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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-22 23:00:00

We are back and CM Punk makes his way to the ring.

Punk asks if it is great to be alive on a Monday in Green Bay.  He asks if the bay is green.  He says his shoes are pink.  Punk says they stain both with the blood of a Scottish Psychopath.  Punk says as of Saturday, he is cleared.  He tells Drew to come to the ring for the beating he deserves.

Drew's music plays and he makes his way to the stage.  

Drew says he cannot wait to tell Punk how long he has been waiting to get into the ring to tear Punk apart and there is nothing stopping him, but he doesn't want to.

Punk says he wants to and security comes out to get in Punk's way.

Drew says Punk and him is a bigger match than Green Bay.  He tells Punk to control his emotions.  Drew says when he gets emotional, he turns to family and it calms him down.  Drew look at his bracelet.

Pearce says that is enough and he says what Drew is not telling him is there is a reason they are not fighting tonight.  Drew is officially reinstated and Punk is medically cleared.  CM Punk faces Drew Mcintyre at SummerSlam.  Pearce says if either of them lay a finger on each other, the match is off.  Whoever throws the first punch is suspended.  It needs to stop.  Pearce says he has a big referee problem.

Seth Rollins' music plays and he spins his way on the stage.

Seth cackles his way past Drew and he goes up to Pearce and they go into the ring.

Seth says they had themselves a problem.  Drew hates Punk and Punk hates Drew.  With all of the chaos you have caused has scared away anybody from getting between them.  Seth says he isn't a problem guy, he is a solution guy.  He says he has a little solution.  He says he knows a guy who thrives on chaos.  He knows a guy who would love nothing more than to put the two of you in your places.  Seth says that person is him and he is the guest referee.

Punk and Drew get on the apron and Drew gets in the ring while Seth continues to dance.

THE Judgment Day walk in the back as they go hunting for Jey Uso.  Carlito says they need to split up and search and destroy.  Finn tells Dom to go down a hallway while he goes down another one.

Dom luckily walks down the hall that Liv is standing in.  Dom asks Liv what is she doing.  Liv tells Dom not to worry about last week.  Dom says him and Rhea are perfect.

Finn shows up and Liv leaves.

Finn wants to know what the hell is going on.  Finn tells Dom which way to go.

Cathy Kelley is in HALLWAY with Sami Zayn and she asks Sami if he is concerned about Bron Breakker after what happened tonight.

Sami says Bron knows what this title means.  Concern might not be the word, but he is taking him very seriously.  Sami tells Bron not to make the same mistake he did at Money in the Bank.  He better take Sami seriously because he will bring 100%.

There is a ruckus in the hallway and we see THE Judgment Day attacking Jey Uso and Sami makes the save and he goes after JD.  Carlito pulls JD to safety.

We see Otis and Braun Strowman at the Packers training camp.

Match Number Three:  Xavier Woods, Otis, and Akira Tozawa (with Maxxine Dupri) versus Karrion Kross, Akam, and Rezar (with Paul Ellering and Scarlett)

Woods and Kross start things off.  Kross tags in Rezar before anything happens.  Woods with a thrust kick and chops.  Rezar backs Woods into the corner and he gives a clean break.  Rezar misses a splash and Woods with chops.  Rezar sends Woods into the corner and Akam tags in and he kicks Woods.  Rezar with a forearm to the back.  Woods with punches and Akam with a forearm to the back.  Woods with a flying forearm and kicks.  Woods with chops and Tozawa tags in and he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles followed by a flying forearm.  Tozawa avoids a slam and he drops down and Akam continues to move to the ropes and goes to the floor.  Tozawa with a suicide dive and the shirt comes off.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tozawa punches Akam but Akam with a back elbow and he gets a near fall.  Kross tags in and he kicks Tozawa.  Kross with an Iris whip but Tozawa goes for a cross body and Kross catches Tozawa and spins Tozawa to the mat.  Kross with kicks to Tozawa and he knocks Woods off the apron.  Kross runs into a thrust kick from Tozawa and Otis tags in.  Otis with clotheslines to everyone.  Otis avoids Rezar and connects with a clothesline.  Otis with a splash to Akam and the vest comes off.  Otis with a caterpillar and elbow drop.  Kross with a forearm and Otis with an elbow.  Woods tags in and Rezar pulls Otis to the floor.  Woods with a missile drop kick and Tozawa with a splash to Rezar.  Woods with punches to Kross and a thrust kick to Akam.  Kross gets Woods up for Final Prayer and the three count.

Winners:  Karrion Kross, Akam, and Rezar

After the match, Chad Gable makes his way to the ring and he is joined by Julius and Brutus Creed.

We go to commercial.

We are back for the Looper Moment of the night.

Chad says hello to his old crew.  He says he asked them to stay out here tonight because there is something in him that makes him want to continue to help his old pupils.  That is the type of guy he is.  He says Otis has accepted a leadership role, but the first thing you did was team with Xavier Woods and you lost.  He says the coach would tell Otis to use his mind, but your brain isn't your strong point.  Chad says that is why he recruited The Creeds to stand by his side and stand in where there were some weaknesses.  Chad says he is offering them a once in a lifetime opportunity.  He is telling them to rejoin the team.

Chad says the Wyatts are coming after everyone on the roster, including you guys, so you are getting some extra protection.

Otis asks if the protection will be like last week.  When trouble arises, you leave the ring.  That is the type of man you are.  Otis says his answer is still no.

Chad calls Otis pathetic and he asks Maxxine and Tozawa if they are going to listen to Otis.

Chad says that is unfortunate and he sends The Creeds after Otis and Tozawa.  Otis pushes them away and hits a double clothesline.  Otis grabs Chad by the neck and he sets for a World's Strongest Slam but Brutus and Julius hit Otis from behind.  Julius and Brutus send Otis shoulder first into the ring post.  Julius punches Otis and they send him into the apron.  Chad gives Brutus and Julius chairs, but . . . 

The power goes out in the building and smoke fills the ring while the crowd says naughty words that you can't say on USA network.

Chad stands in the ring while Brutus and Julius stand at ringside with their chairs.

Bo's friends make their way to the stage.

Howdy stands behind Chad and Chad turns around into him.  Howdy with Sister Abigail.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Chad Gable and Uncle Howdy.

Match Number Four:  Bronson Reed versus Pete Dunne

Sheamus with a knee to Dunne before the bell rings.  Reed punches Sheamus and Sheamus punches back.  Sheamus with a running knee to Reed and Sheamus sends Dunne to the apron for some forearms.  Sheamus sets for the Brogue Kick and he misses Dunne.  Sheamus hits Reed with a Brogue Kick.

We return to CLUBHOUSE and Rhea wants to know what happened.  Carlito says that Sami got to them.  Finn says he talked to PEarce.  Finn says him and JD are going to take care of Jey and Sami.  Finn says he will face Gunther next week.

Rhea says no one touches Jey and now Sami is involved.

Dom mentions Liv and Rhea says they are going to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page




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