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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-08-09 21:58:00

We are back with a look at LA Knight's title win at SummerSlam.

United States Champion LA Knight makes his way to the ring.

Lou Ferrigno is in the crowd tonight

Knight wants to talk to ya.  He says SummerSlam has come and gone.  With all the answers one question remains.  He says people asked him if it was extra sweet to beat Logan Paul in his home town.  He says all he cares about is that he said call him what you want, but you will call him champ.  Knight says that he has arrived.  He says this title makes him a marked man but he has been a marked man since he walked onto Smackdown.  He will walk in, hit it, and quit.  Then he moves on to the next.  Knight says he cannot stop being the US Champion with everyone yelling . . . 

Santos Escobar's music interrupts and he comes out with Elektra Lopez, Humberto Carrillo, and Angel Garza.

Santos congratulates Knight.  He says he means it.  Santos says the crowd and Knight suck.  Santos says not every day do you get someone like Knight to finally get the taste of gold.  Santos says this whole LA Knight as Champion thing.  He doesn't buy it.  Enjoy your time in the spotlight because it is fleeting.  All of your grit and glory will be nothing but an opening act to his reign.  Santos says this is a fact of life.  Santos says he truly deserves to be US Champion.

Knight says he didn't hear a damn word that Santos said because Tulsa said that Santos sucks.  You deserve to get the brakes beaten off you again.  You must be sick of that.  The problem is that to get a shot against him, you have to qualify and your opponent will be out soon.  You won't take the title off of him because he won't let you.

Giovanni Vinci says there are no losses.  Nobody should think success ia given and he knows that it is his destiny.  A man who know no limits accepts no shortcomings.  He says he does everything with style.  He says he will bring that same relentless style to Smackdown.

Match Number Three:  Santos Escobar (with Elektra Lopez, Humberto Carrillo, and Angel Garza) versus Andrade in a Number One Contender's Match

The match is joined in progress and Andrade with a shoulder tackle and a second one.  Santos rolls to the floor and Andrade with a pescado onto Santos.  Andrade sends Santos back into the ring and Angel pulls Andrade off the apron and then back into the ring.  Santos with a jumping knee for a near fall.  

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews attack Garza and Carrillo and they fight into the crowd. 

Santos turns into an enzuigiri.  Andrade goes up top and Santos stops him and Andrade hits the ring post on his way to the floor.  Santos runs Andrade into the ring post and they return to the ring.  Santos gets a near fall.  Santos with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and he works on the arm.  Andrade with punches but Santos pulls Andrade down by the hair.  Andrade with a chop and Santos runs into a boot.  Andrade goes to the turnbuckles and Santos stops him with a forearm and kick.  Andrade with forearms and Santos punches back.  Andrade with forearms and Santos goes up top and sets for a superplex.  Andrade stops Santos and Andrade counters with a sunset flip power bomb.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Santos with a camel clutch.  Andrade with elbows and Santos with forearms to the back.  Andrade with a back elbow and a dragon screw.   Andrade with a flying forearm and Santos backs into the corner.  Andrade sets for the running double knee strike but Santos moves.  Andrade goes to the apron and hits a moonsault.  Andrade with a cross body for a near fall.  Andrade with a suplex and he holds on and rolls through for a second one.  Andrade hits the third Amigo for a near fall.  Andrade goes up top for the moonsault and Santos rolls to the apron to stop Andrade.  Andrade with a forearm and he tries for a superplex.  They exchange punches on the ropes and Santos with a super Poisonrana for a near fall.  

Santos misses a double knee strike.  Andrade with a super kick and a drop kick.  Andrade goes up top for a moonsault and Santos moves but Andrade hits the Andradesault for a near fall.  Andreade with a kick and Carmelo Hayes gets on the apron and Andrade goes after him.  Santos with a forearm and he tries for a Phantom Driver but Andrade escapes and he hits a spinning back elbow for a near fall.  Hayes pulls Santos out of the way while Lopez distracts the referee.  Santos gets the three count.

Winner:  Santos Escobar

We take a look back at last week's Smackdown Tag Title Match.

Ciampa and Gargano walk in the back and Ciampa says they walked into Bloodline Rules.  They stole the titles from them last week.  Gargano says he lost in his home town in front of his family and two year old son.  They will do whatever it takes to win back the tag titles.  Ciampa says this is day one of DIY The Redemption.

We take a look back at Kevin Sullivan's life with a video package.

Next week, we will have the Nia Jax championship celebration.  Blair Davenport will face Naomi.  

Nick Aldis is on the phone and Waller and Theory interrupt.  He complains about what happened in the last week.  Theory wants a match with Waller against Kevin Owens.

Nick likes it and the match is official for next week.

Theory tells Waller he has his back.

Match Number Four:  Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa versus Kit Wilson and Elton Prince in a Number One Contender Qualifying Match to Qualify for a Number One Contender Match

Johnny and Kit start things off.  Elton makes the tag and all four get in the ring.  Kit and Elton miss punches and Johnny and Ciampa with punches and they avoid a double drop kick.  Elton is sent to the floor and Kit is catapulted over the top rope onto Elton.  Johnny and Ciampa go for suicide dives and Kit and Elton with uppercut.  Gargano and Ciampa with drop kicks to knock Kit and Elton off the apron and they hit stereo pescados.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Elton keeps Johnny from making the tag and he kicks Elton.  Ciampa tags in and he clothesliens Elton a few times and then he does the same to Kit and it is time for clotheslines into the corner.  Ciampa ends the infinity clotheslines with a double clothesline.  Ciampa with a reverse DDT to Kit and a rolling elbow to Elton.  Gargano tags in and they hit a spear and belly-to-back suplex combination for a near fall.  Johnny is sent to the apron and he kicks Kit on the floor.  Elton with a knee to stop a slingshot spear.  Elton with a rollup for a near fall followed by a European uppercut.  Kit with a bulldog while Elton has Ciampa in a double chicken wing hold.  Kit with a rebound clothesline to Johnny.  Ciampa with chops to Kit and Kit with an uppecut.

Elton tags in and they set for Spilled Milk but Gargano with a slingshot spear.  Ciampa with a knee to Kit and Johnny tags in.  They hit Shatter Machine on Elton and they set for the running knee and super kick for the three count.

Winners:  Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa

Solo Sikoa is in Gorilla and Tama Tonga tells Solo they haven't seen Roman.  Solo says Roman will be here.

Solo Sikoa makes his way to the ring with Tonga Loa and Tama Tonga.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Solo is still in the ring with Tama and Tonga.

Solo tells Tulsa to acknowledge him.  Solo says Roman Reigns, in case you haven't noticed, he is the tribal chief now.  If you call yourself the tribal chief and you want these back . . . then come and get it from him.

Roman Reigns' music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Solo tells Tama to go after Roman and Roman with a punch.  Roman with another punch and Tonga goes after Roman but Roman sends Tonga into the ring steps.  Roman slams the ring steps onto Tonga and Tama.

Roman looks at Solo and Solo takes off his jacket.

Roman gets on the apron and enters the ring.  

Roman punches Solo but Solo kicks Roman.  Roman with a Superman punch.  Roman sets for a spear and Roman is pulled to safety by Tonga.

The ceremonial tribal ornament is on the mat and Roman stands over it and he is attacked from behind by Tama and Tonga.  Tama grabs it and gives it back to Solo.  Tonga backs Roman into the corner and connects with shoulders.  Tonga runs into a Superman punch.  Roman with one to Tama and then Roman with a spear to Tonga.  Roman goes to the floor and he Wacky spears Tama through the ringside barrier.  Roman gets a chair and he hits Tonga in the back with it.  He hits Tonga a few more times.  

Solo holds up the ornament and puts it around his neck as Roman tries to drive the chair through Tonga.

We go to credits.

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