to show up in Berlin, come on down.

Match Number Three:  Tonga Loa and Tama Tonga (with Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu) versus Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford (with B Fab) for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship

Loa and Dawkins start things off and Loa with head butts but Dawkins with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Dawkins with punches to Loa.  Dawkins with an Irish whip and Loa with a clothesline.  Tama tags in and he punches Dawkins and Loa with an uppercut.  Tama with a neck breaker for a near fall.  Dawkins sends Tama face first to the mat.  Ford tags in and he hits a shoulder tackle for a near fall.  Ford with a moonsault for a near fall.  Tama with punches and Ford with a clothesline for a near fall.  Tama with punches in the corner and Loa tags in.  They hit a belly-to-back suplex and neck breaker combination for a near fall.  Loa with head butts to Ford and he goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Ford lands on his feet and he connects with an enzuigiri.

Dawkins tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle and then Dawkins back drops Ford onto Loa.  They hit a double flapjack to Tama.  Dawkins with Sky High and Ford with a Seven Star Frog Splash for a near fall when Tama breaks up the cover.  Ford is sent over the top rope to the floor and Ford hits the ring steps.  Tama tags in and he hits a swinging reverse DDT on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Loa with a head butt to the back and a forearm to the back.  Loa with an Irish whip and Ford with elbows to Tama and a punch to Loa.  Loa stops Ford from making the tag.  Ford with a DDT and both men are down.  Tama and Dawkins tag in and Dawkins with clotheslines and a corkscrew back elbow.  Dawkins punches Loa off the apron and then he hits a twisting splash into the corner and a kick for a near fall.  Dawkins goes for Sky High and Tama with a thumb to the eye.  Dawkins with Silencer and Ford tags in.  They hit a neck breaker and sit out power bomb combination but Loa breaks up the cover.

Dawkins tags in and he sets for a wacky lap and he POUNCES Tama into Loa.  Solo has some words for Solo and Ford with a plancha over the ring post onto Loa and Tama.  Fatu with a super kick to Dawkins and Ford.  Jacob sends Dawkins back to the ring while Solo distracts the referee.  Tama with a Flatliner for the three count.

Winners:  Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa (retain championship)

After the match, Tama, Loa, and Fatu attack Dawkins because Solo told them.

Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa make their way to the ring and Tama and Loa meet Johnny and Tommaso in the aisle.  Ciampa kicks Solo and Johnny with a super kick.  Ciampa with a knee to Fatu and then they hit a double super kick to Solo.  Solo hits Ciampa when Fatu grabs Johnny and Solo with a splash.  Fatu with a Samoan drop to Ciampa and a running hip to Johnny.  The glove comes off and Solo with a Samoan spike to Gargano and then Ciampa gets one.

Cody Rhodes is in HALLWAY and Kevin Owens asks him if he is ready.  Cody says they have it.  Kevin says it is about shutting up Theory and Waller, at least for a little while.  Kevin says he isn't the guy they showed in the video and Cody says he isn't.  Kevin says he didn't ask for this tag match to set Cody up.  Cody says he will take Kevin at his word and see what happens next.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened after the tag title match.

Byron Saxton is outside TRAINERS ROOM.

B-Fab says Dawkins and Ford are okay.

Candice and Indi go to check on Johnny and Tommaso.

We have a video package for Michin.

Tiffany Stratton is with Pretty Deadly to fix the crown and Nia Jax shows up.

Tiffany says what Michin did was horrible.

Nia says Michin ruined Tiffany's celebration for her.  Nia says Michin made a mistake touching her crown and she will suffer a beating next week.  

Tiffany asks what can she do and Nia tells her to fix the crown.

Chelsea and Piper talk about the celebration.

Green comments on how much pick there is and Piper says she never would have let Michin get to the ring.  Green says that Tiffany is just trying to screw over Tiffany.

Nia shows up and Green apologizes if Nia heard anything.  Nia says she isn't in a good mood and then Green runs away.

Match Number Four:  Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens versus Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

Cody and Waller start things off and Cody with a drop down punch on Waller.  Cody with a wrist lock and elbows to the arm.  Kevin tags in and punches and kicks Waller followed by a back elbow and back senton for a near fall.  Kevin chops Waller and Cody tags in and they hit a double back elbow for a near fall.  Cody with a wrist lock and Kevin tags in and he punches Waller.  Kevin kicks Waller and chops him a few times.  Theory tries to stop Cody from making the tag and Cody punches Theory.  Waller stops Kevin.  Kevin sends Waller to the apron and Theory tags in and hits a slingshot rolling dop kick.  Theory knocks Cody off the apron and Theory punches Kevin.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Waller sets for a superplex but Kevin blocks it and he punches Waller and head butts him to the mat.  Kevin with a frog splash but he holds is knee.  Cody tags in and he punches Waller.  Cody with a running forearm and he floats over in the corner and hits a power slam.  Cody with Beautiful Disaster and Waller rolls to the floor.  Cody goes for a move to the floor but Theory trips Cody and pulls him to the floor.  Cody sends Theory into the announce table.  Waller with a slingshot rolling flatliner for a near fall.  Theory tags in and he hits a clothesline.  Theory forces Kevin into the ring to get the referee out of position to miss a choke.  

Cody with punches to Theory and Theory with a hard Irish whip.  Theory with a snap mare and a reverse chin lock.  Cody lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt followed by a Cody Cutter and both men are down.  Kevin is distracted by Waller and Theory is sent into the turnbuckles.  Theory with a belly-to-back suplex when Cody tries to make the tag.  Theory gets a near fall.  Theory with a rear chin lock.  Waller makes the tag and Cody kicks Theory and sends Waller to the floor.  Cody sends Theory to the floor.  Kevin tags in and he goes to the floor and he clotheslines Waller and Theory and hits a back senton on Theory and then Waller.

Kevin sends Waller back into the ring and he hits a cannonball off the apron onto Theory.  Kevin sets for a cannonball on Waller and connects.  Kevin goes up top and he hits a swanton for a near fall.  Cody wtih CrossRhodes to Theory and Waller kicks Cody to the floor.  Kevin with a kick but Waller with a rollup for a near fall.  Kevin with a super kick and a pop up power bomb for the three count.

Winners:  Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens

After the match, Kevin looks like he might hit Cody with the title belt but he hands it to Cody and has words for Waller and Theory.

We go to credits.


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