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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-23 22:04:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

We see a vehicle arrive at the building and Trick Williams parks in a handicapped space as he enters the building.

Cedric Alexande wants to know what is he doing. 

Trick says he appreciates his advice but he won't stop until he gets his title back from Ethan Page.

Ashante Thee Adonis says that Trick won't listen to him.

Trick Williams makes his way to the ring.

Trick says he wants to talk about it.  He says he doesn't feel the same since he lost the title.  He had to talk to some OGs in the back and he says Ethan Page will see him again and he won't stop until he gets his title back.

Cedric Alexander makes his way to the ring.

Cedric tells Trick he didn't want to do this in front of the whole world, but the advice you asked for from him came from a good place.

Trick says he appreciates Cedric but he isn't stopping until he wins the title back.

Cedric says he is trying to make sure that Cedric isn't blinded by his passion.

Ashante Thee Adonis comes out and he says that he told Cedric he isn't listening to him.

Trick tells Adonis that if he is here to stir the pot, then he can go back to Smackdown.

Adonis says he is here to pick up the ball that Trick dropped.

Trick brings up Adonis' time in Hit Row.

Cedric says Trick is letting his emotions dictate his actions.  Cedric tells Ashante to go to the back so he can do what he has to.

Adonis says that Trick is in third place in the ring right now.

Trick says he is gold and he will keep fighting until he gets the title back.

Cedric asks if he heard Trick say that he was better than him.  He says that Trick is mistaking his kindness for weakness and he challenges Trick.

Trick accepts the challenge.

Adonis says a Trick decision and a trick mistake. 

Trick punches Adonis many times and he goes to the floor.

Cedric and Trick exchange words.

Ethan Page walks to the building and Tyriek and Tyson talk about how Oro pinned the champ.

Ethan says that was not official but he says that Tyson and Tyriek have to accept that the champ doesn't think he is too bright.  He tells them that he is not worth their time.

Josh Briggs walks in the back for his match.

Brooks Jensen attacks him from behind.

They fight in the aisle.

Match Number One:  Josh Briggs versus Brooks Jensen in a No Disqualification Match

They make their way into the ring and the match is started.  Josh sends Brooks over the top rope to the floor and then over the ringside barrier.  Josh with punches to Brooks.  Josh poses and then he hip tosses Brooks over the ringside barrier.  Brooks with a drop toe hold into a chair.  Josh runs Brooks into the ring post and he grabs Brooks by the throat and he gives Brooks a choke slam through the announce table.  Brooks tries to get up using Vic as a base but he walks away.  Josh throws the ring steps into the ring.  Josh with a choke slam onto the apron and then Josh goes under the ring for kendo sticks and he throws them at Brooks.  Josh gets more kendo sticks and throws them at Brooks.  Josh gets a trash can and tosses it into the ring.

Brooks punches Josh and connects with a forearm.  Josh with a forearm and he sends Brooks' head into the ring steps.  Josh goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault and Brooks hits him with the kendo stick to stop him.  Brooks puts the trash can on top of Josh's head and Brooks with a drop kick to Josh in the tree of woe off the ring steps.  Brooks drops Josh on the top rope and he goes to the turnbuckles to try to hit him with the trash can but Josh moves and Brooks lands on the trash can.  Josh pulls Brooks to the floor and hits a suplex.  Josh sends Brooks back into the ring and then he takes the hood from the announce table and puts it on the middle rope.  Brooks with a double thrust to the throat and then he clotheslines Josh into the hood.  Brooks with a catapult into the bottom of the hood.  

Brooks hits Josh with the kendo stick a few times but Josh blocks it.  Brooks gets on the steps  and sets for a pile driver but Josh blocks it and he kicks the steps into Brooks and Josh with a Northern Lariat.  Josh with a belly-to-back suplex onto the steps.  Josh slams Brooks' head onto the ring steps and Brooks does the same to Josh.  They go back and forth with forearms.  They throw many punches and then Josh hits a boot.  Brooks with a boot.  They both go for boots and both men go down.  They hit each other with a kendo stick and they go down again.  Brooks grabs a chair and he gets to his feet but Josh with a forearm to stop Brooks.  Josh grabs the chair and Brooks begs for mercy.

Shawn Spears gets on the apron and he tells Josh to hit him.  Josh grabs Spears and Spears tells him to do it.  Brooks hits Josh with the chair many times in the back.  Brooks hits Josh in the midsection a few times and he kicks Josh.  Brooks looks at Spears and points at him and hits a DDT onto the chair for the three count.

Winner:  Brooks Jensen

Shawn puts his hand on Brooks' shoulder and we have a new partnership?

Nathan Frazer is in LOCKER ROOM and Axiom and The Rascalz show up.  Wes says it helps to have friends around.  Frazer asks if they ever lost the tag titles and they said it didn't happen.  Wes says it could still happen.

Zachary says it is the Rascalz reunion tour so it is all three of them.  Frazer and Axiom say they will find a partner.

Axiom says he is in the next Speed Tournament and Frazer brings up that Axiom said it was a distraction and he has issues with Axiom.

We go to LOUNGE and some women watch Guilia and they also talk about the Women's Tag titles.

Lash and Jakara show up and Lash says the next challengers for the tag titles will be them.

They ask when was the last time that Lash and Jakara won a tag match.  

Lash and Jakara challenge Karmen and Sol.

Match Number Two:  Lexis King versus Eddy Thorpe

King avoids a boot as the bell rings.  Eddy with forearms and King with a chop and kick for a near fall.  King with punches and a back breaker.  King runs his boot across the bridge of the nose.  King with an Irish whip and Eddy with a clothesline out of the corner.  Eddy with chops all over the ring.  King pushes Eddy away and Eddy with a back heel kick and a kick to the head for a near fall.  King backs Eddy into the corner and Eddy avoids Coronation by sending King into the corner.  Eddy with forearms and a European uppercut.  Eddy with a running kick to King.  Eddy goes for an Impaler DDT but King blocks it and he hits a super kick.  King with a running body block and he sets for Coronation.  Eddy blocks it and Eddy with the Impaler DDT for the three count.

Winner:  Eddy Thorpe

After the match, King hits Eddy from behind and sends him to the floor.  King sends Eddy into the ring steps and he puts Eddy's hand between the ring steps and ring post.  King hits Eddy's hand with his cane.

Kelly Kincaid asks Trick about facing Cedric Alexander.

Trick says he is going to do whatever he needs to get to Ethan.  Nothing and no one will stop him.

Pete Dunne shows up and he asks if Trick thinks so.  Dunne tells him to figure it out.

Match Number Three:  Oro Mensah (with Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend) versus Ashante Thee Adonis

Before the match, Adonis goes over to Lash and Jakara and Oro hits Adonis with a dive.

The match starts and Oro with a snap mare.  Adonis kicks Oro and punches him.  Oro with forearms and chops followed by an exploder.  Adonis sends Oro to the apron and Oro punches Adonis.  Adonis drop kicks Oro to the floor when Oro goes for a springboard move.  Adonis with a knee to the midsection and he follows with punches and more knees.  Adonis with a boot to the head.  Oro with punches and Adonis with a kick.  Adonis pushes Oro into the corner and Adonis chokes Oro.  Adonis with a hesitation kick and he gets a near fall.  Adonis with a knee to Oro's ribs.Adonis with a slam and an elbow drop.

Adonis with another elbow drop and then he poses for Jakara and Lash so Oro gets a near fall with a rollup.  Oro with a punch and knee followed by a rolling kick.  Oro sets for the running spinning heel kick but Adonis with an elbow and a clothesline for a near fall.  Adonis goes up top and Oro crotches Adonis.  Oro sends Adonis to the mat and Oro iwth a springboard side kick and a jumping punch and axe kick.  Oro with a quebrada and he misses a side kick.  Adonis with a hot shot type move and a spinebuster for a near fall.  Oro with a jumping thrust kick.  Oro with a forearm to the back of the head.  Oro with the running heel kick into the corner for the three count.

Winner:  Oro Mensah

After the match, Oro Mensah tells Ethan Page about what happened last week.  He counts to three many times.

We see Charlie Dempsey with a 'ransom letter' and Charlie asks who sent it.  Wren Sinclair says it was her.  Charlie wants it resolved and Tony tells her to let her have what she wants.

Wren tells Dempsey she better not lose because you never know what she is going to say or do.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tony D'Angelo and the rest of the Sopranos are on the HBalKony.

Match Number Four:  Carlee Bright (with Kendal Grey) versus Wren SInclair (with Myles Borne, Charlie Dempsey, and Tavion Heights)

Wren with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Wren blocks a hip toss and takes Bright to the mat.  Bright with a wrist lock take down.  Wren with an ankle lock and Bright with a side head lock.  Wren with an ankle pick on a leap frog attempt by Bright and Wren with a rear chin lock.  Bright escapes and stretches Wren and gets a near fall with a bridge.  Bright with a drop kick and arm drag into an arm bar.  Bright with a cross body and Wren floats over and gets a near fall.  Wren with a shoulder tackle and a leaping face plant.  Wren with an Irish whip but she runs into an elbow.  Bright with a missile drop kick for a near fall when Dempsey puts Wren's foot on the ropes.  Grey gives Borne a suplex.

Bright with a rollup for a near fall.  Bright with another rollup for a near fall.  Bright misses a splash and Wren with a rollup and some help from Dempsey gets the three count

Winner:  Wren Sinclair

Hank and Tank walk in the back and they talk about the two weeks of the Great American Bash.  They talk about being hosts and try to figure out how to do it.

Frazer and Axiom talk about Axiom being on Speed.  Axiom says they still won despite his protests.

Je'Von Evans shows up and says if they are looking for a third, he is their man.

Axiom and Frazer say that is good.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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