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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-16 22:08:00

Your announcers are Vic Joseph and Booker T.

We see The Rascalz in the back and Wes says the gang is back together and it is time to blow your minds.  They say that it is a bad time for Gallus.

Gallus walk in the back and Wolfgang says he hates everyone in TNA.

Match Number One:  Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz, and Trey Miguel versus Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, and Wolfgang

Trey and Mark start things off and Mark sends him to the mat.  Trey wtih a shoulder and he drops the arm on the top rope.  Trey with a kick and a kick to the arm.  Trey wtih a leg sweep and Wentz tags in.  Wentz with a reverse atomic drop and a Dream Sequence.  Wolfgang tags in and he kicks Wentz.  Wolfgang with a suplex for a near fall.  Joe tags in and he punches Wentz and follows with an Irish whip.  He runs into a boot.  Wentz with a knee in the corner and Lee tags in and hits a hesitation springboard senton.  Wes with a handstand satellite head scissors.  Lee with a rana and he gets a near fall.  Lee with a side head lock and Joe goes for a belly-to-back suplex and Lee lands on his feet.  Lee returns to the side head lock.  Wolfgang tags in and he connects with a shoulder tackle.  Wolfgang with a slam and he gets a near fall.  

Lee with punches and Wolfgang with a front face lock.  Mark tags in and connects with a double sledge to the back.  Joe tags in and they chop Lee.  Wolfgang with a punch to Lee and he tags Mark back in.  Lee with kicks to Mark but Wolfgang with a European uppercut.  Trey with a drop kick and Wentz with a handspring round kick.  Mark takes care of Wentz.  Lee kicks Joe.

Joe Hendry shows up.and he makes his way to the announce table.  

Lee with punches and a side head lock to Joe.  Wolfgang tags in and Wolfgang hot shots Lee.  Joe kicks Lee in front of Hendry and they return to the ring.  Lee with a punch and Joe with a knee and Irish whip.  Joe with more Irish whips.  Joe with a back breaker and a double jump Vader Bomb elbow for a near fall.  Wolfgang tags in and punches Lee in the corner.  Joe tags in and he connects with a shoulder off the turnbuckles.  Joe with punches in the corner and he runs into a boot.  Lee fights out of the corner and he punches Joe.  Joe pushes Lee away and he keeps Lee from making the tag and he sends Lee face first to the mat.  

Wolfgang with a boot to Lee.  Wolfgang gets a near fall.  Joe tags in and he punches Lee.  Joe with a waist lock.  Lee with a back elbow but Joe holds on to the waist lock and connects with a forearm tot he lower back.  Mark tags in and then he Irish whips Lee.  Mark is sent to the apron and Lee avoids Wolfgang and he kicks Joe to tag in Wentz.  Wentz with super kick and a kick to Joe from the apron.  Wentz with a double missile drop kick.  Wentz with an ankle pick on a leap frog followed by a drop kick.  Mark tags in and Wentz with a European uppercut.  Trey and Wentz with kicks in the corner.  Trey with a rolling Olympic Slam for a near fall.  Lee tags in and all three go into the ring.  Wentz and Lee with a double drop kick while Trey does a back flip.

Trey with a DDT to Mark on the floor.  Wetnz with super kicks and a double stomp to Wolfgang's back.  Lee does the same to Joe.  Lee sends Wentz into Joe, Mark, and Wolfgang off the apron.  Lee with a flip dive onto all three.  They put Joe on the turnbuckles and Trey and Wentz with super kicks.  Wes with a double stomp and a double Burning Hammer for the three count.

Winners:  Wes Lee, Trey Miguel, and Zachary Wentz

Hendry says if Gallus believed a little more, maybe they would have won.

We take a look back at what happened last week, narrated by Joe Hendry.

Kelly is in the back with Chase U.

Thea asks if Kelly said Roxanne was next and she leaves.

Kelly asks Andre about Duke Hudson challenging Oba Femi.  Chase says that Duke will show up, show out, and win the title.  Riley says Duke has proven everyone wrong for three years.  He says he will bring home the North American title to Chase U.

Roxanne Perez walks in HALLWAY.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ethan Page is with Ava and he says he has some complaints about NXT not being a sae working environment.

Speak of the Mensah, Oro runs into the office.

Ethan asks how can he defend the title when he has to deal with Mensah.

Oro wants a title match and Ethan says he is not going to reward him.  Ethan says Oro will not pin him.

Ava says Oro is not in the title picture.

Oro says the longer that Ethan runs, the worse it is going to be.

Ava says Ethan will defend the title tonight.

Ethan says he will face someone with integrity and he will face Dante Chen.

We are told that the Great American Bash will be over two weeks, starting on July 30th, on Syfy.

NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez makes her way to the ring.

Roxanne asks what will it take for everyone to treat her like the champion she is?  She beat the biggest badass last week and she added another name to her resume.  You would think she would be getting her flowers.  You are witnessing greatness.  What do they do?  They give the loser, Lola Vice a standing ovation.  Perez says it should have been her.  She says you don't deserve a generational talent like her.  She is so good at 22, but what will she be like in five years.  Perez says she is competing with history.  Thirteen years ago, Charlotte Flair had her first TV match on NXT.  Now she is a fourteen time champion.  

Roxanne says she will beat all of the records.   She says what pisses her off is that everyone is talking about how Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer will take care of her.  She tells them to roll out the red carpet because no one can compete with her.

Perez says she cannot believe Thea Hail is her next opponent.  She says Thea has as much chance to beat her as Duke has of beating Oba Femi.

Thea comes out and she says Roxanne says everyone owes her respect.  Thea says Roxanne is owed nothing.  You barely won at Heatwave.  Thea says she used to look up to Roxanne.  She thought they weren't much different.  You know what it is like to be underestimated and doubted.  She tells Perez to doubt her.  She has broken doubters' noses and arms.  She tells Perez to rewrite the history book but hand her the pen to write the Thea Hail is one of the youngest Women's Champions.

Perez says Thea is brave to come out without her chaperones.  She says as long as she holds this title, it won't be her time or anyone else's time.  She says Perez is not ready.  Roxanne says she knows what it is like to lose a shot at the title and then spiral out of control.  Remember when Mr. Chase threw in the towel.  This championship is for big girls, not children.  You can go on and on about being a grown ass woman but you are a little girl.

They exchange punches and Perez puts Thea in a crossface but Thea rolls through and goes for the kimura.  Perez returns to the crossface and Thea applies the kimura.  

Ridge pulls Thea off Perez.

Kelani is asked by Kelly about her win at Heatwave.  She says she had to pull out some crazy moves to retain the title.   She says this division is only getting better and she has to up her game.

Wendy Choo walks past.

We take a look at what happened with Brooks Jensen over the last few months.

Kelly is with Lola Vice.  

Lola says she left everything in the ring and she almost broke her hand, but Perez couldn't tap her out.  She had to give her five Pop Rox.

Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx show up and Fallon says she should go to the back of the line.  Jacy says Lola should go back to MMA.  Fallon calls Lola a rookie and Lola points out that Jazmyn is a rookie but they say that Nyx is different.  

Lola says she is looking at her next opponent.

Match Number Two:  Je'Von Evans versus Brooks Jensen (with Josh Briggs)

Brooks runs Evans into the corner and connects with a shoulder.  Evans floats over and he punches Brooks.  Evans with a head scissors that sends Brooks into the ropes.  Evans sends Brooks to the floor and Brooks pulls Evans to the floor.  Evans with punches and forearms.  Brooks drops Evans on the ringside barrier.  Evans with a punch and thrust kick.  Evans with a springboard moonsault onto Brooks and they return to the ring.  Evans with a flip kick for a near fall.  Evans misses a splash into the corner and hits the turnbuckles ribs first.  Brooks with punches and he hits a gourdbuster onto the announce table.  Brooks with a back senton onto Evans on the announce table.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Brooks with a knee to the midsection.  Brooks with a rear chin lock.  Evans with elbows and Brooks with a gutwrench suplex but he misses a splash into the corner.  Brooks with an elbow.  Evans with a Frankensteiner and then he avoids a clothesline.  Evans with a flying foerarm and a back elbow.  Brooks with an Irish whip and Evans with a punch and uppercut.  Evans with a spinning heel kick and he hits a springboard cross body for a near fall.  Brooks sts for a Gory bomb but Evans escapes and then Brooks hits a Gotch Neutralizer.

Shawn Spears comes out and Brooks tells Josh not to worry about him.  

Evans with a plancha.  Evans with a double jump cutter for the three count.

Winner Je'Von Evans

After the match, Brooks attacks Evans and Josh yells at him.

We go to Tony and friends playing cards and Charlie Dempsey shows up to talk to Tony.  

Tony wants to know what Charlie is doing.

Charlie talks about the trunk tactic and Tony says Myles told him about it and Charlie is shocked about Myles talking.

Tony says he knows about everything.

Charlie says he is coming after the Heritage Cup.  

Tony asks what is the 'breaking news'.  

Charlie says he is in a situation and needs some advise.  He says a witness might have seen them, hypothetically.  Tony tells him to take him on a swim and Charlie suggests it might have been a her.

Dante Chen walks in the back and Sarah ambushes him to ask about the title match.

Dante says he was surprised but this is why he trains the way he does.  He knows that Ethan thinks he is an easy first challenger, but he will capitalize.

We see Ethan Page walking in HALLWAY.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page


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