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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-08-09 21:58:00

Your announcers are Corey Graves and Wade Barrett.

We take a look back at highlights from SummerSlam.

Undisputed Champion Cody Rhodes makes his way to the ring.

Cody asks the people of Tulsa what do they want to talk about.  He says he doesn't want to delve into the past.  He says as grand as SummerSlam was, everyone is looking at what is next.  This is the North Star of the industry and the lodestar for everything.  Cody says he has been thinking about who he would like to defend his title against at Bash in Berlin.  He says this guy . . . 

Solo Sikoa makes his way to the ring with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa.

Solo says he wants to stop Cody.  He says he doesn't care what Cody wants to talk about.  He doesn't care what these people want to hear.  He wants to talk about SummerSlam.  He says they both know if it wasn't for Roman Reigns, he would have been champion.  Before you say or do anything, you will give him a rematch.

Cody says he doesn't want to talk about the past but if Solo does, he will do it.  You couldn't win on your own and you got Jacob Fatu injured.  You got Roman Reigns angry because you were cosplaying like the Tribal Chief.  Cody says he pinned Solo in the middle of the ring.  He says that Solo is delusional if he thinks he deserves a title match.  He asks Solo what does he want to talk about.

Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa get on the apron with Solo and . . . 

Kevin Owens comes to the ring from the other side and he has a chair for himself and Cody.

Solo and friends get off the apron.

Solo says he will deal with Cody later . . . after he finds Roman.

Cody says he will be waiting on Solo.

Cody asks Kevin to come back into the ring and he wants to talk to him about something, and he doesn't want it to be awkward.

Cody says if he knows Kevin, you will likely say no.  Cody says before he was interrupted, he was talking about who he would like to face for the championship.  Cody tells Kevin that he would like to face him.

Kevin says as much as he appreciates it, he says he does not deserve a title match.  He says title matches need to be earned.  Look at his record over the last year and he does not deserve the match.  He says he is not the guy.

Cody asks Kevin if he hears the crowd chanting 'you deserve it'.  He says he figured that Kevin would say no.  He hasn't forgotten the sacrifice that Kevin made.  You were in the trenches with him.  You are still the prize fighter in the prime of your career.  You might be one of his closest friends.  Cody says he is going to go to the back and talk to Nick Aldis about why you should face him at Bash in Berlin.  Cody tells Kevin he is pretty sure that Nick will see what he sees and what everyone else sees.  Cody says after that conversation, he hopes that all he has to say to Kevin is that he will see him at Bash in Berlin.

Byron is with Montez, Angelo, and B Fab.  

B Fab interrupts and she says they are more than eager.  They are determined and on point.  Ford says the Bloodline won the titles, but they can't get it together since Roman came back.  Dawkins says it has been three long years and they are on the journey for gold.

Match Number One:  Grayson Waller and Austin Theory versus Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins (with B Fab) in a Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Dawkins punches Waller on the apron but Theory hits him from behind.  Waller with an elbow into the corner and he punches Dawkins.  Theory tags in and Waller with a baseball slide to Ford to knock him off the apron.  Dawkins punches Theory many times.  Dawkins with an Irish whip and a twisting splash into the corner.  Dawkins misses a shoulder into the corner and Waller tags in.  Waller with a baseball slide to the floor and a clothesline to Dawkins.  Theory and Waller focus on B Fab and Ford with a flip dive onto both of them.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Theory with a drop toe hold into the corner and a slingshot rolling drop kick to Dawkins.  Waller tags in and he gets Dawkins up on his shoulders but Dawkins escapes and he sends Waller into Theory and he punches Waller.  Dawkins with a suplex to Theory.  Ford tags in and hits a cross body and clotheslines to Waller.  Ford with a flapjack to Theory.  Ford lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Ford with one of his own to Waller.  Ford with a moonsault for a near fall.  Ford goes up top and Waller moves out of the way so Ford lands on his feet.  Theory tags in and they hit a double forearm to the head for a near fall.  

Ford with a back elbow and he hits a super kick on Waller on the floor.  Dawkins POUNCES Waller into the time keeper's area.  Ford with an enzuigiri from the apron and Dawkins tags in.  Dawkins gets Theory on his shoulders for the Doomsday Blockbuster for the three count.

Winners:  Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford 

Cody is in OFFICE with Nick Aldis and Kevin shows up and says he doesn't deserve the title match.  They mention Randy facing Gunther.  Nick says he is waiting to discuss a championship match with Roman Reigns.

Kevin asks Nick if he is kidding.  Kevin says he is man enough not to says he doesn't deserve it.  Nick mentions how long Roman was champion.  Kevin says someone always helped Roman keep the title.  Does he deserve it?  There is the rematch clause, but that hasn't been enforced in years.  Kevin tells Nick to look in the locker room and he will see someone who deserves it more.

Nick says he doesn't have to go into the locker room.  He is looking at the person who faces Cody at Bash in Berlin.

Kevin tells Cody he guesses he will see Cody in Berlin.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Nia Jax beating Bayley for the championship at SummerSlam.

Tiffany is yelling at a production worker about next week's championship celebration.

Pretty Deadly emerge and Kit asks Tiffany if she can plan their party when they win the title.  Elton and Kit talk about casting the musical.

Tiffany says she has to go.

Chelsea and Piper stop Tiffany and she asks if those are the plans for Nia's celebration.  Green suggests that Tiffany let her plan things.  She tells Tiffany that Nia doesn't like pink and they know it is ploy for Tiffany to cash in.  Tiffany calls Green delusional.

We take a look at last week's Women's Tag Title match.

Match Number Two:  Jade Cargill (with Bianca Belair) versus Alba Fyre (with Isla Dawn)

Alba with a kick to the leg.  Alba with a waist lock and Jade powers out of the hold and applies a wrist lock.  Jade lifts Alba in the air and Alba goes for a sunset flip but Jade blocks it and she punches Alba.  Jade with another punch.  Jade misses a hip in the corner and Alba with a kick and super kick.  Alba with a tornado DDT for a near fall.  Fyre with forearms to the back.  Alba with a satellite into an Octopus.  Dawn tries to give Alba some help but Bianca stops that.  Jade escapes with a tilt-a-whirl slam.  Jade with a super kick and Jaded for the three count.

Winner:  Jade Cargill

After the match, Blair Davenport attacks Jade from behind and all three work over Jade and Biana.

Naomi's music plays but Dawn and Fyre forget to stop attacking Bianca.  Naomi with Thesz Presses.  Alba and Isla grab Naomi but Jade kicks Alba and then Bianca with a spinebuster to Dawn.  Naomi with a drop kick to Blair and she clotheslines Blair over the top rope to the floor.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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