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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-22 23:00:00

Your announcers are Pat McAfee and Michael Cole.

CM Punk arrived earlier in the building.

Ilja Dragunov and Bron Breakker walk in split screen as they prepare for their number one contender match.

We see half of THE Judgment Day entering the building.

We see the other half of THE Judgment Day arriving at another time.

Gunther makes his way to the ring.

Michael Cole mentions that the next two weeks of Raw will air on Syfy, due to the Olympics.

Gunther says he knows but then he stops speaking.  He says he wants to explain himself.  He says he took some time to reflect on what he said to Damian Priest last week and he says he agrees.  Gunther says let's skip it and he says he meant everything he said last week.  Everyone in this building is a bum.  What is at stake is what is clearest and dearest to him.  The reputation, prestige, and honor of this great sport.  The World Championship.  Why did they send him out first and not Priest?

Everyone knows that Priest does not live up to it.  That cute little sob story about fighting from the streets does not cover up that Priest is a pretender and a wannabe.  There is a saying where he comes from.  Show me your friends and I show you who you are.  He knows Priest's friends, THE Judgment Day.  Today, they will be judged by him.  You are all street trash.  He tells Priest he will make this offer one more time.  Take the weight off your shoulders and hand Gunther his championship.

He tells Priest he can go home to the trailer park.

Damian Priest makes his way to the ring.

Priest punches Gunther and he connects with more punches before officials make their way to the ring.  Gunther and Priest continue with punches ad kicks while more officials make their way to the ring.

Priest with a thrust kick to Gunther.

Priest attacks security and tosses one onto a pile of other security.

They fight up the aisle and are then separated.  

Priest charges at Gunther and hits him with a body block that sends us into commercial.

We go to Jackie Redmond in GARAGE waiting to talk to Gunther, but Priest attacks Gunther.  They continue the battle but security shows up to stop them.  They fight into PARKING LOT.  People are yelling and Priest tries to calm them down.

Match Number One:  Ilja Dragunov versus Bron Breakker in a Number One Contender Match for the Intercontinental Title

Ilja misses a kick and Bron with a waist lock.  Ilja with a chop and Bron with a double leg take down and they fight to the floor.  Bron with punches as he mounts Ilja.  Bron sends Ilja's head into the apron.  They return to the ring and Ilja iwth forearms.  Ilja with a running knee to Bron.  Ilja with a chop and he sends Bron into another corner.  Ilja with another chop.  Bron with forearms and a punch to the throat.  Ilja kicks Bron to the apron.  Ilja goes to the apron and he connects with a forearm to the back of the neck. Bron with punches on the apron.  Ilja with a kick and he gets Bron up on the apron.  Bron gets to his feet and Ilja with a forearm to the back of the head.  Bron goes to the other side of the ring post.  Ilja with forearms.  Bron sets for a superplex from the turnbuckles to the floor but Ilja blocks it and he goes for a superplex off the apron.  Bron drops Ilja on the ring post.

We go to commercial.

We are back and BRon with a bear hug and Ilja with elbows to escape.  Ilja with slaps and then Bron catches Ilja and hits a double knee gutbuster for a near fall.  Bron sets for a power bomb but Ilja counters into a DDT.  Ilja wtih a chop and Bron with a punch.  Ilja with forearms and Bron with punches.  Ilja with a chop and a back fist to the leg.  Ilja with a chop and enzuigiri.  Bron runs into a jumping knee.  Ilja with Konstantin Special.   Ilja with chops in the corner.  Ilja with a running knee into the corner and he hits a running boot to the head.  Ilja sets for a powr bomb but Ilja cannot get Bron up.  Bron grabs Ilja by the throat and Ilja with a slap and power bomb for a near fall.

Ilja goes up top and Bron stops Ilja and grabs the leg.  Ilja with an elbow and he slaps Bron off the turnbuckles.  Bron goes up top and he hits a Frankensteiner for a near fall.  Bron goes up top and Ilja with a jumping round kick to stop Bron.  Ilja goes for a superplex and hits it.  Ilja with an H Bomb but he cannot make the cover.  Bron rolls to the apron and Ilja follows.  Ilja gets Bron up and hits a Death Valley Driver onto the apron.  Ilja comes off the apron and Bron with a spear.

The referee makes her count while Bron waits for what is next.  The referee checks on Ilja and calls for the bell.

Winner:  Bron Breakker (by referee stoppage)

After the match, the medical staff checks on Ilja.  Bron stands over Ilja and then he goes to the back.

We go to CLUBHOUSE where Rhea tells the boys it is time to stop playing games.  They need to work without Priest and they are going to have all the gold soon.

Dom says that is great and he wants to talk to her separately.  Dom says he is a little worried about what Rhea said to Jey.  Rhea says she is playing around.  She says she likes what Dom has been doing.

Finn says Dom needs to take care of Jey Uso.

Rhea says she doesn't understand why they need to go to war with him and Finn asks if she is defending Jey.

Finn tells Dom he knows what he has to do.

Drew McIntyre is in BACK with Adam Pearce and the referees from last week.

We are back with a birthday celebration for Akira Tozawa and Otis likes cake.

We are told that Priest and Gunther are no longer in the building.

Match Number Two:  Lyra Valkyria (with Kayden Carter and Katana Chance) versus Sonya Deville (with Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler)

They lock up and Sonya backs Lyra into the corner and they continue with the lock up.  Sonya with knees and she sends Lyra to the mat.  Lyra with a punch and she runs Sonya into the corner and connects with shoulders and kicks.  Lyra blocks a kick and punches Sonya.  Lyra floats over and hits a drop kick to the knees and another drop kick.  Sonya goes to the floor and Lyra goes for the drop kick through the ropes and she may have hurt herself when she misses.

Sonya sends Lyra into the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sonya is on the turnbuckles and she connects with forearms to stop Lyra.  Lyra sets for a superplex and she hits it.  Sonya with a back heel kick and a knee.  Sonya with a round kick and a sliding knee attempt but Lyra avoids it and she kicks Sonya.  Lyra with a back heel kick and head butts followed by a spinning back heel kick.  Lyra with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.  Lyra gets Sonya on her shoulders but Sonya escapes and sets for Deville's Advocate but Lyra with a snap mare.  Lyra with a very delayed Doctor Bomb for a near fall.  Lyra goes to the turnbuckles and Shayna gets on the apron and the referee stops her but Zoey pushes Lyra off the turnbuckles.  Zoey, Shayna, and Sonya stop Kayden and Katana.  Sonya with Deville's Advocate for the three count.

Winner:  Sonya Deville

We take a look at what has happened to Nikki Cross.

She says to look at yourself.  They lie to you.  They ignore you.  They watch you suffer.  She says she has been here all along.  Nikki says to look at yourself and then she screams.

CM Punk walks in the back.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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