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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-05 21:58:00

Your announcers are Corey Graves and Wade Barrett.

We see Kevin Owens, Randy Orton, and Cody Rhodes walking in the back.

Raw's Jey Uso makes his way to the ring.

Jey say he is in your city.  Jey says Money in the Bank is tomorrow night.  He wants the people to Yeet if they think he will win tomorrow.

Before we can get more yeeting, a Smackdown wrestler in the match, LA Knight makes his way to the ring.

Knight wants to talk at you.  He says he likes how Jey asked everyone if they wanted him to win.  Knight says Jey might be the favorite and that is crazy.  A year ago, he was the favorite going into the match.  Knight says he has all of the respect in the world because Jey was part of the goofy Bloodline and you went on your own.  Knight says he will show Jey respect tomorrow by not showing him any.  They can all get stomped out.  He says Jey has not been on a ride like this.  You hear Yeet, but the crowd will be saying YEAH.

Carmelo Hayes makes it two for Smackdown and he comes out and says he hates to be that guy because he is that guy.  He Toronto doesn't want to hear all of that.  Hayes says the last time he saw Knight, he was so far up Logan Paul that he knows the new flavor.

Tying the score at two to two, Chad Gable makes his way to the ring.

Chad says he has been living in his own personal hell for the last three weeks.  He asks for some empathy after what has happened to him.  

Andrade interrupts and Smackdown goes up three to two.

Andrade tells everyone they are talking about their dream being Money in the Bank.  He says dreams don't win matches, especially a dangerous match like Money in the Bank . . .

Since there are six men in the match, the final man, Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring.

Drew says he expected better from Canada since they are part of the Commonwealth.  He says Punk isn't here but his family is here.  Drew says the violence he inflicted on Punk is what will happen to them if they get in his way tomorrow.  Drew wants to talk about his competition.  He mentions El Idiot.  Drew tells Chad he feels bad for him.  Drew tells Melo he has a bright future but you are not HIM.  You are looking up at HIM.  Drew tells Knight he will have to say NO tomorrow.  Drew asks how the hell did Jey get across the border.

Andrade attacks Drew from behind and kicks him to the floor.  Jey punches Hayes and Chad with a German suplex to Knight.  Andrade kicks Chad and Jey sends Andrade to the floor.  Drew with a back elbow to Jey.  Drew gets Jey up but Jey escapes and Knight and Jey pinball Drew and then send him over the top rope to the floor.

Jackie Redmond is in the back with Bayley.  She asks Bayley what does it take to win Money in the Bank and then cash in.  Bayley says it is one of the most brutal matches, but it is one of the most rewarding.  She says you have to stay focused.

Chelsea Green says Bayley's advice is as irrelevant as her.  Green says that Bayley wouldn't be champion if she wasn't banned from ringside against Piper.

Bayley tells Green to come back when she wins a match.

Piper attacks Bayley and Green says the next time Piper drops Bayley, Green will be there with the contract and she will be the next champion.

Bayley comes out of Nick Aldis' office.  Bayley tells Naomi she faces Piper tonight.  Naomi says she has Bayley's back tonight.

Match Number One:  Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford (with B Fab) versus Elton Prince and Kit Wilson

Ford and Elton start things off and Elton does the magic fingers.  Ford with a waist lock take down.  Ford with a waist lock take down despite Elton's attempts to grab the ropes.  Ford with another waist lock take down.  Kit tags in and Elton grabs the leg while Kit with a shoulder tackle.  Ford blocks a shoulder tackle and Ford with a hip toss.  Dawkins tags in and they hit a double hip toss for a near fall.  Elton blocks an Irish whip and Kit punches Dawkins and tags in Prince who punches Dawkins.  Dawkins avoids a splash and he connects with jabs.  Dawkins with a corkscrew back elbow and he knocks Kit down on the apron.  Dawkins with a twisting splash into the corner and an enzuigiri for a near fall.

Elton avoids a slam and Dawkins kicks Elton.  Kit drops Dawkins on the top rope and Elton with a kick.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Prince with a front face lock on Dawkins.  Dawkins with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Prince with a clothesline.  Prince with clotheslines in the corner followed by a forearm.  Prince misses a splash into the corner when Dawkins moves.  Kit tags in and he stops Dawkins.  Dawkins with punches and they bump heads and go down.  Elton and Ford tag in and Ford with forearms to the back.  Ford with a clothesline to Prince and a flapjack to Kit.  Ford lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and Ford with kicks and an enzuigiri.  Ford with a belly-to-back suplex to Prince followed by a moonsault for a near fall.  Ford goes up top and Prince with an uppercut to stop him.  Ford pushes Prince off the turnbuckles.

Dawkins makes the tag and Kit hits an Electric Chair superplex and Dawkins with a swanton to Kit for a near fall.  Prince is sent to the apron and he punches Elton.  Kit with a rollup for a near fall.  Dawkins POUNCES Kit into Elton to knock him off the apron.  Ford with a flip dive onto both men.  Dawkins with Sky High to Kit and Ford with a seven star frog splash for the three count.

Winners:  Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins

Austin and Grayson are in LOCKER ROOM and Theory wants to make sure they are on the same page.  Waller asks if he doesn't trust him.  They are undefeated.  Theory says he thought about what Johnny said.  Waller tells him not to worry.  He asks Theory how many titles he won with Johnny and that is zero.  You are a two time US Champion, you beat John Cena, and you are a tag team champion.  

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at what happened to Paul Heyman last week.

Match Number Two:  Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell versus Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair

Jade sends Indi to the mat and Jade hits a super kick.  Candice tags in and Candice with a rollup and Indi with a kick.  Candice gets a near fall and she connects with forearms.  Indi tags in and drops Candice on Jade to get a near fall.  Indi with an arm bar.  Jade with forearms and Indi with a forearm of her own.  Indi poses like Jade and punches her.  Indi with an arm bar.  Jade with forearms and she tries to make the tag.  Both women with boots at the same time and they go down.  Bianca and Candice tag in and Bianca with shoulder tackles and a drop kick.  Bianca with a suplex to Candice and she hits a running shoulder into the corner.  Bianca with punhes from the turnbuckles and she flips over Indi when she senses her presence.  Bianca with a spinebuster to Indi.  Candice with a kick to Bianca.  Bianca blocks a head scissors off the turnbuckles and hits a power bomb.  Bianca with a handspring moonsault for a near fall.

Jade tags in and Indi grabs Bianca by the braid and pulls her into the turnbuckles.  Candice with a rollup for a near fall.  Candice with a drop kick but Jade with a bicycle kick.  Bianca with KOD to Indi while Jade hits Jaded on Candice for the three count.

Winners:  Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

Cathy Kelley is in the ring with Bianca and Jade and asks if this helps them get back on track.  Bianca says they have gone through a lot and they are going to win the titles back.  Jade thanks Isla and Alba thanks for keeping them warm.  They are coming for the titles and they will see Isla and Alba soon.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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