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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-16 22:08:00

We are back and Trick Williams is on the phone in LOUNGE.  He says he needs to get back to being himself.

Ilja Dragunov tells Trick that he moved on to the main roster and he got to conquer new worlds.  He asks Trick what does he want.

Trick says he wants his title back, but Ethan won't give him a title match.

Ilja wishes him luck.

Trick asks Dunne for some help but Dunne tells Trick to figure it out.

Match Number Three:  Ethan Page versus Dante Chen for the NXT Men's Championship

They lock up and Page with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  He tells Chen to show him what he has.  They lock up and Page pats Chen on the top of his head.  Chen with a rollup for a near fall.  Chen with punches and chops.  Page with a kick and side head lock.  Chen with a back elbow to the midsection and thrust kick for a near fall.  Page sends Chen to the floor and hits a shoulder tackle.  Page with punches to Chen when they return to the ring.  Page with an elbow and a power slam for a near fall.  Page kicks Chen in the head and pie faces him.  Chen with chops and punches.  Page with a knee to the midsection.

Page goes for a slam but Chen escapes.  Chen with an enzuigiri.  Chen lands on the apron when Page tries to send him to the floor.  Chen with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Chen with punches and chops and a clothesline.  Chen with a reverse atomic drop and he misses a boot.  Page goes for a suplex but Chen with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Chen with a back slide for a near fall.  Chen summons the power of the chop and he connects for a near fall.  Chen goes to the apron and he misses a spinning heel kick.  Page with a kick to Chen and he hits the Ego's Edge for the three count.

Winner:  Ethan Page (retains championship)

After the match, Page shakes Chen's hand.

Oro Mensah continues with his illegal assaults of Page, but Page hits Oro with the title belt.

Oro punches Page as Page tries to leave.  Oro with a clothesline or two.  Oro with a jumping punch and a flip kick.  Oro with a spinning heel kick into the corner and he makes his own three count.

We have a video package for Duke Hudson.

He says he started as a gambler.  He grew into the MVP.  Tonight, he becomes the NXT North American Champion.  

We go to commercial.

We are back with the announcements of No Mercy and Halloween Havoc.

Gallus walk in the back and Joe Coffey complains about Joe Hendry and we hear his music and see him.

Wolfgang tells him to go back to Scotland.

Hendry says he would be angry if someone came in and was more successful than you.  Hendry says he is staying.

Joe says no one likes Hendry.  When you think of Scotland, you think of Gallus and Drew McIntyre.

Match Number Four:  Izzi Dame versus Tatum Paxley

Tatum lays under Izzi when she poses.  Izzi blocks a head scissors.  Tatum gets a near fall.  Izzi catches Tatum on a cross body and Izi with a back breaker and slam.  Izzi kicks Tatum in the back and connects with an elbow drop for a near fall.  Tatum punches Izzi many times and she escapes a slam.  Izzi blocks an Irish whip.  Izzi with an Irish whip and a second one.  Izzi goes to the floor and trips Tatum and applies a bow and arrow around the ring post.  Izzi with a back breaker and she gets a near fall.  Izzi with a back breaker over the shoulders.

Wendy Choo makes her way to the ring with her doll and pillow.  

Tatum avoids a clothesline and Tatum blocks a kick and gives Izzi a dragon screw and a kick.  Tatum with an enzuigiri and a face buster.  Tatum with an elbow drop for a near fall.  Izzi with a knee and she gets a near fall.  Izzi goes for a power bomb and Tatum escapes.  Izzi goes shoulder first into the ring post.  Tatum with Psycho Trap for the three count.

Winner:  Tatum Paxley

After the match, Tatum walks up to Wendy and Wendy holds up the headless doll.  Tatum puts the head back on and they have formed their Voltron union.

Thea Hail bounces in the back and she wants to know why Ridge stopped her.

Ridge says if Thea breaks her arm, there is no title match.

Duke, Riley, and Andre show up and Duke says he is getting ready for his match.  He thanks Ridge for getting him the match.

Duke says that Oba is a man and can be beat.  Chase says a nasty word and that Duke can do it.

Cedric Alexander and Ashante Thee Adonis walk in HALLWAY into LOUNGE and Adonis is distracted by the ladies, especially Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson.  He says he is here to talk to Jakara.

Oro Mensah shows up and says this is not the place.

Adonis says he would love to show Ms. Jackson the hottest attraction.

Cedric Alexander walks over and MetaThree leave.

Match Number Five:  Lola Vice versus Jacy Jayne (with Jazmyn Nyx)

They lock up and Vice with a side head lock.  Jacy with a shoulder tackle.  Lola sends Jacy to the mat and she shakes her hips.  Lola with kicks but Jacy with a rollup and back heel kick.  Jacy stomps on the injured hand.  Jacy with an arm wringer and she stomps on the hand.  Jacy slams the hand on the mat.  Jacy with a wrist lock.  Lola with a series of kicks to Jacy and she gives Speedball kicks to Jacy followed by an axe kick.  Lola with the Shakira hip into the corner for a near fall.  Jacy with a jaw breaker and boot to the head.  Jacy misses a forearm and Lola with a back fist for the three count.

Winner:  Lola Vice

After the match, Fallon Henley attacks Lola from behind and she punches Lola.  Lola kicks Fallon and elbows Nyx.  Lola punches Fallon and Jacy hits Lola.

Karmen Petrovic and Sol Ruca come out to help Lola and they send Nyx, Henley, and Jayne to the floor.

Tatum Paxley plays with her doll and Kelani Jordan walks past.

Tatum corrects Kelani saying that it is her doll, not Wendy's.

Kelani says they are too old to play with dolls.

Tatum has a new doll.

We see Ethan Page in WAREHOUSE and he is asked if he is upset with what happened.

Ethan says he won his match and then that idiot Mensah attacked him.  

He is asked about being 'pinned'.  Page says that didn't count.  He says he is still the champion.  He says none of this bothers him.

He walks into the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment.

Match Number Six:  Jaida Parker, Bronco Nima, and Lucien Price versus Michin, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows

All six brawl before the bell rings.  Eventually the women are left in the ring and the match starts.  Michin with an Irish whip and kick.  Michin with a punch and she misses a shoulder in the corner when Jaida moves and Michin hits the ring post.  Parker puts MIchin in the ropes for the springboard seated splash.  Parker misses a leg drop.  Jaida with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Michin with a German suplex and a drop kick.  Price tags in and Luke enters the match.  Luke iwth punches and an uppercut followed by a running boot.  Price with a uranage to Luke.  Price with a boot to Karl followed by a clothesline in the corner.  Price with a clothesline to Luke in the corner.

Nima tags in and he punches Luke and chokes him in the ropes.  Nima with a splash to the back and he stands on the foot to keep Luke from escaping.  Price tags in and he punches Luke in the ribs and follows with an uppercut.  Luke with punches and an uppercut but Price with shoulders in the corner.  Nima tags in and he punches Luke in the midsection.  Nima works on the neck and he knocks Karl off the apron.  Luke with a Samoan drop to NIma.  Michin tags in and he clotheslines Jaida.  Michin with a back heel kick and drop kick.  Michin with a back drop and strikes followed by a back heel kick and a Pele Kick for a near fall.

Both women are down and Nima tags in and Karl with chops.  Karl with a back heel kick and uppercut.  Nima sends Karl into the corner but he runs into boots.  Karl with a neck breaker off the turnbuckles.  Luke tags in and they hit the belly-to-back suplex and neck breaker combination for a near fall.  Karl with a spinebuster to Price and Jaida kicks Karl.  Michin with Eat Defeat to Nima.  Michin with a suicide dive.  Luke with a kick to NIma and they hit Magic Killer for the three count.

Winners:  Michin, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows

No Quarter Catch Crew are in BACK and Wren Sinclair shows up and she says she wants to be part of the group.  Charlie says no and then Wren says she is going to tell everyone.  Wren asks what would her father say.  She says that someone else saw it and she says she is kidding.  Wren says one way or another, she will wrestle her way into Charlie's heart and the group.

Duke Hudson and Chase University walk in HALLWAY.

Oba Femi walks in back.

We are back with the latest Eddy Thorpe DJ gig that is interrupted by Lexis King.

Next week, Eddy Thorpe will face Lexis King.  Oro Mensah faces Ashante Thee Adonis.  

Match Number Seven:  Duke Hudson (with Thea Hail, Andre Chase, Riley Osborne, and Ridge Holland) versus Oba Femi for the Men's North American Championship

They lock up and Oba backs Duke into the corner but Duke escapes.  They lock up and Duke with a side head lock.  Duke with a shoulder tackle and Oba stays on his feet.  Duke tries again with the same result.  Oba with a back elbow and a side head lock.  Duke with a top wrist lock into a side head lock.  Oba with European uppercuts.  Oba with a shoulder tackle.  The headband comes off and so does the shirt.  Duke with a head scissors take down and a shoulder tackle.  Duke with a DDT and a clothesline that sends Oba over the top rope to the floor.  Oba returns to the ring and they have a test of strength.  Oba with the advantage but Duke gets back to a neutral position.  Oba with a knee to the midsection.

Oba chokes Duke in the ropes.  Oba with shoulders in the corner.  Oba goes for a suplex but Duke blocks it.  Duke runs Oba into the corner and he connects with shoulders.  Oba with an Irish whip that sends Duke sternum first into the turnbuckles.  Oba kicks Duke in the ribs.  Oba pulls Duke out of the corner and he connects with an elbow drop and then he applies a rear chin lock.  Duke powers out of the head lock but Oba with a forearm to the lower back followed by a kick and knees.  Oba with forearms.  Oba with a hard Irish whip but Duke with an elbow.  Oba with a kick.  Oba with an Irish whip and a side slam for a near fall.

Duke with a jaw breaker.  Oba with a uranage back breaker and he holds on to Duke and hits a second one.  Oba gets a near fall.  Oba gets Duke up and hits snake eyes.  Oba goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Duke is able to turn his hips for a lateral press and he gets a near fall.  Duke with a boot to Oba.  Duke with punches and a clothesline.  Duke with jabs and the U Elbow.  Oba goes to the floor and Duke with a pescado.  Oba with a forearm and Duke with a slingshot German suplex for a near fall.  Duke puts Oba on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex.  Oba with forearms and he knocks Duke to the mat.  Duke with a handstandcanrana to Oba.

Oba with a back body drop and then Oba grabs Duke and gets him on his shoulders.  Duke with a crucifix for a near fall.  Oba with a choke slam for a near fall.  Oba puts Duke on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex.  Duke with punches and he goes for a sunset flip power bomb and hits it for a near fall.  They go to the floor and Oba with a back drop driver to Duke onto the announce table.  They return to the ring and Oba marches into the power bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Oba Femi (retains championship)

We go to Brooks Jensen and Josh Brigges walking outside the building, with a lot of wrestlers milling about. Josh tells Brooks that he is lost.  Brooks says he is clear of his purpose and he wants to face Josh next week.  Josh doesn't want to do it and Brooks wants a no disqualification match.

Brooks's ride has arrived and he leaves.

We go to credits.

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