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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-23 22:04:00

We are back and Chase U talk about getting a title soon and they see Thea on MONITOR and she has a new shirt on.

They are impressed with Ridge's ambition.

Kelly brings up last year's Great American Bash and her title match.  She is asked how she is doing things differently last year.  She says they would have given her a pep rally to motivate her but she is a different person.  They trust her to make her own decisions.  Kelly asks Thea about Ridge Holland and how he affects Chase U.  Thea says people just Ridge because he isn't perfect for one second.  She says Ridge empowers her.  She let him in and then Riley, Duke, and Andre let him in.

Kelly brings up the new side of Thea and how calm she is.  She asks what would winning the title mean to her.  Thea says she is not trying to win this for her.  She is doing it for all of Chase U and those who were picked last.  She can only control herself.  While Roxanne and everyone try to figure out what the women's division will be like in a few months, she is going to win the Women's title.

We are told that Thea faces Roxanne next week.

Match Number Five:  Cedric Alexander versus Trick Williams

They lock up and Trick backs Cedric into the corner and they push each other.  Trick wants Cedric to get in the center of the ring. Cedric with a waist lock take down into a front face lock.  Trick escapes and applies an arm bar.  Cedric with a reversal.  Trick with a slam.  Cedric with a waist lock and Trick with a take down.  Trick with an uppercut and chops in the corner.  Cedric chops back.  Trick with more chops and an Iris whip.  Cedric flaots over and he misses a handstand into a head scissors.  Trick with a drop kick.  Cedric with a Neuralizer and a spear onto the apron.  Cedric with a back drop driver on the apron.

We go to commercial.

We ae back and Trick with forearms and Cedric fires back.  They both go for clotheslines and stay on their feet.  They both go for kicks at the same time and go down.  Trick and Cedric exchange punches.  Cedric with forearms and Trick with a pop up uppercut.  Cedric witha  back heel kick and forearms.  Trick with a flapjack and a cyclone kick for a near fall.  Trick picks up Cedric for a choke slam but Cedric counters with an arm drag for a near fall.  Trick with a back elbow to Cedric but Cedric with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.  Cedric sets for a suplex but Trick blocks it and Trick with a jumping side kick or two.  Trick with a jumping clothesline but he misses a splash in the corner when Cedric moves.  Cedric is caught by Trick and Trick with a uranage for a near fall.

Trick misses a jumping knee and Cedric with a rollup for a near fall.  Cedric with a knee and a twisting suplex for a near fall.  Cedric goes for a cross arm breaker and Trick gets a near fall with a rollup.  Cedric runs into a boot and Trick with a jumping knee for the three count.

Winner:  Trick Williams

After the match, Pete Dunne attacks Trick from behind and then hits a leg drop.  Dunne stomps on Trick's head.  Pete kicks Trick some more.

Stevie and Stone are arguing outside Ava's office and Ethan Page shows up.

Ethan says he is trying to get rid of Oro Mensah.

Stevie tells Page not to worry about it and then Stevie and Stone argue some more.

Stone says Ethan should be lucky that he is champion.

Stevie asks what would happen if Oro was the champion.  

Stone says he will talk to Ava and Stevie says she will do the same.

We take a look at the latest Tatum Paxley video and Ashante Thee Adonis is limping and he asks where medical is and two women escort him and he smiles.

Match Number Six:  Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic versus Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend

Jakara with a drop kick to Karmen and a side head lock.  Karmen with a kick and Irish whip.  Sol tags in and hits a moonsault.  Sol with a reverse chin lock.  Jakara with a take down and a near fall.  Jakara with a knee to the midsection and Lash tags in.  Lash with a waist lock to Sol and Sol with a standing switch.  Lash goes for a power bomb but Sol counters into a rana for a near fall.  Lash backs Sol into the corner and connects with an elbow.  Sol with a kick from the apron and a slingshot X Factor.  Karmen tags in and she kicks Lash in the head and gets a near fall.  Sol tags in and she goes for a cross body but Lash with a bicycle kick.  Jakara tags in and she sends Sol into the turnbuckles.  Jakara with a hip into the corner and a clothesline.  Lash tags in and Jakara goes after Karmen but Karmen pulls Jakara to the floor.

Sol with a rollup for a near fall and Karmen tags in and kicks Lash.  They kick Jakara off the apron and hit a double super kick for a near fall.  Karmen with forearms to Lash and Jakara while Sol is on the floor.  Karmen with a tornado DDT to Lash while kicking Jakara for a near fall.  Sol with a head scissors to Jakara on the apron and Karmen kicks Jakara off the apron   Sol takes care of Jakara.  Lash with a punch and a face plant for the three count.

Winners:  Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

After the match, Lash tells Isla and Alba if you don't mid defending the tag titles anywhere, why not defend them next week against them.

Trick Williams is with Shawn Michaels and he says he will take care of Pete Dunne if he comes after him.

Roxanne Perez complains about Thea getting a sit down interview and she storms off.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Joe Hendry.

Joe says becoming a social media sensation does not happen overnight.  In the last few months things have caught fire but he has been doing this for years.  How do you stand out in 2024?  You create an image that you can't get away from.  When you are the most talked about person in wrestling, it will anger some people.  This rise to fame did not come by accident.  There is no one who hasn't seen his turn to camera.

He will be the answer to your problems and he will perform in ring next week.

Gallus make their way into the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment.  

They say they still hate that guy.  Joe makes a challenge for next week.

Mark shows him the flier for his performance next week.

Ethan asks a referee about what happened last week and if it counts.  The referee tells him it wasn't a match so it didn't count.

Ethan has a new friend.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre have accepted the challenge for the tag titles.

Ethan Page comes to the ring with his new friend.

Ethan says what Oro did to him last week didn't count.  It was not official and it was null and void.  Ethan says none of this bothers him.  He asks the referee for his official ruling about what happened last week with him and Oro when Oro attacked him.  He asks if any official was in the ring with them.  The referee says it wasn't an official match.

Ethan says it didn't count.

Oro makes his way into the ring and he rolls up Ethan and the referee makes the three count.

Tony and Friends are joined by Charlie and his friends.  Tony says he respects Charlie for what he did.

Charlie says he is still coming after Tony.  

Tony says he will give an Olympian a chance next week because of the Olympics.

Next week, Roxanne Perez faces Thea Hail for the Women's Championship.  Tavion Heights faces Tony D'Angelo for the Heritage Cup.  Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn defend the Women's Tag Titles against Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson.  Joe Hendry will perform.

Match Number Seven:  Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz, and Trey Miguel versus Axiom, Nathan Frazer, and Je'Von Evans

Trey and Axiom start things off and lock up.  Axiom with a front face lock into a reverse chin lock and straitjacket choke.  Trey with a snap mare and Axiom with a drop kick.  Frazer tags in and Axiom with an octopus and Frazer with a flying boot to the head.  Frazer chops Trey in the corner.  Trey with an Irish whip and Frazer floats over.  Trey with a kick to the head and he gets a near fall.  Wentz tags in and he kicks Frazer and gets a sunset flip.  Wes with a kick and a three man Dream Sequence.  Evans tags in and Wes flips over Evans.  Evans misses a springboard move and Evans with a slingshot head scissors take down to Lee and a drop kick.  

Wes with a kick and Evans with a punch.  Lee with a punch of his own and they continue the exchange.  Evans with a jumping punch.  Lee with a spinning back heel kick.  Lee is sent to the apron and he kicks Evans.  Wentz tags in and hits a bronco buster.  Lee with a kick to Axiom and Frazer kicks Lee to the floor.  Frazer chops Trey and Trey kicks Frazer to the floor.  Trey and Axiom kick each other to the floor.  Evans with a rollup for a near fall. and Evans with a plancha.  Wentz with a moonsault off the ring post onto everyone.  Wentz chops Evans and he connects with a running uppercut.  Lee with a running elbow and a snap mare.  Trey with a slingshot senton.  Lee tags in and hits a slingshot hesitation senton for a near fall.  Lee with a front face lock and a back elbow for a near fall.

Lee with a wrist lock and Wentz tags in.  They hit a double back elbow and a double drop kick for a near fall.  Wentz with a reverse chin lock.  Wentz with a forearm to the back and an Irish whip but Evans floats over.  Wentz with a cross body but Evans rolls through and hits a power slam and tags in Frazer.  Frazer with a springboard forearm and a shooting star press for a near fall.  Frazer with an elbow drop and Axiom tags in and he applies a reverse chin lock and turns it into a Cobra Clutch.  Wentz kicks Axiom but Axiom holds on to Wentz to prevent the tag.  Axiom with a sleeper.  Wentz with an elbow and Axiom with a clothesline.  Frazer with a kick and Axiom with a half and half suplex followed by a triple super kick for a near fall by Evans.  

Evans sends Wentz to the mat and Wentz misses an enzuigiri.  Axiom tags in and he stops Wentz from making the tag.  Axiom with an ankle lock and Wentz sends Axiom into the turnbuckles.  Frazer tags in and he comes off the turnbuckles and is met with a knee from Wentz.  Wes and Evans tag in and Wes with forearms and a leg sweep.  Wes with a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the neck.  Wes with a running forearm and kicks in the corner.  Trey tags in and they go after Axiom with a series of kicks.  Trey with a rolling slam to Evans and a drop kick to Frazer.  Wentz and Lee tag in and they set for the double drop kick for a near fall.  

Frazer kicks Lee away and Frazer lands on his feet and hits an enzuigiri.  Evans and Trey tag in and Evans with a springboard clothesline followed by a rebound spin Lee.  Trey with kicks to Evans and Evans with a cutter off the turnbuckles.  Evans runs into a boot from Trey and Trey kicks Evans.  Frazer tags in and so does Axiom.  Axiom goes up top for Spanish Fly and hits it.  Frazer goes up top for a Phoenix Splash but the cover is broken up.  Frazer with a super kick to Wentz but Frazer is sent to the floor.  Evans kicks Lee and Wentz with a springboard face plant to Evans.  Axiom with a forearm to Trey and Trey fires back.  Trey with a drop kick that sends Axiom into the corner and Lee tags in and Trey with a super kick and a double stomp on Wes' knees.  Lee sends Wentz onto Axiom for the three count.

Winners:  Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz, and Wes Lee

After the match, they all shake hands in the ring.

Ava is in her office and Ethan says he wants Oro in a match.

Ava asks what changed his mind.

Ethan says he has had it up to here and . . . somebody like him shouldn't have to deal with something like this.  He says he will put the title on the line.

Ava says she will get the contract written up for Ethan to face Oro in two weeks.

We go to credits.

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